Fancy drinking red wine and be PAID for it?! Well, now you can
We love coming home after a long week and having a glass of wine, and now it seems you can get PAID for doing just that.
Northumbria University is doing a research piece about the effects of red wine on the brain because they believe it can actually improve your mental function! Interesting…
Scientists at the uni believe that a compound called resveratrol, which is found in grapes, has an effect on your brain when working.
However, if you want to take part you'll have to travel over to the Newcastle in the UK.
PhD student Timothy Eschle told ITV news: "There are a number of benefits to consuming red grapes.
"A specific extract from the skin of red grapes, resveratrol, has been found to increase blood flow to the brain and in some cases, increase mental performance on cognitive tasks.
"Most studies have been carried out in young adults at the peak of their cognitive abilities, thus the benefits of resveratrol are expected to be more prominent in older adults who may suffer a slight natural decline in certain aspects of mental function such as memory and reaction time," he explained.
"We also want to establish whether resveratrol can affect mental function at altitude, which often impacts on people’s performance."
People who want to take part in the study will be paid £30 (€35) and will also get a glass of swanky red wine.
You can sign up here if you're interested.