10 reasons there’s a bit of Milhouse in all of us
Everyone has a little bit of Milhouse in them, and it's nothing to be ashamed of! Milhouse is awesome.
1. You’re The Sidekick In Your Own Life
2. You Can’t Flirt
A shift of the eyebrow, a tearful session of begging, grasping their pants as they try to leave – yeah, flirting isn’t exactly your forte. “Do… um, did you, uh, fall from heaven? It’s… are you an angel? Um, I’m sorry… I just like your face.”
3. You Can’t Handle Being Alone
When you can’t see your best friend, or can’t even talk to them, it’s the worst experience ever. Who else can listen to you about this horrible time in your life? Definitely not Martin Prince, he’s probably studying
4. You’ll Do Anything For Your Crush
Your crush always wants aspects of you and your personality in their prospective partner. Dammit Lisa, can’t you see the Milhouse love right in front of you? *cries*
5. You’re Always Trying To Improve Yourself
6. Sometimes You Lose The Plot
You’re usually a pretty happy-go-lucky person in your day-to-day life. However, that can all change. If one more person annoys you, and you’re already on the brink, you can flip your shit. Watch out when Milhouse gets angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.
7. You’re Gullible
You tend to believe what your trusted friend/family member tells you, even if it isn’t at all feasible. You just hope that they wouldn’t lie to you, you’ll question it later when you’ve had time to have a bit of a think.
8. You Get Yourself Into Awkward Situations
You put your foot in your mouth, usually daily, if not, you’ll trip yourself up or just push someone to the brink of knocking your teeth out. Don’t provoke Nelson, it’s not worth it.
9. Nobody Likes You
That may not be entirely accurate because you’re pretty awesome, but it does feel like that on occasion. Anyone who doesn’t like you is wrong, so that’s okay.
10. But Despite Everything, You’re An Eternal Optimist
So, congratulations, you’re pretty darn cool. Bonus, Bart can’t live without you. You do you, Milhouse!
via our content partner CT