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It's good to be single lots of the time, as much as it is to be in a relationship. But certain times in your life can be better when you're single. Maybe it's that you'll be away and miss them, or sometimes it's just to feel free. 

1. When You Want To Travel

Everyone claims that they want to travel the world, but few actually go out there and do it. It’s especially difficult to do if you’re in a relationship and your partner doesn’t see adventuring as being high on the list of priorities. When you’re single you have no one else’s feelings on the matter to take into consideration, just a plane ticket and hope.

2. On A Girls Holiday

There’s always that one poor relationship bound sap who spends their whole lads/ girls holiday desperately trying to avoid temptation, while watching their single friends clean up on action. It’s not that you even want to latch yourself face first on to the nearest possible target, it’s just that the choice to do so, is the best part of all. You’ll never know what tomorrow has in store when you’re a singleton, after all.

3. On Nights Out

Being single in a nightclub (Coppers, for example),  is what being single is all about. Getting ready, thinking about the night ahead, no jealous partner sitting at home texting you every few minutes. You’re free to flirt with, get drinks off and meet whomever you wish.

4. When You’re Studying

There’s no greater distraction than a relationship when you’re trying to get your head in the study game. You’re cramming months worth of crap into your head, when all you really want is to go and be loved up. The only option is to turn your phone off in the vague hope that they won’t distract you for twenty minutes. Alas, you can kiss all of these problems goodbye when you’re single. No love woes, no distractions, no problem.

5. During Your College Years

Being in college and being single is the perfect combination. Like tea and toast, eggs and bacon, cereal and milk (mmm…bacon). You’re free to experiment, meet new and interesting people, do whatever it is that you want to do. No long distance other half at home, crying down the phone to you. Bliss.

6. At A Festival

Couples at a festival are like a bad cold that you just can’t shift. One of them is most definitely there out of pure habit and both are trying to avoid an inevitable blow up from occurring. Being single at a festival means the freedom to go and see whatever band tickles your fancy, dancing until 6am if you feel like it and best of all, you’d never know who could end up in your tent…

7. During A Shopping Spree

Who wants to be that boyfriend? You know, the one who sits there with sixteen bags hanging off his arm, pained expression to boot, wishing he was anywhere else but here. 

8. During The World Cup

The world cup for anyone not interested in football, was like an extended bout of crippling stomach cramps. Horrific. Painful. Uncomfortable. All the single football hating beings out there got to avoid this painful time and for that they are eternally grateful.

9. When You See How Miserable Your ‘Loved Up’ Friends Are

There’s always a few couples who should clearly not be together, it’s as obvious as the sky is grey. Why they don’t break up is the burning question on everyone’s lips. Why would they, sure isn’t making everyone else around them uncomfortable the whole point of being in a relationship anyway? Rest assured that they spend 90% of the time looking at your carefree single life and crying internally. You’ve got it all.

via our content partner CT



With college about to start back in just a couple of weeks, and the new batch of freshers eagerly awaiting to set foot into their respective universities, here’s what you can expect in your first semester in college. Here’s 11 amazing things about starting college!

1. The beginning of your 20's
Your final years of being a teenager are upon you and your 20's are just about to begin. They say these are the best years of your life, and they’d be right! So make the most of them.

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2. Really getting into your dating life
College is where everyone really explores the opposite sex and starts seriously dating. As a teenager, you haven’t the most educated perception about the opposite sex and what you are looking for in a partner. Experience is key, so don’t settle down with the first person you lay your eyes on.

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3. Joining clubs and societies
Colleges have hundreds of different clubs and societies which cater for everyone’s interests, sports and hobbies. Getting involved is the best way to meet new people with similar interests as you and make new friends.

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4. Playing on a college sports team
College sports have teams at varying levels in all sorts of sports, for the serious athletes to the people who are just playing for a laugh. The inter-college games are fueled with added banter and competition which everyone loves to get involved in.

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5. You are your own boss
You won’t have to deal with teachers chasing you down for sick notes or asking why you haven’t completed your homework assignment anymore. You are the only person in control of you.

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6. Making lifelong friends
You’ll hang onto your college friends for life. They are there through your most formative years and most of the time you’ll share the same interests, as you all chose the same college/career path on your own.

