‘Piers owes Joe an apology’ Twitter has BIG love for the Body Coach
Piers Morgan is no stranger to online controversy, but it looks like he may have really overstepped the mark today following his interview with fitness guru Joe Wicks,
Joe, who rose to fame as the Body Coach on social media, joined Piers and Susanna Reid on the set of Good Morning Britain today, and the viewing public are far from happy with how it played out.
According to irate tweets currently filling the Twitosphere, viewers were stunned by Piers' approach to the interview, and wasted no time calling him on it.
Joe, who has made a name for himself all over the world with his 15-minute dishes and HIIT work-outs, looked pretty uncomfortable at numerous times throughout his appearance, and Twitter was having none of it.
What the frig is #piers Morgan on today, #joewicks looked like he was going to cry
— Michael (@Zlatan_79) November 16, 2016
What an absolute tool this #PiersMorgan is. #JoeWicks handled him very well. #goodmorningbritain
— Matt Moorhouse LUFC (@mattmoorhouse1) November 16, 2016
God piers Morgan is irritating! Far too early in the morning for him, so rude to his guests for no reason.. Obv jealous of #joewicks #gmb
— katie (@kt_ed24) November 16, 2016
I just want to give #joewicks a hug now. Piers Morgan was verging on harassing the poor chap. #GMB need to address his behaviour https://t.co/k2K728OBX6
— Emma Jayne (@emmajaynesw) November 16, 2016
Piers Morgan is a hideous man! Why itv allow him to behave so badly is beyond me!! #joewicks
— PAULY•C (@paulchambers81) November 16, 2016
@samanthalomax I tuned in just to watch the interview… talk about cringe.. felt for #joewicks big time
— It's My Prom (@Itsmypromuk) November 16, 2016
What the hell @piersmorgan?? @thebodycoach is a wonderful man & you just wasted his time! #getpiersofftheair
— Laura (@StorryT_Jewels) November 16, 2016
#PiersMorgan @GMB when are you removing @piersmorgan off the tv. Poor felt for joe wicks#leanin15
— Hayley Perrin (@Haypezza) November 16, 2016
WTF is wrong with #PiersMorgan on #GMB today embarrassing #JoeWicks like that? I blame the parents, they must have fed him on #Spangles
— peter gavin (@PeterGavi) November 16, 2016
Poor @thebodycoach what an absolute shambles that interview was on @GMB , Piers being a knob! Cringing to watch#joewicks #PiersMorgan
— Karen (@Karen_Hxx) November 16, 2016