The 7 most irritating Instagram posts ever
Instagram is a place to look good, that much is obvious (hello, filters?!) However, there are those choice few who just take it TOO FAR. Consider yourself blocked.
1. Airport Check-in
It's jealousy, so what.
2. Juice Diets
Ooh, you're just sooooo healthy. Damn it, where's the Dairy Milk?!
3. Healthy Foods
#paleo #cleanliving #glutenfree #fitspo #healthyliving – #youaresoannoyingcanyoupleasestopdoingthisthanks. Unless you are blogging, or have a purpose behind this, no one cares if you went to the gym, you’re eating healthily or you made the most delicious paleo brownies.
4. #nofilter
We get it. You are not just good looking, you are good looking enough to not use a filter. Congratulations! You have achieved more than you know. On a serious note, this hastag is painful.
5. Fake Quotes
Finding a quote in a meme or finding one in Google images doesn’t necessarily mean it is true. Some of the Marilyn Monroe and Brigitte Bardot quotes people post, they have never said.
6. Work-Out Selfies
Oh no, you forget to tell the world you were going to the gym, what will you do now? For some reason some fellow Instagrammers out there feel they should let the world know every time they are in the gym. Whether it is on the treadmill, in the locker room or lifting weights, you just have to show people.
7. Couple Selfies
It can be cute if done tastefully but we do not want to see you sticking your tongue down your fella's throat!