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7. Day drinking on campus
You don’t have a bar on your school’s territory, but at college you’ve got at the very least, one bar where you can go and neck a cheap pint of Fosters before strolling into your lecture 20 minutes late. Or not. The choice is yours.

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8. Procrastinating your way to a college degree
Procrastination seems to be born and bred in college. The key is to acutely balance your workload and procrastination levels. Too much of one thing can tip the scales and leave you with a horrid college experience, so make sure you strike a good balance between the two.

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9. Studying something that you love
Unlike school, where you’re forced to study a bunch of subjects, some of which you’re inevitably going to hate, college life allows you to hone in on one specific arena which you are interested in and begin to develop your analytical skills in that area.

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10. Scrounging off your parents for another few years
Students and scrounginess beautifully intertwine with one another. Students are synonymous with drinking beer and living cheaply, and damn do they do it well!

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11. College nights out
College nights out are without a doubt the most insane and liveliest around. Enjoy them as much as you can because once you get a stable 9-5 job, you won’t be able to get started at 3pm on a Tuesday and head into work the next morning hangover-free.

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via our content partner CT



There are certain lies we were all told as children, but some of them were particularly bad, like these ones:

1. “The Dog Went To Live On A Farm.”
This one isn’t actually that cruel as lies go, because it saved our innocence for a few more years. In fairness, we did not need to think about the finality of death for a few more years. 

2. “Eating Carrots Can Help You See In The Dark.”
We ate those carrots like there was no tomorrow. Did we see in the dark? No, no we did not. 

3. “If You Cross Your Eyes They’ll Get Stuck Like That.”
We're still kind of afraid of this one…

4. “Cracking Your Knuckles Will Give You Arthritis.”
Some guy was so annoyed by this myth that he cracked the knuckles in his left hand twice a day for 60 years to see if there was any negative effects. Donald Unger, who lives in California, noticed absolutely no difference. And of course there’s other more substantial evidence to back up his conclusion.

Whenever i crack my knuckles. .

5. “If You Don’t Clean Behind Your Ears Potatoes Will Start To Grow.”
Gross. Gross. Gross. Scrub, scrub scrub!

6. “The Tooth Fairy Was Too Busy To Give You Money Last Night.”
No she wasn’t, you just forgot. Give us the money and stop blaming an innocent fairy!

7. “Bold Children Get A Sack Of Coal For Christmas.”
This was obviously an incentive to get you to behave on the lead up to Christmas, but getting a child a sack of coal for Christmas would just be so emotionally devastating, especially when all of their friends got a GameBoy. Did any parent ever follow through with this one? Oh, the humanity. 

8. “If You Sit Too Close To The TV Your Eyes Will Turn Square.”
I think most people watched too much TV when they were a kid. Actually most people watch too much TV regardless of how old they are. But while everyone should be outside more, how close you sit to the screen doesn’t really have any effect, and threatening us with square eyes is just cruel.

9. “It’s Not Going To Hurt, I Promise.”
Every trip to the doctor’s was preceded by this promise of no harm coming to you. Then the doctor whips out a gigantic needle and your whole world becomes a lie.

big needle. .. I was always afraid I'd Pop like a balloon from getting shots....Red Spray

10. “Okay, I’m Leaving Without You.”
This was the single most horrifying sentence and struck you right where it hurts. Please don't leave is. This is definitely why we have attachment issues. 

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11. “We’ll See.”
Translation: No. Never. Don’t ask me again.

12. “I’ll Only Be A Minute.”
The single biggest lie you were told as a child. Left in the car for anything up to an hour while you or one of your parents calls in to one of their friends’ houses to give them something or to collect something else, catching up on the last five years of their life while they do it.

via our content partner CT



There are many, many things you should apologise for in this life. Being a One Direction fan, standing up for Justin Bieber, thinking that kale tastes good. That said, there are a lot of things that you should never apologise for. Life is too short to worry about every single little thing. Here are the things that you should never apologise for:

1. Spending Your Hard Earned Cash

You’ve worked your little heart out for that money, why not go and treat yourself? After all, there are far too many savers in the world. You can’t bring the money with you when you die.Splurge and be happy. 

2. Letting Go Of Bad Relationships

You should never feel bad for leaving behind a bad relationship; whether it was a past love or a friend. If you’re miserable and dread seeing them every time, then it’s time to pack up the past and move forward.

3. Being Brutally Honest

There’s nothing wrong with telling someone some harsh home truths, from time to time. Whether it’s calling them out on their bad behavior or bad outfit choice, honesty can be refreshing from time to time, in this oh so two faced world.

4. Having A Lie In

Is there anything like waking up at 7am on a Saturday morning and realising you don't have to get up? Bliss…

5. Letting Loose Every Once In A While

Sometimes all we need to feel sane is the promise of a night of socialising and general shenanigans. When the going gets tough, a night out with friends is sometimes all you need to get going again. No guilt involved.

6. Having Unusual Tastes

Yes, even the kale. 

7. Wanting Some Alone Time

No one knows you better than you, so who better to whittle away a few lost hours with? Society has moulded our brains in such a way that we feel as though being alone is something to be ashamed about. Well it shouldn’t. Go enjoy some ‘you’ time today.

8. Not Wanting A Traditional Future

Just because you don’t want a house in the suburbs with two kids and a cat, doesn’t make your future any more viable than the next person’s, or vise versa for that matter. Dream big and aspire to be whatever you want to be, there’s nothing stopping you.

9. Always Carrying Snacks, Just In Case

You’ll never know when hunger will strike, so it’s always handy to have a few snack supplies nearby, just in case. Snacks are a way of life, end of.

10. Being Single And Happy

Do you receive a rush of pity whenever you mention to someone that you’re a single pringle, despite being single because, oh I don’t know, you WANT to be? Because you’ve seen your friends get hurt, one by one and don’t really fancy it happening to you? Because you like to go out and meet new and interesting people without having a six foot bag of misery attached to your arm? Imagine that.

11. Wondering If There’s More To Life

If you feel stuck in a rut, are bored, are dreaming of what else could be out there, then don’t give up. Get out there, try new things, travel, move, apply for that job, shun the negative ones who tell you that this is it. Because this isn’t it, there’s so much more to be found, so just go and find it.

12. Swapping The Gym For A Film Night

It’s a cold, miserable evening and the thoughts of donning lycra and sweating for the next hour, is enough to make you want to cry. So instead, you stick on a great film and curl up on the couch for the evening. That’s most definitely not a thing to feel bad about. The fact that you even considered the gym as an option, is an achievement in itself…

via our content partner CT



College is a magical place where you have effectively all the freedom of an adult, with none of the responsibility. And as a result, college life isn’t quite the same as life outside it, and some words as a result mean something slightly different than they do in the real world. Here is a list of some of these words.

1. Repeats

Outside College: Does or says something again, or more than once.

In College: To be avoided at all costs. Will ruin any plans you have at the end of the summer if you don’t.


2. Reading

Outside College: Taking in something that is written down.

In College: Something your lecturer tells you to complete in between lectures, that you never ever do.


3. Guest List

Outside College: A list of names of the people invited to an event or party.

In College: A magical list that gets you in free to night clubs on a certain weekday.


4. Champagne

Outside College: A region of France that produces some of the most expensive sparkling wine in the world.

In College: Some really cheap bottle of prosecco or something similar that are sometimes on offer to people who bring a birthday party to a night club.


5. Drink

Outside College:  To take in and consume liquid.

In College: Anything with alcohol in it.


6. Arts

Outside College: An outlet of human expression that includes literature, music, dance, painting, photography and film.

In College: A degree that is the butt of an awful lot of jokes, and for good reason.


7. Food

Outside College: Any substance consumed to provide nutrition to the body.

In College: Whatever leftover takeaway is in the fridge from the night before. See also: half a box of corn flakes. Eaten dry. 


8. Study

Outside College: To devote time and attention to gaining knowledge of a certain subject.

In College: Something you should be doing instead of flicking endlessly through Facebook and watching the tenth episode of your favourite tv show in a row.


9. Assignment

Outside College: A task or piece of work allocated to someone as part of a job or course of study.

