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lip fillers

An advert for lip fillers created by The Royal Tunbridge Wells Skin Clinic (RTWSkin) has been banned for supposedly encouraging young girls "irresponsibly" to get the cosmetic procedure.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) suggest that the ad insinuated that getting lip fillers are now "commonplace as getting your hair done", according to The Independent.

The advert, ran in Index Magazine, was targeted at young women and has been removed for normalising and presenting the cosmetic procedure as safe.


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The ad read "Is your daughter taking an interest in lip fillers?" and claimed that the procedure was as common as a haircut.

RTWSkin director John Sheffield stated his surprise at the decision of the ASA to ban the advert; "I'm shocked at the attitude and conclusions". The ad drew complaints in October when it initially ran.

It stated: "Dermal fillers are very quickly becoming as commonplace as getting your hair done these days and even more so within the younger age group." It also wrote that mothers often bring their daughters in for the fillers.

It implied that parents are searching to "find somewhere safe and suitable" for their children's treatment, instead of saying no and pushing their daughters or sons to "go behind their backs, blindly searching for the cheapest practitioner without realising the risks".

According to the ASA, the ad made the impression that risks of lip fillers were associated only with unsuitable practitioners, and failed to illustrate the common risks of the surgery even with an experienced surgeon.

It added: "By presenting lip fillers as normal and safe… and something that responsible parents should support, the ad was irresponsible."

RTWSkin are claiming that a 20-year-old staff member wrote the ad, so was consulted about young women and their desire for altering their image.


A post shared by rtwskin (@rtwskin) on In a statement to the ASA, she stated her peer group was "vulnerable to the messages put out by reality TV shows and social media", and believed education and discussion of the topic was vital considering the amount of negative treatments being issued elsewhere.

Mr Sheffield said "many" young women and men attended the free consultation as a result of the ad, and about 30 percent of these people went for treatment. 

"In the vast majority of cases, we were able to satisfy the person that they did not need this procedure."

"We have received several commendations for our efforts to educate and were really quite shocked at the attitude and conclusions of the ASA."



Getting lip fillers has become a front-and-centre kind thing in the media, thanks to celebs like Kylie Jenner and Megan Barton Hanson being vocal about using them.

While there are zillions of clinics and aestheticians that can safely give you a fuller pout, there are just as many places that will put yourself at massive risk.

And no-one wants that.

Irish clinic Consultant Clinic, which also has clinics in Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, and London, has taken to social media to blast people choosing non-medics to get lip fillers – and the results are scary. 


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They uploaded snaps of the treatment-gone-wrong (which should be avoided for if you're in ANY way squeamish) and told teh story of a woman who wanted to get her lips done for a wedding but went to a beautician to get them, in a non-clinical home setting.

They wrote, '' We post for public interest and your safety and information – to make you aware of exactly what risks you're taking by choosing a non medic as your injector. The beautician, couldn't have done a better job of an intravascular injection if she had tried, and blocked off her arterial supply, by injecting a huge blob of filler into the vessel, starving it of oxygen and life.''

The horrifying story continued, ''The lips became ischaemic, and were agony. The tissue of her lip rapidly died and rotted on her face, and yes you can see correctly – actually FELL OFF.''

The Clinic does say that this can happen with even highly trained practitioners but the fact that the doctor didn't recognising ischaemia and necrosis is dangerous. 


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The post continued, ''Is this a risk you really want to take with your face, the essence of your identity and self-esteem? Thank you so much to the lovely @dr.alaa_aref for allowing us to use her images, and for helping to raise awareness.''

People were horrified by this tale and took to the comments to say so. 

One said, ''This is terrible! Frustrating to see such poor injecting, poor understanding of anatomy and poor management (or non existent rather) of a serious complication! We need some serious regulation in this industry!''

While another wrote, ''This is so, so heartbreaking. I can’t imagine what she’s feeling now. I really hope there’s a way out through surgery and that the practitioner gets held accountable for this.''

Take this as a major warning – if you're going for this type of procedure research you will be messing wth your face BEFORE you have it done because the alterative is so not worth it. 



