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You poked the bear. Now you must deal with the consequences, and boy can we tell you it's not going to be pretty. Here are the 8 signs of a woman scorned: 

1. The Icy Silence
Following your first outburst/accusation/fight kicker-offer, she won’t say anything. She will probably sit there and take it all in. You may think at first that perhaps she’s maturing, she’s going to approach this like an adult, calmly and with caution. Do not be lured into a false sense of security. She is merely building up her fight mode. 

2. The Hidden Ammo
You thought she didn’t notice when you liked that girl’s photo? When you wished your horrible ex-girlfriend a “super birthday”? When you forgot to buy her a birthday card? WOMEN NEVER FORGET. This much you will learn quickly.

3. Excessive Swearing
Just because she’s a pretty, petite lady at the best of times, does not mean that she won’t call you some of the most shocking names under the sun. Did she make that one up? 

4. The Cold Harsh Truth
She’s going to tell you exactly what she really thinks of you. Every gruesome detail. The sneaking suspicion that she dislikes your family, friends and hair, will be voiced loudly and clearly. Also, those chinos you wear are too tight, your style is terrible and it IS a big deal. Hurts, doesn’t it?

5. Questions/No Answers
The words “excuse me” are usually used in a polite context, except when used by an extremely angry woman. When she says “excuse me,” what she really means is that she wants you to repeat the completely stupid thing that you’ve just uttered, so that she can really begin to build a stupid case against you. Also, she’s asking you the same facts over and over again, in the vague hope that you’ll mess up some of them. Nice try.

6. Dragging Up The Past
Remember that fight that you don’t actually even remember? She sure does. What.. But… That was two years ago? EXACTLY. Exactly what? What’s happening? Help….

7. Storming Out Dramatically
By now she’ll probably have worn herself out, what with all of the shouting, swearing, and remembering what she’s been doing. So, in order to fully prepare for the next stage of punishing you, she is now going to storm out and tell you to, under no uncertain terms, “f*** off,” followed by at least three doors being slammed. This is purely for dramatic effect. You understand.

8. Turning Her Friends Against You
Six days (minimum) later and you finally think that you’ve gotten over this stumbling block, so to speak. She’s finally thawed out and cooled down. You begin to relax. Let us be the first to inform you that your relief is short lived, because it’s pretty much guaranteed that she has told all of her long suffering girlfriends once again about what an utter ass you are. So they now need the adequate time to process their anger in a timely, bitchy fashion. Let this be a lesson to all of mankind. Never, ever start a fight with a woman. She will always, always win.

via our content partner CT



Many of us were in first year of college at one stage, here are some of the things you will remember feeling as the Leaving Cert results fast approach next Wednesday: 

1. “I’m a genius!”

Results are out and you’ve managed to get the points for the course you wanted. You get accepted to you’re first choice on the CAO.

2. Excitement

I’m so freakin’ excited!

You’re finally off to the big smoke…

3. Nerves


It’s moving time. The car is loaded up and you're ready for your college experience. 

4. “Who’s this eejit?”

Meeting your new house mates for the first time is strange. You’re thrown into a pokey apartment with 4+ strangers; space is tight, anything left in a common room becomes public property and if you’re not used to sharing then prepare to have your patience tested. You’ll soon be able to label each house mate: the quirky one, the musical one, the annoying one, the sex mad one, the party animal, the stoner, the book worm. If you’re wondering who the weird one is but can’t figure it out, it’s you.


Orientation is a boooooore. Sure, you find out where stuff is and you’ll probably make a friend or two, but this week is nothing compared to the freshers party week which follows … Can anyone say “TOGA”?!

6. The alcoholic phase.

Tesco vodka and gin are a thing of the past thank God now that we are older and wiser…ahem. 


For many of us, college was where we became more in tune with our sexuality. 

8. “9 am lecture? Good luuuuuuck!”

Fast forward four years and this may be your biggest regret. 

