Can’t decide? What we’re giving up for Lent at SHEmazing HQ
Lent is coinciding with Valentine's Day this year, so we're all giving up our boyfriends and girlfriends, obviously.
Just kidding – while Lent may seem like and outdated religious practice to many, it's an excellent opportunity to take the time to start something you've always wanted to do, whether that's starting to learn a new language or finally joining that yoga class.
It's also a time for trying to break old vices, be that smoking, over-heat processing our hair or texting back f*ckboys.
Here's what we're giving up and taking on this Lent at SHEmazing HQ:
'Asides from the fact that I'm giving up all jellies (not chocolate, because otherwise, what's the point of life really?), I am going to try give up worrying so much.'
'I was born a worrier. I worry about everything – things that happened, things that happened yesterday, things that haven't happened yet – it's exhausting; I'm exhausted from it.'
'Self-care usually makes me roll my eyes but it's nice to practice what you preach every now and again. I always tell others never to stress and it'd be nice if I could give myself a bit of a break in the process.' – Jennifer McShane, Mummy Pages Editor
'I'm gonna give up pasta, and I will probably live to regret it.'
'I eat pasta at LEAST four times a week, so it'll be some challenge.' – Rebecca O'Keefe, SHEmazing Editor
'I tend not to even entertain the idea self deprivation as "I can resist anything but temptation" (nice one Oscar Wilde) so instead I plan on getting up off my obnoxiously comfortable sofa, fling open the curtains and embrace the outside world.'
'Be it weekend jaunts up hills or rambles through woods or just having a child and technology free hour to myself to sip coffee and embrace my inner flâneur.' – Kate Dwyer, Graphic Designer at Sheology Digital
'I'm planning on taking up something, rather than giving something else up. Being cruelty free is really important to me, be it in my diet or in beauty products.'
'I've been slowly trying to transition to veganism for a few months now, and I think Lent is the perfect excuse to start being really conscious about the choices I make when it comes to buying foods that use animal by-products.
I'd love to be eating completely vegan by the end of the forty days of Lent, so here's to hoping.' – Sarah Magliocco, journalist at SHEmazing.
'Right, so I'm giving up clutter.'
'My aim is to throw out/re-purpose/give away something every day for lent. Hopefully it'll encourage me to do that massive clear-out I've been telling myself I needed to do for ages.'
'Simplifying for 2018.' – Katie Meegan, journalist at Magic Mum
'I'm making a new habit of not partaking in unnecessary spending.'
'Sure, fancy coffees and over-priced brunch dates are great, but I'd rather save my pennies and splurge on a weekend away.'
'Madrid is calling, and it sounds a lot better than overpriced eggs benedict.' – Lauren Nolan, journalist at SHEmazing