The first time I got lip fillers, it was in the height of the post Kylie Jenner era, when the makeup mogul was renowned for capitalising on her penchant for an aesthetician's assistance. 

For most of us mere mortals who have sought the assistance of the aestheticians needle, it's about creating an adjustment that makes you look (in your mind) better, rather than turning you into a celebrity Doppelganger.

While the Kardashians may have catapulted fillers into the lime light, people have been utilising them for decades to make tweaks to their faces, bringing them more in line with what humans scientifically consider ideal beauty – which all comes down to youth and symmetry.  


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With the popularity of injectables remaining high, despite the 'Kylie Jenner effect' losing it's power over the beauty standards of the nation, it's essential that the women (and men) of Ireland who seek to boost their pouts have a same and specialised environment in which to do so. 

Late last year, Thérapie Clinic launched a brand new, city centre clinic that exclusively offers injectable treatments – while their other clinics also offer hair removal and skin procedures, the newly opened South William Street Clinic has a strict focus on creating facial perfection through injectables like botox. 

Having an unashamed fondness for filler myself, I decided that for my next treatment under the needle, I would scope out Thérapie's new offering 


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As well as injectable treatments, skincare puritans can snap up at-home products from Environ, Murad and Image – and on arrival at the new clinic, you're instantly greeted by a glossy wall unit showcasing the best that Irish skincare has to offer. 

Guided through to the waiting room after checking in at the podium desk, where I was greeted by an exceptionally friendly woman who had an impressive amount of positive energy for 6pm in the evening, the decor was stylishly bright and minimalist. 

While waiting, I helped myself to the cucumber infused water-pitcher on the table, before I was quickly whisked away to one of the consultation rooms. If you have had fillers before, you will be well versed in the form-reading and box ticking portion of the event, but in case you're not: As lip fillers require medically trained application, there are a few health and lifestyle forms to fill out, as well as a general form for the clinic's records. You will be asked to write down your expectations of results, whether you are pregnant and what injectables you have had previously, as well as a selection of other questions. If you're a first timer, don't worry, at Thérapie one of the gorge gals who keep things running is on hand to answer any queries you have about the forms in a private consultation room. 


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After the forms, I was escorted into the procedure room, where I was greeted by Dr Rua, who's glowing-from-within complexion is probably the best advertisement I've ever seen for good quality skincare. 

We chatted about what kind of look I wanted to achieve, before she discussed what would be realistic for my face. Her goal is for each of her patients to leave looking fresh and lifted, rather than over-done or with lips or cheeks that are detectably 'filled.' 

We settled on a full ml of Juvaderm filler – some patients have unrealistic expectations with the amounts of filler that can be used. A reputable aesthetician will use no more than 1-2mls maximum in the lips at one time, depending on the person. More than that, and it's impossible for even the expert administrator to predict what the final look will be. 

Fillers and botox should only ever be administered by a registered dentist, doctor or nurse – and unskilled hand delivering injectables can cause havoc by hitting one of the tiny veins or arteries in the massive network or vessels which reside in the lips and face. With fillers like Juvaderm available to purchase on the internet, it' vital to make sure the technician you are seeing is registered and had a medical background. 

I've previously had 1 and half mls of Restylane filler in my lips (1ml injected first, then another half months later) so Dr Rua first needed to assess where that product sat in my lips before deciding where she would be sculpting and adding volume. 


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One week after the procedure – still very swollen but healed

The numbing cream had been applied in the consultation room, and once I was comfortably lying back in the chair, she set to work. I find fillers quite painful, but Dr Rua was exceptionally gentle, and chatted to me throughout, making the entire process go by much faster. I have asymmetry in my lips, with one side of my top lip being thinner than the other side – a feature I've covered up with lip liner for many years, and Dr Rua aimed to correct that asymmetry as well as making the lips bigger.

As soon as we were done, I was handed the mirror to take a peek at my improved lips – and I was honestly floored at the results. Through the slight redness and swelling, I could instantly see that there was a subtle but perfectly executed difference in my lips. They were balanced and pouty without being bee-stung. 

Costing between €200 and €300, lip fillers are definitely costly, but worth it in my books. 


