This Luas Strike Info app is going to save you A LOT of effort this week
The Luas strikes seem to be going on and on (and on and on and on), which causes many people to forget what days the industrial action is actually planned for.
You wake up one morning and hey, no Luas. Great. Now, you either have to make your way to a bus stop that takes double the time or hop in a taxi that takes triple the pay.
But one smart lad is looking out for all of us as he has created an app specifically designed for the Luas strikes.
Jamie Farrelly, creator of the Luas Strikes Information said: "Sick and tired of not knowing whether the Luas is on strike or not? With the help of this app you'll instantly be able to see whether they are on strike today or not. Also includes the next date that there is a strike (if there is one planned!).
"With no end to the dispute in sight might be an idea to grab this now!"
So now, you'll be able to plan well in advance and never be caught out again, especially since there's six more strikes added on for June. Yay….