Whatsapp user? Then you definitely need to see this trick
If you are the owner of a smartphone then you more than likely use, or have been told to use Whatsapp.
The message app was bought by Facebook last year for almost €20 billion according to Bloomberg. Since then the app which allows you to share photos, videos and voice recordings with contacts easily, has been going from strength to strength.
One of the features of the service is a small detail that can mean an awful lot to some people. The ‘blue tick’ icon seen at the bottom of your message will allow you to know if the person you sent your message to has seen it.
Now though, there has been another interesting feature unearthed: Whatsapp will allow you to see who your closest friends are on the app. You just need to follow a few simple steps:
Next time you open the app, go to the settings section, then select 'account settings':
After that, you just need to go to 'storage usage' and all will be revealed: