We’ve gathered the GASSEST Galentine’s memes on the internet
Ah, Galentine's Day. Our saviour from the horrors of Valentine's Day, AKA the only day of the year where showing love and men being romantic is socially acceptable.
Whether companies are using female friendships as a marketing tool or not is a WHOLE other discussion.
For now, we're just gonna bring Leslie Knope vibes for 2019's Galentine's Day, which falls the day before Valentine's Day, and celebrates the power of galpals.
Of course, you don't need to be single to celebrate the special day that is Galentine's; You can snatch all them sexy roses from your boo and high five your ladypals at the same time.
1. Channelling the OG Renaissance Romantics:
Happy #GalentinesDay everyone! Don't forget the real meaning of the holiday, which is not only about uplifting your best girlfriends but coming together as women to drown men and have great hair pic.twitter.com/A7g06btUtw
— Dr Melissa Gustin(@Hosmeriana) February 13, 2019
2. Spreading those holidays around for the gals:
petition to have a christmas equivalent of galentine’s day but we call it sismas and u get w all ur girls and do christmasy things
— erma thurman (Pulp Fiction, 1994) (@WhereIsEmma) December 23, 2018
3. Don't forget, there are SO many alternatives to the most romantic day of the year:
Valentines Day: Alternatives by @allontheboard Happy #GalentinesDay to the #girls today and if you’re not a fan of #ValentinesDay here’s some alternatives for you. #ValentinesDay2019 #Galentines #friends #Love #HartsValentinesDay #WednesdayWisdom #wednesdaythoughts #LoveIs pic.twitter.com/SMlPER0SrY
— All on the board (@allontheboard) February 13, 2019
4. Valentine or Valentino Day though? Respect fashion, innit:
Valentino— (@alexander_olly) February 13, 2019
5. Honestly, we prefer a Valentine's pupper instead of a rose:
6. Broke girl hacks:
Save money this Valentine's Day by being unlovable
—(@Sorrowscopes) February 13, 2019
7. Real-talk, stay in school kids:
“what are you doing on valentine’s day?”
i’m going to school it’s a thursday lol
8. Marriage vibes:
It’s almost Valentine’s day. I wonder what my wife and I will argue about this year.
— (@fu_dad) February 13, 2019
if u don’t have a valentine this year just remember it means ur too pretty for anyone
— (@milkygoddess) February 12, 2019
10. Life hack:
every day is galentine's day if you're doing a good enough job ignoring the existence of men
— (@rachie_claire) February 13, 2018
11. Sending respect to the new Queen of Both Being Single and Releasing Smash Singles, Ari:
happy galentine's day to all my ladies but especially @ArianaGrande
— (@searchfornargls) February 13, 2019
12. The OG Leslie Knope is of, course, a feature in our memes this Galentine's Day:
How are you celebrating today, you noble & poetic land mermaids? pic.twitter.com/WUKxarDi4F— happy galentine's day!out of context parks (@nocontextpawnee) February 13, 2019
13. Don't forget all those marytrs who died for their fellow femalez:
happy galentine’s day to each and every teen girl martyr pic.twitter.com/mMcLoFjw8a
— Catherine Addington (@caddington11) February 13, 2019
14. Get the coin, not the groin:
happy galentine’s day pic.twitter.com/1cG8wr30PU
— (@whackkat) February 13, 2018
15. The TEMERITY, how dare they?
it is galentine's day and yet i see men have still elected to leave their homes today and commute to work among us?? the disrespect
— emma lord (@dilemmalord) February 13, 2018
16. Google needs to get it's sh*t together:
Very offended that Google Calendar doesn’t believe in my GALENTINE’S Day plans. pic.twitter.com/vyN2iD9CIY
— Alyssa Cicero (@alyssacicero) January 20, 2019
17. Humpback whales have BFFs too, they probably chat about trashy boys and online shop together too…
Happy #GalentinesDay! Did you know that female humpback whales have best friends? pic.twitter.com/of8Oar8xnr
— Oceana (@oceana) February 13, 2019
18. Wine + lady friendships + female empowerment = JOY.
This is called Galentine's day and I highly recommend it https://t.co/UstzWuz3WG
— (@Jalexandria22) January 20, 2018
19. Lets get SPOOKY:
Y’all I know Galentine’s Day is great and all but Galloween is the next move: girls and gays spooky events only this year
— (@OliviaHyde21) September 19, 2018
20. The eternal struggle:
Galentine’s Day is lovely and all but it still requires you to like people.
— Ali Spagnola (@alispagnola) February 14, 2018
We gotta make Leslie Knope proud, ladies.
She deserves it for inventing this incredibly special day, but don't forget to show love to the women in your life 24 hours a DAY, are we right?
Feature image: LAist