DRUNKEN Lamar Odom removed from flight after vomiting on plane
Lamar Odom was reportedly removed from a Delta Airlines flight last night after getting drunk in the airport lounge and then vomiting on a plane.
According to TMZ, the former pro-basketballer was seen “pounding down” beer and whiskey in LAX’s Delta Lounge before drunkenly boarding a New York-bound flight.
Passengers on the plane reportedly saw Lamar vomiting in the aircraft’s kitchen area before making his way to the toilet where he continued to throw up with the door open.
Lamar – who has a history of drug and alcohol abuse – was then escorted off the plane by staff before returning to his seat again ten minutes later.
Shortly afterwards the athlete got up again to go to the bathroom, before being removed from the plane for a second and final time.
The fight eventually took off without Lamar and safely arrived in NYC 40 minutes later than scheduled.
The incident occurred the same day it was reported that Lamar’s ex Khloé Kardashian has kicked him out of the Calabasas mansion she was renting for him so he could recover from last year's near fatal overdose.
In May the reality star filed for divorce from Lamar for the second time.
Centre images: Getty