The wait is over: We’re loving Irish celebs’ #LeavingCert reactions
Students all over the country received their Leaving Cert results this morning, the culmination of 14 long years of schooling.
The dreaded LC is still imprinted on the memory of every former student as one of THE most stressful and bizarre life events there is. Twitter has been awash with messages of good luck, commiseration and celebration all morning, with Irish celebs joining in the banter too.
Here are some of our favourite tweets so far:
1. The Kodaline lads kept it simple…
Best of luck every getting their results! You'll be grand! #LeavingCert
— Kodaline (@Kodaline) August 12, 2015
2. Eleanor Tiernan had these 'reassuring' words…
Don't worry if you flunked the #LeavingCert. I did really well and twenty years later i still have clothes with holes in them.
— Eleanor Tiernan (@eleanortiernan) August 12, 2015
3. Whatever the result, you can wave bye-bye to (generally) useless information about rock formation – hurrah!
#LeavingCert Whether you get 6 A1s or 6 D3's or fail the Lot. Take comfort in never having to remember how an oxbow lake was formed.
— Walking On Cars (@WalkingOnCars) August 12, 2015
4. Ian Dempsey is very *down with the kids*
Leaving Cert Morning in Emojis. 7am 7:30am 8am 8:30am 9am 10pm #LeavingCert #GoodLuck
— Ian Dempsey (@IanDempsey) August 12, 2015
5. Words of wisdom from Chris Greene
Ya know , the leaving cert isn't everything. Just look at [incredibly rare 1 in a million entrepreneur] he dropped out of school and blahblh
— Chris Greene (@HateChrisGreene) August 11, 2015
6. Aw, you're making us all weepy, Síle Seoige
Life is full of experiences. The #LeavingCert is just one. pic.twitter.com/IQTQvWqIit
— Síle Seoige (@SileSeoige) August 12, 2015
7. Trust Dustin to bring the tone down…
I hope Denis O'Brien's lawyers got the points they hoped for today. #leavingcertresults
— Dustin The Turkey (@DustinOfficial) August 12, 2015
8. Ronan O'Gara is onto you. He has you sussed.
With the new LC results anyone hanging around the schools has nailed it and looking for . Others are at home after looking up online!!!
— Ronan O Gara (@RonanOGara10) August 12, 2015