‘Yer GAS’: The best tweets from fans at the MAYOvDUB All-Ireland final
Today is the replay of the All-Ireland final between Mayo and Dublin.
It's safe to say the excitement for today has been building all week, and while we've had some sweet stories about the match, it's the people of Twitter who do it for us everytime.
Here's some gas tweets from the fans at the All-Ireland today:
Will Michelle Mulherin get a golden ticket to witness her second Mayo match this year? #MayoVDub #MayoForSam #facepalm
— Pól (@POLJOY32) September 29, 2016
What's for breakfast/brunch? #DUBvMAYO pic.twitter.com/jJ3gZFmHUz
— Halo Café Celbridge (@HaloCafe) October 1, 2016
Ahhh god me nerves #MayoVDub #MayoforSam
— Jess (@DaylsPringle) October 1, 2016
If mayo dont win this i dont know what they're goin to do #mayovdub
— noely81 (@noely811) October 1, 2016
Any shpare tickets? #mayovdub pic.twitter.com/35KfLHv0ZB
— Eoin Kilbride (@EoinMGB) October 1, 2016
Husband showing his support the only way he knows how: with a Sharpie #Mayo4Sam #AllIrelandFinal #MayoVDub #HereWeGoAgain @MayoGAA pic.twitter.com/Rzfu0XLB6N
— Róisín Stack (@rostack) October 1, 2016
From the Mayo GAA facebook page… we all feel the same…#GAA #MayovDub #allmets pic.twitter.com/QvjI7VOlo5
— Eva Ní Shúilleabháin (@Evanis) September 17, 2016