Mary Lou McDonald says repealing the 8th is ‘imperative and priority’
Sinn Féin Deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald, has said said that repealing the 8th Amendment is “imperative and a priority.”
Her comments come after Sinn Féin was criticised after some of its most prominent members failed to take a formal role in last weekend's March for Choice because the views of the organisers go beyond that of the party.
A spokesperson said: “The march went beyond the party position. We are in favour of repealing the Eighth Amendment. However, our position on [what provisions will replace the current prohibition] does not go as far as the rally organisers.”
The political party previously stated it was in favour of abortion in cases of rape, incest and fatal foetal abnormality, and today, Mary Lou drove home that pro-choice message.
"I think the absolute imperative and priority is to repeal the 8th Amendment from the constitution," she said.
"My politics and my view is decidedly pro-choice, I will vote for and I will campaign for the repeal the 8th Amendment .
"That is the position of Sinn Féin."
An Oireachtas Committee is reviewing the recommendations of the Citizens' Assembly and are due to report by the end of the year, when the government will begin to work on the wording of the referendum.