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If you made your way down O'Connell Street this morning, then you were in for quite an… unusual sight.

PETA protested on the busy Dublin street today by having a woman lie down dressed in only her knickers (yep, no bra), on a giant plate, and had fake blood dripped all over her.

An interesting way to protest, yes, but my God, the woman must have been freezing.

The aim of the protest was to encourage people to not eat meat at Christmas dinner… but honestly, mostly everyone was perplexed by the situation:

We're just wondering how long she had to lie there for…


Vegetarianism: it's cited as a sure-fire way to lose weight, live longer AND help the environment.

But not all veggies are created equally, it seems. 

In fact, an alarming number of herbivores are actually tucking into meat-treats while drunk.

The exact number? More than ONE THIRD.

Yes, 37 percent of vegetarians in one recent survey admitted that they're not so strict once they've had a few drinks.

The study, carried out by VoucherCodesPro and involving some 1,800 respondents, also discovered that the most popular cheat for wayward vegetarians was kebab meat, followed by burgers, rashers, fried chicken and sausages.

Although, an astonishing seven out of 10 never disclose their indiscretions to others.

VoucherCodesPro boss George Charles said in response: "It's important for friends of these 'vegetarians' to support them when drunk and urge them not to eat meat as I'm sure they regret it the next day."

Previously, another US-based study showed that American vegetarians are just as bad: 84 percent of them stray on ocassion too.


Food poisoning can be one of the most debilitating and sometimes deadly things to happen to a human.

The Interagency Food Safety and Collaboration in America have released a new report that sheds more light on what foods caused which poisonings most between the years of 2008 and 2012.

E. Coli
The food product found to be behind 46% of E. Coli cases was beef.

Surprisingly, it wasn’t chicken or eggs that were found to behind the highest rates of Salmonella (18%) but actually seeded vegetables. Eggs and fruit came in at the same level at 12% with chicken a cause of 10% of Salmonella cases.

Tainted fruit was found to be behind half of listeria cases.

Dairy amassed a huge 66% of the cause behind Campylobacter food poisoning. Today, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland stated that raw milk increases the development of foodborne illnesses. The sale of raw milk for direct human consumption in Ireland is recommended to be prohibited by the FSAI.

How can you protect yourself from food poisoning?

The HSE recommend using the 4 C’s to prevent food poisoning:

1. Cleaning
By keeping your hands, utensils and surfaces clean and always washing your hands and surfaces that have come in contact with raw meat, poultry or fish, you can avoid contamination.

2. Cooking
Always ensure your food is cooked through properly for the required time in order to avoid listeria and salmonella.

3. Chilling
Always keep food that needs refrigeration in the fridge to avoid harmful bacteria from growing and multiplying. With leftovers, always refrigerate them once cooled.

4. Cross-contamination
It is important to avoid the cross-contamination of raw foods onto other foods. Always keep raw food separate from others and ensure the utensils used are different and cleaned thoroughly afterwards. 


Cooking steak can be daunting – everybody has their own personal preferences.

This handy guide will give you some important tips on cooking the perfect steak.

1. Picking your steak
Get your steak in the butchers if you can, or the butchers in your local supermarket can also be a great place.

Next you need to choose your cut.

  • Striploin – a popular choice of steak with a layer of fat surrounding it for added flavour
  • Fillet – a luxury cut, the fillet has little or no fat and is generally thicker meaning it may need more cooking time
  • Rib-Eye – marbled with fat this cut is popular as it has lots of flavour
  • T-Bone – as this cut is on the bone it is considered tastier

2. Bring steak to room temperature before cooking

3. Right before cooking, season the steak with salt, pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.

4. Heat some oil in a pan and get it very hot, to smoking point.

5. Choose how you would like your steak cooked and adjust your timer accordingly.

  • Blue : 1 min each side
  • Rare: 1 1/2 min each side
  • Medium-rare: 2 min each side
  • Medium: 2 1/4 min each side
  • Medium-well: 2 1/2 min each side
  • Well-done: 3 min each side

Cooking times depend on the thickness of your meat. The above guidelines are for a popular striploin steak of approx. 2cm so adjust accordingly.

6. Let the steak rest for about 5-6 mins after cooking.