In College: Something that you will not, under any circumstances, start until the night before it is due.


10. Research

Outside College: Investigate a number of reliable and related sources systematically

In College: Look up the Wikipedia page on the topic and name the sources of the page as your reference material.


11. Clean

Outside College: Free from dirt, marks, or stains

In College: All of the empty bottles and cans from the night before are in a big bag beside the bin outside.


12. Being Late

Outside College: Arriving to something after the expected or desired time.

In College: Not an issue.


13. Bed

Outside College: Somewhere to sleep and sometimes make love to man/woman of your dreams.

In College: Your best friend.


14. Drunk

Outside College: To have consumed enough alcohol that your speech, balance and thought process are somewhat impaired.

In College: Passed out in a dark corner of whatever night club you got free into, cradling a bottle of that “champagne”.


15. A House

Outside College: A building that one or more people, often a family, lives together.

In College: Somewhere to drink.


16. Library

Outside College: A building that stores books/CDs/films that the public are allowed to borrow for a certain amount of time.

In College: Somewhere to sleep and pretend that you’re studying.


17. Central Heating

Outside College: The method by which a lot of modern houses are heated during the winter months.

In College: What’s that?


18. Being Broke

Outside College: Not having any money, and struggling to make end’s meet.

In College: Not having any money, but still managing to go out three times a week.


19. Early Start

Outside College: Getting up before 8am.

In College: Getting up before noon.


20. Summer

Outside College: The warmest months of the year when people often go on holidays.

In College: The months in between the end and start of college, when you struggle to find a job and spend too much time in front of the tv doing nothing.


21. WiFi

Outside College: A facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the Internet or communicate with one another wirelessly within a particular area.

In College: More important than the air you breathe.

via our content partner CT



There are a whole variety of things responsible for leading you to dump someone. Too clingy, very loud, being a cheat. If someone’s not right for you, you just know.

However, for every perfectly feasible reason out there, there are a thousand shitty ones. Read on and get some inspiration for yourself. Just don’t say I told you.

1. You’re Not Ready For A Relationship Despite Being 23 Years Of Age

What she said. 

2. They Consider Take-Away To Be A Delicacy

Don't be a food snob. They like what they like – if you stick with them think of all the ingenious ways you can try to get some kale into them. Exciting!

3. They Drink Blue WKD

Erm…really? We'll let this one slide. 

4. You Think You’ll Get Way Better

With an ego as large as yours, you should be so lucky.

5. There’s A Justin Bieber Album On Their IPod

Actually, this is a pretty valid reason to dump them. What the hell were you thinking?

6. They Live More Than 15 Minutes Away

Lazy. This is not 1764. We have cars and stuff now.

7. Their Clothes Are Terrible

So dress them! Duh. If Kanye did it for Kim, you can do it for your man. 

8. You Have A Sneaking Suspicion That Their Sister Is A Bit Of A Bi***

So what if she is. You don’t have to go out with her, after all. 

9. They Don’t Pay For Absolutely Everything

How shocking, this must be the 50′s after all.

10. All Of Your Friends Are Single

You know what your mom says about doing things because other people are (don't)…

11. They Play Too Much Sports

Yes being fit, toned and healthy is a massive no no. You’re dead right on that one.

12. They Haven’t Watched Breaking Bad

This means you get to watch it all over again – so what's the issue?!

via our content partner CT



Holidays these days are never the same as when you were a kid. Here are some of the reasons we pine for those childhood holidays so much:

1. Your parents payed for everything
Oh to be a child again. Your parents brought you away to Spain, France or Italy or Youghal and payed for everything. Now you have to contribute some rent money and just TRY and ask them to fund your summer holiday now!

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2. You went away, and came back from your holiday, completely stress-free
You went away completely stress-free, and guess what? You came back completely stress-free. The largest of your concerns was going back to school in a month’s time. But then again, you got to see all of your friends again so it didn’t bother you that much.

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3. Spending 5 consecutive hours in the swimming pool was the best thing ever
You literally never got bored. You could swim and swim and swim. Holding your breath for as long as possible, spying on people underwater, being the first to find the penny at the bottom of the pool and racing your friends supplied you with infinite hours of fun. Eventually, your dad  pulled you out of the pool all shriveled up and looking like a prune but you didn’t care.