9. Being poor is the new rich

You’re broke, living off Koka noodles and black coffee with any spare cash going on whatever nights out you can afford. College will make you appreciate money soooo much more than you ever did before.

10. Nakedness

There's always that one housemate who just cannot keep their clothes on. You've seen their bum more than your own at this stage. 

11. “Oh No … I fancy my housemate"

If it doesn’t happen to you, it’ll happen to your friend. It’s pretty hilarious until one of the people concerned inevitably has to hit the road. 

12. Availing of all of the discounts

Ah how we miss all of those discounts… We still chance our arm, of course, but they always cop the 2012 on our card *dammit*

13. Protesting!

Cutting student grants? Protest! Price of pints in the SU has gone up? Protest! Don’t know what everyone is giving out about? Protest!

14. Clubs and Societies


The ones you’ll join directly relate to the amount of free stuff you will get from them.

15. Boring Weekends

Your Saturday nights consist of bad TV and eating your feelings.

16. Kleptomania


Why do you have a traffic cone, a shopping trolley, 3 wet floor signs, drip mats and road signs in your living room? Because you can, that’s why.

17. Panic

Exams are looming, you’ve done feck all for the whole semester. A few all nighters, pass by compensation, be grand!

via our content partner CT



OK, so everybody knows that the bride is ALWAYS right!

But we’re not sure if some of the pals of this bride will agree!

As her big day got closer, the bride read her ‘friends’ the riot act, letting them know exactly why they wouldn’t be getting an invite to her wedding!

She took to FACEBOOK – that’s right, she went public with her gripes – to list the reasons some pals weren’t worthy enough to make the cut.

She wrote, “We are sending out invites for the wedding this week.  We only have so much room at the church and reception. I’m going to try and make this as simple as possible so no one gets butt hurt. If you do not get an invite here is a list of potential reasons why.”

She went on to list the reasons why some pals wouldn’t get the honour of watching her walk down the aisle.

1. If I have invited you everytime [sic] we have a group function and you never show up

2. If you are just a work acquaintance and I have never hung out with you outside of work

3. If I show up to thinks [sic] you invite me to and you never show up to our invites or even respond

4. If I have only hung out with you in a group setting and we’re not that close of friends

5. If at any point you have ever talked shit about me or [groom] your [sic] definitely not invited

6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that

7. If you got married and I thought we were friends and you didn’t invite me

This bride really doesn’t mince her words!



Waiting for THAT person to contact you can be torutre. Here is the life cycle of waiting for their text: 

1. You’re pre drinking with your friends, all ready for a good Saturday night out


2. You’re feeling great as you head out, your bones sense it’s gona be a good one


3. You skip on into the club and head for the bar


4. All of a sudden you lock eyes, across the room


5. You start chatting with him and everything else is drowned out by the sparks flying


6. You have a cheeky score at the end of the night and both get dragged out by your separate friends


7. Just before he leaves he takes out his phone and asks for your number


8. You go home, make yourself a sandwich and wait for the goodnight text


9. The next morning, still no text


10. You look at your phone every two minutes ‘just to check the time’


11. Your phone beeps, your heart stops


12. By Thursday you’ve lost hope

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13. Friday morning you wake up and he’s texted!!


14. Wait, was he even that cute? Meh…


via our content partner CT



There are certain fears that you will no doubt have during your 20's that can actually ruin the whole experience.

Sometimes we just need to realise that everything isn't going perfect, and that's ok. Here are the things we need to stop worrying about: 

1. Being alone forever
The roller coaster ride of dating in your 20′s is something you need to go through. You will find out what kind of person you’re into, and, most importantly what type of people you’re not. It may seem like you will be single forever, but you’re still just trying to narrow things down.

2. Constantly being broke
So you have a job and it barely pays you enough to live properly. Don’t worry, the days of pot noodles and tins of beans will soon be behind you. When you’re that bit older and you finally secure that job you wanted, it will be steak dinners from there on out.