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Before any lip fillers

I was given plenty of aftercare instructions, and was warned that there was a chance of further swelling and bruising. I also had picked up the IMAGE Skincare Ormedic Balancing Lip Complex, which helps after lip fillers to replenish moisture and enhance the results. 

I slept slightly elevated that night, as I experienced some serious swelling int he hours after my procedure, with the side of my lip we had focused more heavily on to correct the asymmetry becoming more swollen as a response. 

In the aftermath, it took about two weeks for my lips to fully settle, which is to be expected, and once the asymmetrical swelling had subdued, revealed underneath was a pair of perfectly balanced and strikingly full lips (if I may say so myself). 

I opted in for a follow-up appointment with Dr Rua a few weeks later, and after an examination, she couldn't have been happier with the results (same, gal).

Discussing the beauty standards that has led so many women to going under the needle, Dr Rua explained that many women think they need far more work done than they really do: 'When you ask a girl to rate her facial beauty, she will always say a 5 or a 6.'

However, when you really look at someone's face, they may only want for one tiny tweak here or a small lift there, so they're actually coming into the clinic an 8, and leave looking and feeling like what a 10 means to them.

As beauty is subjective and not everyone prescribes to the same standards or aesthetic 'look,' the goal at Thérapie Clinic is not to create a sea of homogenous 'Instagram-perfect' faces, but to improve and hone the natural beauty everyone already has – which is why I'm already scheduled back in for a top up. 



While facial cosmetic procedures may seem extreme to some, new research shows that Irish people are having more and more aesthetic work done – as long as the enhancement comes from the end of a needle.

Social media saturation, heightened self awareness of our own image and selfies are all being blamed for the trend in botox and lip fillers, which has seen a massive spike on Irish shores

According to new research from Thérapie Clinic, the majority of Irish people already have or would consider getting Botox or fillers, a whopping 68%.


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A further 1 in 10 (11%) say they have actually already had Botox or fillers.

This is a massive doubling of procedures over a three year period, as Thérapie Clinic's research in 2015 found that only 5% of people had filler or Botox work done.

'The research we have conducted has shown that, across Ireland, people are becoming increasingly inclined towards the use of Botox and fillers and less inclined towards feeling ashamed or stigmatised for getting these treatments,' said Thérapie Clinic Medical Director, Dr. Paul Reddy.

'Botox and fillers may not be for everyone, but for some people, these treatments can make a real positive impact to a person’s self-image and confidence.'


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A further 60% said that they knew or suspected that a friend or colleague had had fillers or botox.

A huge factor when it comes to aesthetic work for Irish people is the reputation of the clinic. 96% would only consider a reputable clinic for getting work done.

Nurses should be registered with the Nursing And Midwifery Board Of Ireland(NMBI), dentists with The Irish Dental Council (IDC) and doctors with The Irish Medical Council.



Kylie Jenner, the indisputable driver of the lip filler trend, recently announced on Instagram that she has gotten rid of all of her fillers. 

After rocking a pillowy pout since she was just 17, it seems that the new mum grew weary of her extreme lip look.

When Kylie first debuted her plumper pout, interest in the lip filler procedure skyrocketed, and the number of people going under the needle to obtain bigger lips has increased year on year in the three years since. 


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In the past, she admitted that she might have gotten carried away with the injections.

“When you first get them done, you’re like, ‘Oh, it could be a little bit bigger on that side.’ I’d go back and be like, ‘They went down’ and think they could be bigger. But I went too far.”

 Celebrity culture takes a lot of responsibility for the trend, and Kylie and the rest of the Kardashian-Jenners in particular, but I don't accept that everyone getting lip fillers is getting them based on a celebrity trend. 


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 Rake me across the coals, but I have lip fillers – and Kylie Jenner definitely wasn't my inspiration. 

I feel like putting an aesthetic procedure down to a celebrity endorsement takes the autonomy away from the patient. 

For me, I had always felt like my features lacked balance, having bigger eyes, wider cheekbones and a big nose, and teeny mouth.

I wanted even proportions throughout my features, and lip fillers seemed like a good place to start. I wasn't chasing Instagram perfection or Kardashian aesthetics. 