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4. You thought you were James Bond escaping from the kid’s club that your parent’s sent you to
God love our parents. They tried and tried to send us away for a couple of hours so they could have a few measly hours to themselves without us bothering them. To do what, we will never know? Our adventures came from escaping the kid’s club and the adventure camps and taking refuge back at the pool.

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5. Food, glorious food.
You were much more easier to please back then. Going out for delicious meals every night was delightful.

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6. You never woke up hungover, feeling like you were on the verge of death
Alcohol was quite literally the LAST thing on your mind at that age. The closest you ever came to drinking was when you badgered your dad for a sup of his Guinness because your cool friend told you that he tasted beer. One sip was enough to almost make you hurl, and that was the end of it. Back to the Fanta and Coke.

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7. Making best friends with someone for the time that you were there
Your holiday pals and you had many adventures together. In the week or two that you spent together you were inseparable. Making friends like that is a lot harder now that you’re an adult.

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8. You went to bed late, and got up early with an abundance of energy
Your energy supply was endless. You jumped into bed at 2am after you got home from the restaurant and bars that your parents took you to, then bounded out of bed as soon as the sun came up, looking to set the towels up by the pool again.


9. Developing an unmatched base tan that you simply can’t achieve now
You were able to swim and run around in the sun for hours, picking up a solid base tan in the process. The only time you sat in the shade was when your parents called you over for your lunchtime sandwich or ice-cream by the pool, and the it was straight back in. You couldn’t even try and get that sort of tan naturally now.

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10. With no iPhone, you were outdoors all the time and the most active you’ve ever been
You had no phone, and you didn’t care. Your only concerns was getting out and spending as much time with your friends as possible. We could all take a leaf out of our early childhood selves.

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11. An ice-cold Coke in the sun was your Heaven, you’re much harder to please now
Where's our Martini with two olives, waiter?

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12. Your parents took great care of you, now you take care of yourself, which you’re actually terrible at
Back then your parents did everything for you and made sure you wanted for nothing. Now as you’ve grown older, they still do their best to ensure you want for nothing, but you’re learning to take care of yourself. And you find out that you’re pretty damn bad at it.

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via our content partner CT



Everyone says that nice guys finish lastthere are some guys that act nice on the outside, but on the inside are really just a bit mean. They are always trying to keep up this facade, but sooner or later you will realise their true intentions. Here are the signs that your boyfriend is an asshole in disguise:

1. They act different around you when they’re with other people
They could be the most sweet and generous boyfriend one minute and then when they’re with their friends they act 12 years old. If he changes how he act towards you when you’re with other people, he has his own agenda and is ingenuine

2. He always says that he is too “busy”
We all get swamped from time to time, but if this becomes commonplace, he clearly doesn’t value your time. If he actually cares about you he will make time to see you, no matter how busy he is. It’s always easy to dress things up as being busyrather than telling the truth.

3. There is always an excuse for why they can’t pay
“I’m getting paid at the end of the week, so I’ll pay you back,” most of the time they never do and if they do it’s way too late. Guy’s shouldn’t always have to pay for the meal, but they should at least do it every now and again to be courteous. Just like you do!

4. If they’re always just “joking”
There is nothing wrong with playful teasing, but when if it seems like they are always trying to put a veil over everything they say , they could just be a nasty guy. If he really cared he would know when he is crossing the line, if he’s an asshole in disguise he’ll just say things without worrying about the consequences.

5. It takes forever for them to text you back
When you ask them why they didn’t text you back they always say that they forgot. From time to time they do, but if you seem to always be waiting for them to reply, you’re clearly not their priority.

6. They don’t want to make things official
They say that they just need some time  and not to rush into anything. If this is going on for  months, then he is clearly taking advantage of you. If he doesn’t want to commit then he shouldn’t be in a relationship and he is getting all the benefits of being in a relationship without actually being in one.


7. He zones out on conversations way too much
Guys do have a tendency to zone out in conversations with women from time to , it’s just one of those thingsIf he always seems to be checking his phone when you’re talking to him or clearly isn’t listening he’s not really invested in you.

