‘Never meet your idol’ Irish fan hits back after being snubbed by Biebs
So, as we all know, Justin Bieber is currently on the Irish leg of his Purpose World Tour.
And while you might assume he'd spend the weekend holed up in his hotel preparing his vocal chords, he was in actual fact topping up his tan in a Grafton Street salon.
After spotting the Canadian star, one Dublin fan decided to ask for a quick photograph… and let's just say it didn't go to plan.
Ignored by the Love Yourself singer on the busy Dublin street, Keith Casey was told repeatedly by the Bieb's bodyguard to give it up, and it sounds like a lot of the general public is with Biebs on this one.
After suggesting that he should have taken no for an answer the first time around, Keith responded to criticism on Instagram.
"For all the negative comments, I was not following Justin Bieber around Dublin! I actually have a life," he began.
"I had finished work and decided to do a sunbed, on my way down the stairs a big black dude (bodyguard) passed me and two seconds later Justin Bieber," Keith explained.
"Once it sank in as to who I just brushed shoulders with I stood outside waiting to ask him for a photo. I was the ony one who knew he was in there and on Grafton St!"
While Keith commended the star's security, he wasn't as complimentary when it came to Biebs himself.
"Justin got aggressive as you can see in my video. No need for it," Keith wrote. "My sister camped outside Ticketmaster for 24 hours to get a ticket to his show and this is is his attitude."
Well Justin, you've only gone and done it now.