3. Staying in a job you hate
You had it for years and it basically paid your way through college. But now that you’re out of college, you realise how much you hate it. You only keep it because of the money and because your parents are making you. It doesn’t have to be your life, it’s only on the side while you pursue the career you really want.


4. Being the screw up in the family
If you have brothers or sisters you don’t want to appear as if you’re the disappointment of the family. Do what you want to do and don't be afraid of what your family thinks. Sure, for a couple of years it’s awkward when you don’t know what to say when asked you what you do, but you’ll get over that.


5. Not seeing enough of the world
The best time to go travelling is when you finish college, but if you miss out on this it’s not the end of the world. Travelling is a great experience and you learn a lot about yourself, but there is still time when you get older to travel. You may not be able to spend months there, but you’re still getting a taste of somewhere different.


 6. Not being able to drive
You keep putting it off, but you know you really should do your test. You can cycle, which is better for the environment or if you want to try a really unreliable mode of transport you can always take the bus. Driving will become more of a priority later on in life, so don’t fret if you still haven’t learned. If all else fails you can just ask your friend for a lift.


7. Not having that beach body
It’s not the end of the world if you don’t have a six pack or flat stomach, we come in all shapes and sizes. Of course, it’s important to keep healthy and active, but stop stressing out over carbs and just be comfortable in your own skin.

8. Having no idea what you want to do with your life
There are people still in their 30′s and 40′s that still aren’t sure what exactly they want to do with their life. Your 20′s is the time to  make mistakes and figure out what you’re into, so it’s normal to still have no clue what you’re doing in life.

9. That your friends are doing better than you
You can still be happy for your friends if they’re doing well,but if you’re still sitting around with no idea what you want to do it doesn’t make you feel any better. It will all come to you in time and you shouldn’t worry about who gets paid more out of your friends.

10. Losing all your good friends
These things happen, if you move away from home, or they do, there isn’t much you can do about it. You can still stay in touch with them, but you will make new friends sooner or later. It’s always nice to talk and catch up with them everyone now and then.

11. Being left out
This is quite common, especially nowadays with social media you can see exactly what everyone is doing. You see people you know on their  holidays and you get jealous. You will have your fun soon enough so remember to enjoy it when it comes around.

12. Living with your parents forever
There comes a time in your life where you need your own personal space. Although you might really want to move out, sometimes it’s not possible because you just don’t have the money. You will eventually move out and you won’t have to rely on your parents.

13. Feeling old
If you think you feel old now, what will it feel like when you’re 30 or 40? When you see kids it makes you feel really old, but you’re actually still young, so start living like it. 

14. That no one really understands you
You never feel that anyone really gets you or understands where you’re coming from. Sometimes you can be hanging around with the wrong people, and they don’t see things the way you do. It’s always great to find someone who is like minded and is on the same wavelength as you.

15. That people will see who you really are
So, you were never the best in your class in college and you always scraped by. You fear that someone will figure you out, that you’re not all you say you are. Give yourself more credit for your achievements!

16. You will never be truly happy
When you get older, it’s the little things that put a smile on your face, not material goods. In your 20′s you want to have everything, but you will realise that you can’t always get what you want. You keep wanting the next big thing and the latest trends, but when you get older you will see that what really makes you happy is your family and friends.

via our content partner CT



We all have those good days where we hit the gym and feel great. Then there are days where you would rather eat your shoe than go to that place.

Here are the excuses we tell ourselves on those days: 

1. “If I go now it will be really crowded.”
Especially with all of those body builders around taking up all of the space. 

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2. “I just sneezed two times. I might be getting sick.”
Cough cough, can't go! Now where's my duvet?! 

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3. “I’ll probably be tired all day if I go to the gym before work.”
We can't have that now can we? 

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4. “I’m still a little sore from yesterday.”
Does this mean something is changing? 

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5. “Oh, it’s leg day today…”
Dear God, do NOT skip leg day. 