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Aesthetic procedures are admittedly performed for the wrong reasons on occasion. 

April Kavanagh of Nursecare Aesthetics, turns away young girls everyday who come to her practice brandishing photos of Kylie Jenner's Instagram.

'They absolutely have unrealistic expectations because of Kylie Jenner, They come in looking for a half ml of filler expecting to look bee-stung,' she told SHEmazing last year. 

However, I think these are the outlier cases, those who do hold reality TV stars up on golden pedestals who would do anything to emulate the look. 


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For most of us mere mortals who have sought the assistance of the aestheticians needle, it's about creating an adjustment that makes you look (in your mind) better, rather than turning you into a celebrity Doppelganger. 

'Lip fillers are not a bad thing," adds Kerry Hannaphy, who has worked on numerous clients in her South William Street clinic looking for a subtle improvement in lip volume or symmetry. 

"I've had numerous emails about how it's improved the confidence of people, they feel so much better about themselves and they don't feel so depressed."

"It's aesthetics, so you look better, it's not about changing your features."


Kylie Jenner was the talk of Tinsel Town when, aged 16, she went under the aesthetician's needle and opted to plump her pout with some lip fillers. 

As the Kardashian's worst-kept secret. Kylie's filler work quickly came to light, and prompted a huge upsurge in the popularity of the procedure. 

Last month, Kylie created a stir once again when she took to Instagram sans filler, saying she had had her filler dissolved.

Since, Kylie has appeared with new fillers, and while it's now no secret that she has them, no one knows the exact process and story behind how she got them. 

She previously cited her lips as an insecurity of hers, and in a recent tweet, told fans that she will be releasing a vlog about her experiences. 

However, when we can expect this video is still a mystery. 


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Kylie is editing the video herself, she revealed.

'The vlog is just a whole mess & I’ve been the busiest I’ve everrrr been. I’m editing myself. It’s about my whole lip filler journey. I hope it comes out soon,' she tweeted. 

With Kylie being a new Mum and enjoying her 21st birthday celebrations, we may be waiting a while. 


Kylie Jenner is known for many things. 

Her lip gloss range, her reality TV show, the fact that she's part of one of the most famous showbiz families on the planet…oh and her now-iconic full pout. 

While she initially denied having anything done to her lips, she admitted all in 2017 on her show Life of Kylie

She told Complex magazine at the time that, ''it has been an insecurity of mine all my life. I felt like no one wanted to kiss me.”

Explaining why she had originally lied about the cosmetic work, she explained that she had panicked.

''What are all those moms going to think about me? These kids, my fans, they’re going to think I’m crazy. I didn't’ want to be a bad influence. I didn't’t want people to think you had to get your lips done to feel good about yourself.''

However, it seems that she has had a change of heart.


heat wave

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Taking to Instagram over the weekend, the 20-year-old revealed that her relationship with fillers was so done. 

She posted an image of herself with what looks like her old lips. 

Her 110 million followers were quick to notice, with some commenting, ''even more beautiful now you’ve took them out. Natural is beautiful'' and ''so totally beautiful …The natural look is so good.''


it’s our 8 year anniversary

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In the past, she admitted that she might have gotten carried away with the injections.

“When you first get them done, you’re like, ‘Oh, it could be a little bit bigger on that side.’ I’d go back and be like, ‘They went down’ and think they could be bigger. But I went too far.”

While people were purely speculating about the Insta snaps at first, Kylie then confirmed her different look by saying, ''I got rid of all my filler'' followed by worried emojis.

Kyle recently spoke about how her baby Stormi had not inherited her lips, but has big beautiful eyes. 

She told friend Jordyn Woods during a YouTube Q&A that, ''she has the biggest eyes ever. The one thing I was insecure about, she has. She has the most perfect lips in the whole entire world. She ain't get those from me. Thank her dad for those.''


Love Island has spawned many trends – whether it's blow drying your eyelash extensions or referring to yourself as a bombshell. 

However, one trend which has seen an uptick since the show started five weeks ago is the demand for fillers and botox.

