Kanye put a hidden Harry Potter message in his Twitter RANTS
Everyone and their mother has been wondering what the hell is up with Kanye West at the moment.
We know he's a super busy guy, trying to juggle a high maintenance wife, two kids, a fashion line and a new album but some of his ramblings on Twitter are majorly OTT.
Not only did he declare that he thinks Bill Crosby is innocent, he also let the world know that he's $53m (€47m) in debt. Ouch.
But one website has put together a stream of his tweets and there seems to be a hidden message in them. And not any old message, no, it's a Harry Potter message.
College Humour has been trying to decipher his hastily written posts and this is what they found:
Yep, it spells out 'I AM LORD VOLDEMORT'.
Although they aren't in order, the peeps over at College Humour think Kanye has been trying to work his magic on us.
And like he said himself, "name one genius that isn't crazy."