Models issue apology to Kendall after full on Mean Girls incident
It has been rumoured months ago during last season’s Fashion Week that Kendall Jenner was suffering at the hands of mean girl models who had gone as far as to stub a cigarette out in her drink.
At the time, the rumours were played down by Kendall herself, who assured fans that all was good and that she and all of the models were model besties. Or something like that.
Now it would seem two models have been caught in action being very shady indeed. Binx Walton and Lexi Boling both commented on a photo of Kendall on German Vogue's Instagram account from NYFW that other commenters had said was not a very good photo of the young model.
Though we think she looks great, many believed it was not one of Kendall’s finer photos and the models also seemed to think so, with Lexi tagging Binx and writing: “She’s never looked better” – a phrase that was clearly seen to be sarcastic when paired with the cry-laughing emoji.
Binx replied, saying: “that’s fuc*ed up.” Not very nice now, is it girls?
Thankfully, the two seem to have been put in their place with Ford modelling agency issuing a statement from Lexi that read: “I wasn’t thinking and made a silly comment. Kendall’s had a killer NYFW. A big congrats to her.”
No cry-laughing emoji on this one but we reckon it might be implied…