It is widely speculated that the majority of Love Island's female contestants have had aesthetic work done – with Megan Barton Hanson being easily the most pursued woman in the villa and allegedly th most cosmetically enhanced. 

'We’ve seen a spike in enquiries for fillers and Botox over the past few weeks, our bookings have been rapidly filling up,' Thérapie Clinic Medical Director, Dr. Paul Reddy said, dubbing it the 'Love Island Effect.' 

'Since the show has aired we have easily seen an increase of 75% in enquiries about injectable treatments.'

'There has been a lot of speculation around the cast of Love Island and if they have or have not had fillers / Botox.'

Old photos of Megan recently resurfaced, with some aesthetic experts guessing that since the photos were taken, Megan has had Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty, Cheek Fillers and Lip Enhancement. 

'Since Megan entered the villa, we’ve had countless clients ask for lip fillers to get a similar look,' said Dr. Paul Reddy. 

'We’ve had many asking about Botox safety with upcoming holidays mentioning the show’s cast and how they would like to see similar results.'

'We always strive for natural results with our clients to assist them to increase their self-confidence when they work with our top class facial aesthetics team.'


One glance at social media proves that lip fillers are on the rise in Ireland, and a set of perfectly pouty lips is the most sought-after new accessory. 

However, with the rise in demand for the procedure, it is important to be completely informed about the cosmetic choice that you are making.

Here are 10 things to keep in mind before opting for the injection: 

10, Research your aesthetician

The action of administering lip fillers is a mostly unregulated practice in Ireland, meaning that anyone with access to a pack of filler and a cannula could hypothetically do it.

However, there are major risks involved with this, and only registered doctors, nurses and dentists should be administering the cosmetic procedure. 

"It angers me that people who aren't medically trained don't know what can go wrong with these procedures. I have had to correct lips that are the result of unethical practice," April Kavanagh, the trained nurse behind NurseCare Aesthetics, so ask to see credentials. 

Nurses should be registered with the Nursing And Midwifery Board Of Ireland (NMBI), dentists with The Irish Dental Council (IDC) and doctors with the Irish Medical Council

9. Don't think of it as just a beauty treatment

Lip fillers have become completely normalised thanks to social media and celebrity culture, but don't think of them as another chore to add to your beauty regimen. 

"Because fillers are available in beauty salons and hair dressing salons, it makes it look like these are beauty treatments when in fact they are medical procedures," said  Claudia McGloin, founder of The Claudia McGloin Clinic. 

8. Consider your budget

Properly applied lip fillers can cost anything from €300-€500, so ask yourself if you can really afford them. 


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7. Get informed about what they are made of

Lip fillers are made of a substance called Hyaluronic Acid (or HA), which naturally occurs in the body. 

The actual filler that is injected is a synthetic substance that mimics this, and can be found in plenty of beauty and skin care products.

The substance is very safe to use as it is naturally according, making allergy rates extremely low. 

6. Consider why you want them

"Lip injections are good for anyone who wants to alter their lip shape, or just plump their aging lips," Dr Richard Swift told Good Housekeeping.

However, plenty of girls come into lip aestheticians brandishing a photo of Kylie Jenner or their favourite social media influencer. While bringing a photo is fine, getting them for the wrong reasons is not. 

"I have absolutely turned away clients who want work done for the wrong reasons. Some people come in for a procedure, then call me up two weeks later looking to get more," said April. 

5. Watch videos of the process

Squeamish people, look out. 

The results of lip fillers may look pretty, but the procedure can involve small amounts of blood, multiple injections and an intense lip massage after the product is injected. 


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4. If a deal looks too good to be true…

If the price of a deal looks too good to be true, that's probably because it is. Beware of cosmetic cowboys. 

Untrained administrators can buy cheap filler off the internet on the international market with no clue what's really in the syringe. 

3. Consider your pain tolerance

Depending on your personal pain threshold, fillers can range from a mere pin prick to quite uncomfortable, though they should never be extremely painful.

The lips should feel slightly tender and swollen after, with and bruising or swelling disappearing after a week. 

2. If you ever get cold cores, read this!

Getting fillers can trigger a cold sore outbreak if you are prone. 