8. They pretend to like your friends
You’re not going to get on with everyone, but if he clearly has no intention of getting to know your friends he is not making an effort. They might act like they’re really getting on with them, but then tell you that they don’t like them. It seems to be the same with most of your friends so the problem is clearly him.

9. It’s always what THEY want to do
They always suggest what they want to do and never give you a chance to decide. They won’t put down your suggestion they just give a reason to do what they want to do. “It will be fun, trust me”, it may seem innocent, but  really they are only thinking about themselves.

10. It’s never their fault
If you are having an argument they will always turn everything back on you,  so they aren’t made out to be the bad guy. They will always have an excuse and never take the blame for doing something even when they’re in the wrong.

11. They never remember those important dates
In all fairness, it seems like there are anniversaries for every little thing nowadays, but if they can’t remember when you first met they have got their priorities wrong. Guys aren’t the best at remembering dates, but if he forgets about Valentine’s Day he is clearly a terrible boyfriend.

12. He is selfish in bed
There is nothing wrong with a guy taking control in the bedroom, but if it’s all for him and nothing for her then it’s not mutual. If he’s selfish in the bedroom and it’s only what he wants to do, then you’re dating the wrong guy.

via our content partner CT



BFF's are weird. That's the bottom line. There are things that she can say or do that if someone else did them you would kick them and run away. Here are the major differences between a good friend, and a best friend:

1. Greeting Each Other

Good Friend: “Hi, how are you?”

Best Friend: “Hey ya big bi***!"


2. Dinner

Good Friend: Goes back to their own house for dinner.

Best Friend: Gets fed by your parents more than they do their own.


3. Nudity

Good Friend: Has never seen you naked, never will.

Best Friend: Has seen you naked more times than you’ll admit to anyone.


4. Clothes

Good Friend: Might borrow one or two things but will give them straight back.

Best Friend: A pair of your trousers and a couple of your t shirts have been in their house for about two years at this stage.


5. Private Jokes

Good Friend: Might have one. Maybe two. Usually shared with a couple of other people as well.

Best Friend: Too many to count, and they’ve been going for so long they barely even make sense to the two of you, let alone anyone else.


6. Other Halves

Good Friend: Will be polite and welcoming.

Best Friend: Is a true judge of whether they’re good for you or not.


7. Owing Each Other Money

Good Friend: Might borrow a few quid here and there, but like the clothes, will always return it, and vice versa.

Best Friend: Lost count long ago because it’s bound to even itself out eventually.


8. Awkward Conversations/Silences

Good Friend: Some things you just don’t talk about with each other, and might have an awkward silence if one of you does accidentally bring up one of them.

Best Friend: No such thing.


9. Tea

Good Friend: Knows how you like your tea.

Best Friend: Tells you to make it yourself.


10. Drinking

Good Friend: Might do a shot with you at the bar.

Best Friend: Blatantly steals your drink and tells you when they’re doing it.


11. Your Kitchen

Good Friend: Asks politely if they can have something to eat or need a piece of cutlery or something.

Best Friend: Have absolutely no problem raiding it whenever they please.


12. Looking After You If You’re Too Drunk

Good Friend: Will look after you and be very considerate, looking after your phone and holding your hair etc.

Best Friend: Pretty much the same, with the only difference being the constant stream of abuse they give you during it.


13. Spooning

Good Friend: Would be pretty awkward, unless there’s a few drinks involved.

Best Friend: Inevitable.



via our content partner CT



There is nothing more irritating than looking for somewhere to live. Here is the emotional cycle of trying to find a place to rest your weary head: 

1. Optimism

There are thousands of houses, hundreds of thousands, you reason with yourself. It’ll be a mere doddle, a walk in the park, a breeze. You’ll have your pick of the best there is to offer. In fact, as far as you can see, the only problem will be too much choice. First world problems, if you will.

2. False Hope

So you’ve done a little research and you’ve sadly discovered that all is not as it first seemed. To say it’s grim out there would be an understatement, but never fear, this is only the tip of the iceberg. There’s something out there for you, in fact there’s probably a few things out there for you. You’ve got this all under control.

