Former celebrity couple Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez just cannot seem to stop talking each other.
Jelena fans will never forget their oh-so public love affair, and apparently neither will Justin.
Their three year on-again, off-again romance became the subject of 21-year old Justin’s interview with Complex magazine. The singer says that their relationship was a “marriage kind of thing”.
The pair started going out in 2011, and moved in together not long after. Justin said that that level of commitment at his young age was too much, but he says: “we were so in lone. Nothing else mattered.”
The dependence was something which Justin now says was potentially damaging to him:
“Your full identity can’t be in that person. My identity was in her. Her identity was in me.
When stuff would happen, I would lose my freakin’ mind, and she would lose her mind, and we would fight so hard because we were so invested in each other.”
Now the Biebs explains that he can’t lean on other people, but he did hint at having a new love interest in his life- who is apparently nothing like Selena.
“I’m kind of seeing this girl, right?” he told Complex. “I’m shy about doing or saying certain things, and then I say it and it’s not even a problem. And I’ll remember when I couldn’t.”
He went on to say he feels “scarred” from his previous relationship and is afraid of doing certain things because, he explains: “in your last relationship they’d freak out.”
Justin also talked about some the past mistakes he made which led him into some legal trouble. He says that like many 20 year olds hhe was “just rebelling a little bit.”
However, he did note that some of his antics could have had some life-threatening consequences:
“I was doing anything. I was doing so many things that I shouldn’t even be on the planet still,” he said, “I think that it was by the grace of God.”