"If you are prone to cold sores whenever you have any treatment of the lips or surrounding area it may reactivate it," said Dr Tatiana Khrom, Dermatologic Surgeon, at Real Self.

"So you always have to inform your provider about your history so we can give you prophylactic treatment for the outbreak which usually involves taking a few antiviral pills."


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1. Don't be surgery-shamed

There seems to be a bit of secrecy among some influencers and celebs about the surgery status of their lips, but don't let anyone make you feel bad about seeking an aesthetic tweak.

"Lip fillers are not a bad thing," says Kerry Hannaphy, who has worked on numerous clients looking for a subtle improvement in lip volume or symmetry. 

"I've had numerous emails about how it's improved the confidence of people, they feel so much better about themselves and they don't feel so depressed."


With the rise of celebrity culture and affordable cosmetic procedures, demand for botox and lip fillers has seen a huge increase in Ireland over the past few years.

In fact, interest in the procedure is so high that surgeons at Cork University Hospital have discovered that Ireland comes out on top when it comes to the global number of online searches for lip fillers.

According to The Sunday Independent, the increased demand has led to a need for more cosmetic surgeons in Ireland.

The research also found a direct correlation between the number of people who searched for cosmetic procedures and the number of people who eventually got work done – meaning not only are we Irish thinking about lip fillers more than any other nation, but many of us are choosing to go ahead with the temporary enhancement.

If you do decide to get lip fillers, it is important to go to a licensed clinician, as cheap alternatives can lead to potentially dangerous results.

According to The Sun, Dublin-based cosmetic physician, Dr Patrick Treacy, said: “Young people are trying to copy these celebrities and I’ve even had a mother ask me to do the procedure on her 13-year-old daughter, obviously I said no.”

“They go to someone who has cheap fillers, or they order it off the internet which can be dangerous. They watch YouTube videos on how to do it and this can cause complications.”



Full, pouty lips have become a one of the most covetable facial features. Call it the Kylie Jenner effect.

While some of us choose to go down the cosmetic surgery route to achieve the perfect pout, one beauty blogger has a natural approach to achieving a voluminous lip look.

Taking the fate of her lips into her own hands, Farah Dhukai applied wasabi spice to provoke her pout into inflating. 


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The video has since racked up more than 6.2 million views in four days. 

"Natural lip fillers, get soft plump full lips without needles or sucking on cups or objects," promises the beauty blogger.

"As you may have noticed, I have VERY wrinkly lips and its cold AF in Toronto so now they're super dry too. This one trick is a great way to get plump lips that look like you've had fillers."


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"They'll be extremely soft, wrinkles will be filled in, they'll have a natural pink colour, and they'll be so plump ppl will think you've had them done."

The social media star, who already has over 4 million followers, is known for her DIY beauty inventions including clay hair masks and home brewed matcha skin cleanser.

While there is no scientific evidence that supports wasabi's pout plumping capabilities, it's a lot cheaper than fillers. Just make sure to do a patch test first. 


With their exaggerated curves and voluptuous lips, the Kardashian-Jenners are often accused of befriending Hollywood’s beloved plastic surgeons.

But while her entrepreneurial sister eventually admitted to making her famous pout “a little too big”, it seems Kendall Jenner’s journey towards cosmetic enhancement may only be beginning.

On Monday night, the model’s younger sibling uploaded a picture to Instagram in which Kendall’s lips appear far fuller than they have previously.


about to livestream on the Kylie Jenner Facebook!

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Fans were quick to pick up on the 21-year-old’s changed appearance and promptly concluded that she must have received lip fillers.

Many of the KUWTK star’s followers expressed disappointment over the alleged alteration and tweeted that they had hoped she would preserve her natural good looks.



A number of online commentators furthered this theory by suggesting Kendall deleted her Instagram account so she could quietly remove images which would prove her lips have changed.


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However, Kylie has since taken the blame for Kendall’s new look by telling her Snapchat followers that she overlined her sister’s lips before sharing the attention grabbing post.

“You guys, Kendall let me overline her lips today with lip liner and everyone thinks she got lip injections,” confessed the cosmetics guru.  “I’m sorry Kendall.”



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Mystery solved!