6. ”I haven’t eaten enough food to go workout today.”
This is definitely a valid excuse. 

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7. “I’m going out tonight so I best relax beforehand and save my energy.”
Sure you'll be burning all those pesky cals on the dancefloor anyway, same thing!

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8. “I didn’t sleep well last night.”
Nap time, zzz…!

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9. “I’ll just go in the morning…”
Early to bed, early to…ooh Gossip Girl is on!

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via our content partner CT



If only there was a guide to being a woman.  A list of things that every modern, 21st century girl should know how to do, no questions asked, no second thoughts. Well ask no more ladies, for here it is. Go forth and conquer.

1. How To Walk In Heels

There are two types of women in this world. Those who live in heels and those who look on them with a mixture of fear and loathing. That said, being able to swag a little in heels is something that every woman should learn how to do. You’ll never know when it could come in handy…

2. How To Stop Street Harassment

Even in the modern, equal values world of today, there are many, many men who feel that openly harassing women on the street is acceptable. So the next time it happens to you, stop and turn the tables on them. “Nice arse sweetheart”, should do nicely.

3. How To Embrace Your Natural Self

Yes, make-up is great. It helps to embrace and highlight what God has given us. It makes us photo ready and fabulous (in our eyes) However, far too many women are far too dependent on make-up and need to learn to go. Wear less make-up more often!

4. How To Control Your Hormones

If you turn into an axe wielding maniac once a month, then perhaps now is the time to learn to control that anger. Easier said than done, yes, but simple things like running and eating well can all help to control it. It’s worth a little time investment.

5. How To Out-Wit Any Man

Being witty, smart, sharp and sarcastic is a skill that every woman should possess. 

6. How To Drive

Never depend on someone else to drive you around. It’s not even about owning your own car, even though that is clearly something we all want, but just knowing how to get yourself or anyone for that matter, from A-B, is an underrated skill at best.

7. How To Dress Appropriately

For any occasion. Buy a smart dress, blazer, tailored trousers and decent shoes and you’ll have pretty much covered all basis. Just never, ever attend a funeral in sequins. Ever.

8. How To Live Healthily

Learn how to cook an egg, wash some lettuce and go for a jog every once in a blue moon and you’re half way there sunshine. Just remember that McDonald's and the couch does not a healthy body make.

9. How To Be Independent

No woman out there should ever utter that she ‘needs’ a man. Don’t get me wrong, men are great and all but technically, the only thing we need men for is reproducing. What you need, is to learn to do things for yourself. Even if it’s something as simple as eating by yourself, do it.

10. How To Shop In A Pharmacy

You all know what I’m talking about here. You don’t have time to pop into the giant sized Boots in town, so instead you pop into your local pharmacy for all of your tampon/ contraceptive/ hairy needs. But instead of buying exactly what it is you need, you load up on hair clips, nail varnish and band aids, as if, somehow, it’s going to distract from all of the other stuff. It won’t.

11. How To Cut Bad Influences From Your Life

This can take the form of bad habits such as smoking, excess drinking or drug use, or people who are negatively influencing your life. 

12. How To D.I.Y.

Pick up that toolbox and get to grips with the hammer and nails. No, that was not a metaphor for anything dirty, in case that was what you were thinking. We're talking about learning how to put up a shelf, hang a picture, fix that broken shower curtain. Rock that tool belt girl.

13. How To Get What You Really Want

Whether it’s getting that promotion or getting the object of your affections, you must learn how to get exactly what you want in this life, by whatever means necessary. To do so with respect, manners and the acceptable measure of force, is something that every woman should learn how to do. Without question.

14. How To Not Sweat The Small Stuff

Obviously, there are things you should most definitely care about. Your health, your family, your career. Things that you should not give a shit about include, caring what people think of you, cellulite, drunk texting your ex, not wanting to settle for the first man that comes along, being single and happy or being loved up and happy. Let the haters hate and you’ll be so much happier in your own skin. Promise.

via our content partner CT



Growing up in Ireland, we had a LOT of toys to choose from. Here are some of the toys that have made the list of our favourites:

1. Micro Scooters
They were all the craze for those 10- and 11-year-old birthday gifts. And nothing was quite as cool as scooting along your estate showing everyone what you got. They are still in fashion as you will know if one rolls over your foot on your walk to work. 