3. Shock

The full blown madness of rent prices, combined with the quality of the properties out there has finally hit you smack bang between the eyes. This is shocking, quite frankly. Nobody prepared you for this travesty. A cunning ploy then springs to mind. Maybe if nobody else is prepared to pay these ridiculous prices, then the rent charges will drop dramatically? Doesn’t really seem to be the feeling of the huge queue of people waiting to view that crummy bedsit though, does it?

4. Panic

After a week or two of being a tad too laid back about the whole thing, you’ve quickly come to realise that it’s time to take things up a notch or five. What happens if you don’t? Well, you calmly understand that you’ll have to end up pitching a tent somewhere on the side of the M50, that’s what. Cue six hours a day spent trawling rent websites and ringing false numbers in a desperate bid to speak to whatever cowboy is charging seventeen times the appropriate amount required to inhabit a box room.

5. Desperation

That Friends style apartment overlooking the canal with the hot neighbours and nine bars next door is probably not within your reach, you can accept that now. Acceptance is key. You can now move onto smaller and lesser things. At this stage you plan on taking anything that comes your way. However small, damp and inconveniently located that it may be.

6. Denial

Yes, you’re aware that your lease is up/ college starts/ work begins in just a matter of days, but all is not lost. There are at least three new properties appearing online every single day and the fact that there are thousands of people viewing them, does nothing to deter you. You flinch every time someone mentions the words ‘commute’. This will not happen. You keep on telling yourself that.

7. Hatred

You have now begun to hate the property market, landlords, leasing agencies, yourself, your housemates to be, your parents, more landlords, money and life itself. You are filled with so much hatred that it is bursting to escape from your poisonous self. At this stage you are beginning to consider hibernating in hedgehog style, under a garden shed. It’s beginning to look like the only feasible option.

8. Hopelessness

You’ll never find anything. This is it. You’re screwed. It’s hopeless. You keep on trying to resign yourself to the fact that living with the parents won’t be all that bad, but really, whenever you actually try and imagine it, you come close to tears. Meanwhile, numerous thoughtless, selfish idiots insist on putting up ‘feeling relieved’ statuses about their amazing house success and it’s doing nothing to help keep your rage under control. NOTHING.

9. Relief/ Ecstasy

Just when you thought it was all over, that phone call comes through. You’re being offered that mouldy, out of the way, cramped, dusty kip and you could NOT be any more excited about it. Who needs food, alcohol or heat when you’ve got a bed and four walls anyway? House warming!

via our content partner CT



We all remember that fateful day we got the dreaded Leaving Cert results. The tension, the panic, the relief (hopefully). Here are some memories we all have that day, and some words of wisdom for those getting results today:

1. 'Did you hear there’s gonna be news cameras at the school?!’
There might be a couple of journalists trying to get a few snaps of people hugging and crying. Tell them you got 90 points but you’re hoping for second round medicine.



2. ‘So … were you happy with your results?"
This is the polite way of saying ‘What did you get?’ Eh…feck off?




3. ‘Did you hear Sarah’s parents aren’t letting her go out cuz she was 10 points off medicine?’
Rumours will be rampant. Leave people and their points alone.




4. ‘The institute is actually gonna be graaand next year, loads of people I know are repeating’
Whatever happens, there will be literally hundreds of people who are in the same boat as you. It’s never as bad as it might first appear.



5. ‘Ok no,no, no, Aoife lost her ticket for tonight, will I get my Mum to call yer man?’
Aoife, don’t worry. You will get in.




6. ‘Ok, Mark left his ID on the bus so we have to do a passback’
Or you could get your Mum to bring you up to the bouncer? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.



7. ‘Here, Katie’s not gonna get past the bouncers in that state and to be honest, I’m not waiting outside for her. It’s my results night too.’
Ah, the loyalty test. If someone hasn’t taken the advice of #5, older siblings are always a good shout to call. Until you get through to someone though, don’t leave anyone alone.


8. ‘Luke spilt Jager on my dress, I’ve been planning this for months, what the HELL!’
Calm yourself. Soda water.




9. ‘Oh my God this is like the last time we’ll ever be out together’
No it is simply not. It’s Ireland. You will literally see these people all the time.




