This husky saved a kittens life and now they’re both BEST FRIENDS
We kinda can't deal with this because it's just TOO cute.
Rosie, the kitten, was only three-weeks-old and when found, she was abandoned and close to death.
Lilothehusky wrote on Instagram: "She almost didn't make it through the first night.
"She was lethargic and limp. So we decided to go out on a limb and let her cuddle extensively with Lilo.
"By some miracle… Lilo went full 'mom mode'."
And since then, Rosie has been healthy and well, and has made new husky friends. She even goes on ski trips with the gang.
"Lilo has never had puppies of her own, and never will. But motherhood may just be her calling."
We can't handle the cuteness here, guys!