2. Power Rangers
The variety of colours, the TV show, they dominated the '90s. Go, go Power Rangers! Were you the pink or yellow ranger?! 

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3. Polly Pocket
The smallest little woman in the smallest little house in the world. Almost immediately after opening, Polly Pocket was lost forever but we did love her.



4. Super Soaker
Essential for a sunny day on the estate green. 

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5. Furby
Even though their constant ‘FURBY’ noises did get annoying, they were the toy of the '90s. Coming in different colors and designs, they were a child’s dream.


6. Troll Dolls
These little guys were weird and naked and had no function but we loved their smiling faces. Nawww.



7. Barbie
The disproportionate blonde bombshell that gave every girl unrealistic expectations about hair, make-up and waistlines.


8. Bop It
This piece of equipment gave us kids our first high pressure situation. BOP IT!

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9. Tamagotchi
This toy taught us how to look after a fake animal that was needy. Was the lesson responsibility or… let something die so you don’t have to deal with it?


10. POGS
The loom band of the '90s. 


11. TalkBoy/Girl
The recording device that saved Macaulay Culkin's life in Home Alone 2. It could speed up OR slow down your voice.

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12. Pokemon Card
Our moms really hated that we had to catch em' all. 




13. TY Beanie Babies
Great stocking fillers and have been said to be quite the collectors item. Don’t throw these babies out, they could be big sellers on eBay in a few years.

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14. Buzz Lightyear Action
This little hero sent parents into a frenzy one Christmas (’95 perhaps…?) as every little boy and girl had their eye on this man after seeing Toy Story 1.

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15. Hula hoop
A simple design that some kids could master while others looked like a clapping seal.


16. Hungry Hippos
Parents everywhere cursed the day this game was born. The Hungry Hippos just made unnecessary noise and the balls found their way down the couch.

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17. My Little Pony
The lucky ones got a mini hairbrush to style their Pony’s hair.



18. Operation
Call the doctor, it’s so much fun to play!

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19. Slinky
Simple, yet genius

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20. Yo-Yo
Dominating the school yard, ‘walking the dog’ meant something magical when it came to a yo-yo!



21. Roller skates
Before you were allowed the big boy/girl roller skates/blades, you had to test these bad boys out. Highly uncomfortable and dangerous on the wrong feet.


22. Play-doh
The only time play-doh was its true colour was when it JUST came out of its little pots. Then it all melded together and turned a brownish pukey green. It melded into the carpet or your friends hair… it smelled great though.


23. Rubik cube
Genius design blah blah blah … way to make kids feel stoopid.


24. Etch A Sketch
Brilliant design, the best part of it being the swoosh sound when you shook it clear.



25. Game Boy
Mario brothers, Tetris, Frogger; Game Boys kept many a child quiet during a long car journey.



26. Lego
Lego is the king of creation and, while it hurt like hell to stand on a single piece, it was still the thing that kept us busy for hours.


via our content partner CT



So, you've been friends with this girl for what feels like forever, but lately you're starting to think something just isn't right. The older we get, the less crap we take. Here are some signs your friend is not a friend after all…

1. You’re the Butt End of all her Jokes
You have become the punchline of all her jokes. Look, we all have that one friend that gets way more slagging then the rest but there has to be a limit. She goes out of her way to make sure you know exactly where your place is.

2. They Can Give It But Can’t Take It
Slagging matches are always good fun but if they only go one way then they tire easily. She is in her element when the spotlight is on you but as soon as you turn it back at her, she goes into a huff and tries to make you feel guilty about making fun of her so you, in turn apologise.

