Mrs Hinch your makeup bag: These beauty organisation tips are UNREAL
With the nation gone crazy with Hinch Hauls and Hinching your homes, Charlene Flanagan otherwise known as Mrs.Jones has some top tips to declutter your makeup stash.
Charlene recommends doing this every six to 12 months, it not only will help keep your routine organised, your skin and brushes healthier, but you will more than likely start to use different products you completely forgot about you had which feels like you have a new makeup bag.
1. Beauty Bootcamp
Start by sorting your makeup into piles. Eg. lipsticks, palettes, pencils, samples etc. Once you see where everything is it’s easier to get rid of unwanted items and you are one step closer to decluttering your makeup stash.
2. Keep, Throw, Maybe
Now that you have organised the piles arrange them into Keep, Throw & Maybe piles.
Take into consideration that every product has an after open shelf life. Can you remember when you bought each product?
Did you know you should replace your mascara every three months!? Taking note of expiry dates will avoid nasty infections, breakouts, cracked lips etc. Be strong, be brutal!
Mrs. Jones’ Top Tip: If you're really struggling with this task, book in a private one to one with a makeup artist who will guide you on what does and doesn’t suit you.
3. Separate your makeup bags
Separating your makeup bags into your everyday essential products and your going out/occasion wear products will not only simplify your routine but it will make getting out the door in the morning so much quicker.
Mrs. Jones’ Top Tip: Buy yourself clear makeup bags so you can easily see where everything is and also they can be easily wiped clean.
4. Keep your brushes squeaky clean
Your makeup brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria. It could be the cause of bumpy skin, blemish/acne prone skin, infections, etc.
Not only will you find your skin improved but your makeup will apply so much better and your brushes will last so much longer – if you don't want to get messy with your shampoo bottle, Ella & Jo have an UNREAL Squeaky Clean Brush Cleanser to keep your brush bristles pristine.
5. Reward yourself for spring cleaning
Your reward of course is a little well deserved treat. Repurchase any products that have passed the expiry date/shelf life and treat yourself to some organising accessories e.g Clutterboxes, Drawer Separators, Lipstick Holders, Makeup Brush Holders. Do this after you have organised your stash so you know exactly what you need when it's all organised.