Sorted! The lazy gal’s top guide for TRICKING yourself into exercise
We're only four days into the New Year, and we're already feeling like a big, old bunch of failures.
The brisk New Year's Day walk turned into the twitchy New Year's Day slump, the overhaul of the fridge turned into the final binge on Christmas goodies, and the shopping trip for gym wear became the random splurge on cheapo pyjamas (because they're all that actually fit us right now.)
If you're determined to get fit this year, but genuinely can't see yourself sticking to a regimented gym schedule, then you may benefit from certain tips and tricks which will help you exercise without, you know, totally committing…
1. Take the stairs
Yes, it's an age-old recommendation, but it's stuck around for a reason.
If you find yourself taking a lift at least once or twice a day, then there's no reason why you shouldn't use the stairs on those occasions.
Opting for the stairs over a lift or escalator will become second-nature after a couple of weeks.
2. Get off one stop early
If you had plans to hit the gym after work, but can't see yourself taking the plunge, why not get off your train, bus or Luas a stop or two early and make up the distance?
The worst thing about ditching the gym is how guilty you feel afterwards, so assuage that ASAP by going the extra distance on your commute home.
If it's raining, you do have our permission to ditch that idea, however.
3. Schedule your squats
Squatting is one of the best exercises you can do for trimming down and toning up, and the best part is you can do them anywhere at any time (within reason obvs.)
So, why not coincide a squat session in the comfort of your own home while getting your Netflix binge on?
No one is expecting you to squat through an entire episode of Narcos, but nothing's stopping you from getting low for as long as you can once the episode starts, and attempting to beat your record next time.
4. Team up with a mate
As Carrie Bradshaw once said, "Let's gossip to increase our heart rates."
Meeting a friend for a 60-minute walk where you can catch up and put the world to rights is the simplest way to exercise without even realising it.
Time flies when you're bitching about that one from the Christmas party.
5. Arm yourself with an app
If there's anything that helps pick up our day, it's a really good app.
And thankfully for the gym-phobic among us, there are oodles out there which will help you to exercise without feeling like you're sacrificing your down-time.
Zombies, Run! Fitnet, and Yoga Wake Up are just three of our favourites.