3. She Always Points Out Your Faults
She knows what you’re self-conscious of so she uses it to make sure you stay in your place. She’ll start the sentence with, ‘I’m not being a bitch or anything, but…’ Or ‘No Offence, but..’ If there’s a ‘but’ in the sentence you know where it’s going to go.

4. Back Handed Compliments
This is pretty much used in combination with the pointing out of your faults. She compliments you, you say thanks, and then you realise what she said: ‘I love your hair like that, it really takes the attention off your nose’…‘Aw thanks, wait what?’

5. She Disappears and Reappears
When you’re together, she gets really possessive for weeks at a time. She is constantly hanging off you and wanting to spend time with you but then she’ll disappear for another month. Any plans for coffee are rarely fulfilled.

6. She’s Completely Different Around Other People
When you're alone she’s actually grand but when you are with others, she’s a different person. If you’re with people she doesn’t really know, she gets nervous and she immediately falls back on insulting you for giggles.

7. She is Constantly Changing Friend Groups
Are you the only constant friend in her social circle? She goes through friends like it’s going out of fashion. It’s never just an acquaintance. When she makes a new friend, ‘she loves this girl’. It always ends in a fight and it’s ALWAYS the other person’s fault.

8. She is Always ‘One Upping’ You
If you have a sore finger, hers is about to fall off. Have a date with a boy? Some guy just asked for her hand in marriage.

9. She Has No Problem in Ditching You
If something better comes along, she has no problem in not meeting up with you and cancelling at a minutes notice.

10. Her Friendship is Like a Favour to You
You should be honored. Like seriously, even just to be in her presence should be enough.

via our content partner CT



Those first few weeks of a new relationship can be make or break. Here are some things that you really shouldn't do, when in a brand new relationship:

1. Don’t Overdo the Sex
The sexual chemistry is, of course, palpable, but remember you need to get to know this person too. 

2. Don’t Broadcast Your Relationship
You now have a significant other and as long as you both know that, then there is really no need to start every conversation with, ‘well me and my boyfriend’. He has a name.

3. Jumping the ‘I Love You Gun’ Too Soon
Just because you’re in a relationship now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t scare them off as quickly, as it took you to get them.

4. Meeting the Parents too Soon
You’re in a relationship now, which means you’re somewhat committed to each other, but you don’t have to introduce  her to the whole clan just yet. 

5. Don’t Get Too Serious
Being in a relationship is like levelling up in the maturity ladder. However, there’s no need to start talking about how many kids you would like, or if you’re a cat or a dog person, because it might become a problem later in life. Just take it down a notch.

6. Don’t Become Obsessive
Similar to getting too serious, you have to remember that this person is not your property. To an extent you have to compromise for each other but, you can’t stop them from going out or having their own social life.

7. Don’t Hang Out Together All The Time
Remember what you used to do before you jumped on the love train? Like going out or just simply hanging out with your friends? That shouldn’t stop. If you break up, you’ll find yourself all alone with no one there to hang out with.

8. Don’t Get Jealous
We all get jealous from time to time, but don’t turn into that overly attached girlfriend. Don't allow him to become possessive either. 

9. Remember to Mess With Each Other Without Getting  Serious
Laughter is important in a relationship. Don't take things too seriously. 

10. For the Love of God Don’t Get Attached to Each Others Faces
We know, it’s young love and there’s just so many hormones flying all over the place, but remember that your friends will judge you, and people will find it disgusting. You both know who you’re going home with, so stop shifting in the corner and actually socialise as individuals.

via our content partner CT



Some people have the ability to hop out of bed in the morning and take on the world with an energy other people can't muster. You try to wake up earlier, make the most of your day but it's just so comfy in there. Here are the signs you probably most definitely are not a morning person: 

1. You keep dozing off
You actually try to stay awake, but your mind starts to wander and sooner or later you start to doze off. It’s a never ending cycle of dozing off and waking back up. It can be embarrassing though if someone else has to wake you back up.


