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The long-held absurd belief that men have massive libidos and women are pretty indifferent when it comes to sex is still a prominent myth in our society, and new research proves this point.

A new study commissioned by the End Violence Against Women Coalition has shown that almost half of people still reckon that men have stronger sex drives than women.

3,922 British adults were quizzed on heterosexual relationships, and one-third of people (32 percent) think men need sex more than women (WOW) compared to only one percent who said the opposite.

45 percent of the study's participants said that they think a man is more likely to initiate sex, compared with three percent who believe the opposite. 

43 percent said that both sexes were equally responsible for starting sex. One-in-10 of respondents claimed that a woman decides when the intimate act has finished, compared with 36 percent for men and 38 percent who said both.

"Although it's good to find that three-quarters of adults believe men and women are both likely to enjoy sex, what we clearly also have are persistent, widely held views about who sex is primarily 'for', who 'needs' it and whose pleasure matters,” said Sarah Green, director of the organisation.

"This is a cornerstone of equality as much as equal pay and shared parenting, but 'the orgasm gap' is perhaps not as widely discussed as some other key equality issues."

Interestingly, pensioners are more likely than 18-24-year-olds to believe both partners enjoy sex. People aged 65 and older felt both a man and woman would equally enjoy sex.

Among 18-24-year-olds, just 25 percent believe having sex is a mutual decision, while 50 percent think it is up to the man to decide. Just 10 percent believe it’s up to women to choose whether they have sex.

7 percent think women are more likely to "go along with sex to keep their partner happy", compared with only 2 percent who thought the same of men.

Dr Fiona Vera Gray, research fellow at Durham Law School and expert on sexual harassment and pornography, said: "This report shows how far we've got to go in changing outdated ideas about women as sexual gatekeepers."

Research has recently proven that men and women are equally aroused by sexual images, showing that sex makes no difference to the response to sexual visual stimuli.

The Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen, Germany published the news in the scientific journal PNAS last month, saying; "Erotic pictures and videos are widely assumed to induce differential response due to sexual duality," the researchers stated.


There are many myths and old wives' tales about grey hair – and many of them will make you worry. 

But, Women's Health recently spoke to dermatologist Howard Sobel and he cleared up what is fact and what is fiction about your future head of hair. 

Myth: If you see a grey hair pop up, you're on your way to a full head of silver soon.

False: Howard says that this isn't true for everyone. By the time you reach 30, you will naturally have a few grey hairs. While some may continue to grey as the years go on, others may just stall at those few strands for years to come. 


Myth: If you pluck a grey hair, two will grow back in its place.

False: “Plucking grey hair won’t increase the number of grey hairs that will grow in its place, but the ones that grow back will still be grey,” explains Howard. But be careful, because if you pluck a strand you might damage the hair follicle and then NO hair will grow back in its place. 


Myth: The age your mother went grey is a good estimate for when you will turn grey.

True: “Genetics will generally predict when your hair starts to go grey,” says Mr Sobel. However, environmental factors can also come into play.


Myth: You can give yourself grey hair from stressing too much.

Possibly True: “The supply of melanocyte stem cells that colour hair deplete as we age, and stress may make someone who is predisposed to grey hair go grey sooner,” says Howard.


Myth: Dying your hair constantly can bring on grey hair.

False: Hair dye has absolutely no relationship with grey hair, so this is completely untrue. However, your hair can take a beating from extreme colouring so be sure to condition and be kind to your do'. 


Detox remedies such as vegetable juices, pills and cutting out certain foods might make us feel less guilty about overindulging but there is actually no scientific evidence to back up their "facts". 

Detoxes are based on the idea that stored toxic substances can be removed by eating or avoiding certain foods.

The most popular detoxes tend to involve drinking ‘cleansing’ fruit and vegetable juice, but we're here to tell you about what myths to avoid at all costs: 

Detox Myth 1: Certain liquid diets can push out toxins

This is totally wrong. No fad diet can emilinate harmful invaders faster than your built-in clean up crew (the liver, kidneys and colon)! 

Many doctors and scientists suggest the best cleansing strategy is a proper diet and regular exercise. 


Detox Myth 2: Drinking loads of water detoxes the body

H2O hydrates the liver and kidneys and encourages toxins to leave the body via urination. However, drinking water excessively in the name of detox can be really dangerous. Symptoms of water intoxication include headache, fatigue, vomiting and mental disorientation. 

You should only drink around eight regular glasses of water a day. 


Detox Myth 3: You can sweat out toxins with a serious sauna session

It's true that small amounts of toxins can leave the body via perspiration, but keep it in mind that heavy sweating can impair the body's natural detox system, makng it less efficient.

You'll do more detoxing in the bathroom than the sauna it seems! 


Here are some of the most common diet tips that many of us live by, but actually don’t work.

Green tea

Some studies claim that sipping green tea can help you lose weight. But the truth is you would have to be drinking seven cups a day to match the number of compounds needed to actually burn fat.

All fats are the same

Not true, there is a significant difference between saturated and unsaturated fats. So cutting out some fatty foods in preference for other fats doesn’t guarantee weight loss.

Exercise estimates

This is unforuntaely also not accurate. The amount of calories you actually burn in an exercise session, can depend on your own metabolism.

Having a belly is fine

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a great indicator of whether someone could be considered overweight or obese but is not always fool proof. While a flat stomach is impossible, we shouldn’t ignore any weight gain around our waistline.

Your body shape affects your weight gain

Many experts claim that those who have pear shaped figure are less prone to gaining weight in comparison to those who are apple shaped. This isn’t necessarily true. It doesn’t matter what shape your figure is, any excess fat is unhealthy.