10. ‘FIGHT!’
Keep clear of any fight and try and stay out of them. Inevitable on a night filled with so much emotion but leave it to the bouncers.


via our content partner CT



You may really, really, want to win the lottery – but we wouldn't hold our breaths if we were you… Here are some things that are in fact, much more likely to happen than getting a winning Euromillions ticket.  

1. Date A Millionaire (In America)

Odds: 1 in 215

That’s right, you are over 500,000 times more likely to date a millionaire than you are to win the Euromillions. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with being a gold digger, men and women alike!


2. Find A Four-Leaf Clover

Odds: 1 in 10,000

Perceived as one of the luckiest things that can happen to anyone, in the context of this list it appears to actually be quite common.


3. Win An Oscar

Odds: 1 in 11,500

Obviously there’s a lot of hard work involved in getting yourself to a level where you’ll be considered for the award, but of course you don’t have to act, and can be anything from a singer, to a make-up artist, to a big computer nerd.


4. Average Golfer Getting A Hole In One

Odds: 1 in 12,500

And the odds significantly decrease if it’s a pro golfer, obviously, with the odds of one of them scoring one being 2500/1.



5. Be Dealt A Royal Flush In Poker

Odds: 1 in 650,000

The best hand in poker, for those who don’t know, it consists of a ten, jack, queen, king and ace, all of the same suit.


6. Win An Olympic Gold Medal

Odds: 1 in 662,000

Again, like winning an Oscar, there is an incredible amount of hard work involved in actually getting there. But with these odds, even if you did no training at all and just showed up on the day of the event, you’d still be more likely of winning a medal than winning a Euromillions jackpot.


 7. Be Killed When Using A Right-Handed Product (Left-Handed People Only)

Odds: 1 in 4.4-7,000,000

This is the main reason why the life expectancy of lefties is up to 7 years shorter than right-handed people, but I’m left-handed and I don’t ever feel like my life has been in danger when using a scissors with the wrong hand. Although it is pretty frustrating.


8. Hit By A Falling Airplane Part

Odds: 1 in 10,000,000

I’m not sure how big these pieces are, and whether they are critical to the plane’s ability to stay in the air. Which if they are, means much more people are in danger than the unfortunate person getting hit on the head with a piece of metal.

(Note: Picture will only make sense to fans of Breaking Bad)


9. Struck And Killed By Lightning

Odds: 1 in 10,000,000

But the odds of just getting struck by lightning at any time in your life, and not die, is anything from 3 to 7,000 to 1. 


10. Become The President Of The United States

Odds: 1 in 10,000,000

You have to be born in the United States to be the President, so obviously this makes it impossible for most people in the world to become elected. But anything that is less likely than Honey Boo-Boo’s mother becoming the leader of the free world is not something that you should ever put money towards.


11. Attacked By A Shark (Again, In America)

Odds: 1 in 11,500,000

Considering how scared everyone is of sharks, this number is actually ridiculously big And it’s still ten times smaller than the odds of winning this stupid lottery.


12. Give Birth To Identical Quadruplets

Odds: 1 in 13 million

This means that a single egg will have had to have been split up into four different parts, and then for them all to grow individually and be born healthily. Even if you know any triplets, let alone quadruplets, just think about, are they identical?


13. Become A Saint

Odds: 1 in 20,000,000

A true dream…


14. Crushed By Vending Machine

Odds: 1 in 112,000,000

Considering how cheap some people are and are willing to shake the machines in the hope of getting free food, this number is surprisingly high.


15. Die Waiting For The Numbers To Be Announced

Odds: Depends on when you buy the ticket.

According to the death rates in Britain, the average 15-24 year old would actually have to wait until 12 minutes before the draw is announced before buying their ticket, to make it more likely that they will win the jackpot than to die waiting for it. And anyone over 85 has to wait until literally the last second before this is becomes true. Obviously being healthy and exercising can skew the odds in your favour, but when you find out that you can only buy tickets up until 90 minutes before the draw is made, this whole paragraph becomes irrelevant, and you are basically always more likely to die before the draw is made, than to win when it finally is.


So, basically you should just give up on the lottery. 

via our content partner CT