2. You set numerous alarms, all within 5 mins of each other
You used to just use the snooze button, but you have decided to set numerous alarms in an effort to try and get as much sleep as you can. It gives you numerous chances to actually get up, but you know you will end up just waiting until the last one goes off.

3. When you eventually wake up, you fall straight back to sleep
You say to yourself “I’ll just close my eyes for a bit”, next thing you know it’s been half and hour and you wake up completely disorientated. You swear that next time you won’t go back to sleep, but it’s become a weekly routine.

4. You have to rush to get ready and end up missing your bus
You have 5 mins to get dressed , have breakfast and do your hair. Challenge accepted. Of course you get nowhere near being ready and you end up looking like a mess. Worst of all, you see your bus pulling away just as you get to the bus stop.

5. If you wake up earlier than expected, you just lay awake, waiting
If you’re unceremoniously woken up by outside noises or the rest of the people in your house getting up, it’s hard to get back to sleep. You just lay there waiting till it’s time to get up because your whole routine is broken.

6. It usually takes another family member to finally get you up
You keep going back to sleep, so it takes one of your family member’s to actually get you out of bed. You do everything to stop them from getting out of bed, but the threat of getting water poured on you finally gets you up.

7. You don’t have breakfast, you just have coffee
You might have some fruit or a cereal bar, but the main part of your breakfast is actually coffee. You don’t know how you could survive without coffee, and you’re always seen with a cup in your hands.

8. Having lunch is the highlight of your day
If you somehow manage to survive until lunch time, you are overjoyed with the thought of lunch. It is the only thing that keeps you going throughout the day and once you finally get lunch you feel ten times better.

9. You completely regret staying up till 5am binging on Netflix
You just couldn’t stop once you got going and now you are really making up for it.You wake up seeing visions of Kevin Spacey with one of his speeches from House Of Cards still ringing in your ear. This is a regular occurrence and next time you probably won’t end up going to sleep at all.

10. You try to avoid having conversations at all costs
You hope you don’t bump into someone you know, but if you do, you don’t say much, you just nod and pretend you’re listening. If you do end up saying anything, it just sounds like gibberish and it makes no sense.

11. Your brain doesn’t function properly that early in the morning
Nothing seems to work, your brain doesn’t process things well and if someone asks you to work out something your brain just completely shuts down.

12. You despise morning people
You can’t fathom how they have so much energy and zest this early in the day. You wish you could be that chirpy in the morning and, anytime they greet when you come in, you find it hard to crack a smile.

via our content partner CT



You’ve wanted a boyfriend for ages, you’ve fancied this guy for months but as soon as he acts like he genuinely likes you, you realise you’re just not that into him…oops. 


Here are the signs that you were in it for the chase and you are sooooo not that into him:

1. His hand feels dirty holding yours and you immediately want to wash after holding hands for more than 5 minutes

2. After doing ‘the deed’ all you can think about is how sweaty he feels

3. His clothes annoy you

4. His texts ending in xxxx kind of make you feel sick

5. He texts all the time – You feel nothing

6. You feel like he’s smothering you

7. When he snores you use it as an excuse to kick him really hard

8. You couldn’t care less about what you eat in front of him

9. The granny pants are out and you really don’t care

10. Girls night is far more fun than date night

11. You pray for rugby weekends so you don’t have to spend time with him

12. You chat to other guys, keeping a few interested

13. You shave your legs for girl’s night only

14. You embarrass him in front of his mates without guilt

15. You cut your toenails in front of him

16. You fart in front of him as if he isn’t there never excusing yourself

17. You refuse to share anything you’re eating with him. It’s your’s

18. You make sure your ‘needs’ are met. His are irrelevant. Sure he can do that himself in his own time

19. You’ve your eyes out for something better

20. His jokes are not in any way funny anymore


21. The way he eats, drinks and breathes drives you insane

22. The way he bites his nails makes you want to slap him

via our content partner CT 
