When we hear the name Ryan Reynolds the first things that we think of are “oooh yeah, he’s hot,” “his wife is SUPER hot” and “he’s so funny on Twitter.”
Sadly, his reputation as an actor comes in at a distance fourth.
When Ryan first emerged in the industry as the infamous forever-a-college-student Van Wilder, it looked as if the 38-year-old was all set for a golden career in comedy.

He then took the Hollywood rite of passage by starring in a horror flick, The Amityville Horror, which bombed as most of them usually do. Mr Reynolds followed this up with a thankful return to comedy in Just Friends and although it wasn’t well received critically, it is still a fan favourite.
The father-of-one’s career looked like it was heading back in the right direction after his massive hit starring alongside Sandra Bullock in The Proposal. It started to look as if Ryan was about to become one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, with his very own superhero character in the works. But, unfortunately, that did not go quite as planned…

And so ensues the long list of movie failures that comprises Ryan Reynold’s film career.
It is unfortunate that he is gaining this reputation because he has proved himself to be a worthy actor, and with his devilish charm, handsome good looks and incredible sense of humour, the public absolutely adore him.
It would appear that while the unlucky actor has talent in many areas of his life, choosing a film script isn’t one of them. And with a name attached to a whole host of flops, the chances of getting his hands on a decent project becomes slimmer and slimmer.

However, the Canadian heartthrob is maybe, HOPEFULLY, about to experience an upswing (we are choosing to overlook the sure-to-be bomb, Self/less that comes out today) with his upcoming film, Deadpool.
While we have yet to see a trailer for the anti-hero flick that is based on a video game, the initial test footage looks like it could well be a hit.
And if his performance is anything like the wonderfully weird portrayal of the adorable mentally ill serial killer that he gave in the totally underrated The Voices, we can definitely envision Ryan climbing his way back to the top.