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Rumour has been abound that John Giles – the very face of our national broadcaster's soccer coverage – was about to be dropped by RTÉ. 

And this afternoon it has been confirmed that the sporting legend will leave Montrose after the Euros this summer.

"John has been an integral and much-loved part of our soccer coverage for over 30 years as well as a respected ambassador for the Irish football family as a whole," RTÉ said in a statement issued to SHEmazing.

"The Republic of Ireland's participation in this summer's tournament and RTÉ Sport's coverage is an apt occasion for John to bow out at the top and we wish him all the very best with his future endeavours."

It concluded: "It's been a privilege to work alongside John through some of the most thrilling times for Irish soccer and his contribution to our programming has been phenomenal."

It had been suggested that the 75-year-old former professional player was set to retire, but in a statement to the Herald, he said: “In my negotiations with RTÉ Head Of Sport Ryle Nugent last year, he made it clear to me that this was to be the final year of my full-time engagement with RTÉ.

“He said that this was designed to allow him to continue the requirement to plan and prepare for the future.

“This was perfectly understandable to me and I signed the contract which finishes after the Euro 2016 final in France in good faith.

“But I want to make it perfectly clear that I’m not retiring or even thinking about it.”

Mr Giles along with Eamon Dunphy and Liam Brady are known as the Three Amigos. The late Bill O'Herlihy once described him as the best football pundit "in the world".



Met Eireann's Evelyn Cusack has seemingly taken a pop at her colleague Jean Byrne's distinct dress choices.

Jean, who has been both celebrated and ridiculed for her fearless approach to onscreen fashion, likes to wear leather, lace, bright colours, unusual necklines and quirky accessories while presenting the weather forecast to the nation.

Evelyn on the other hand prefers a more conservative approach, usually donning smart skirts and jackets, or blouses with tailored trousers. 

And it seems the latter takes a dim view of more 'out there' attire.

"It's hard to take a woman seriously when you're hearing her leather skirt squeaking and her earrings dangling," she said in an interview with Woman's Way.

She continued: "I'm a bit like Angela Merkel, nobody comments on her clothes, she just has 40 different jackets in different colours.

Evelyn then added: "I don't think women should be sexy at work, that's my opinion."

But while Ms Cusack, 50, may look to German politicians when it comes to choosing her workplace wardrobe, Ms Byrne favours Irish designers such as Joanne Hynes and Claire O'Connor.

She told Irish Country magazine earlier this year: "The camera makes you look bigger anyway, it puts on at least 10lbs and jackets make you look even bigger."

Jean explained that she therefore decided to experiment more with her onscreen style, saying: "It became a little bit more relaxed at one point and then I just decided, 'Okay, I'm a bit tired of the old jackets, I'll wear one or two of my own things'." 

She added: "I don't go out of my way to find new designers but I do go out of my way in my spare time to source things and put them together."
