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It's not like he had the best reputation during his Geordie Shore days, but if Ricci Guarnaccioi had any intention of increasing his fan base since leaving the show, he's definitely going the wrong way about it.

In a move that had Instagram users delicately gagging into their sleeves yesterday, the former reality show star decided to upload a shot of himself grinning down the parted legs of a female acquaintance.

Taken from her position on the couch, the shot implies she's naked from the waist down… and Ricci's only bloody thrilled about it.


It's red panty night!

A photo posted by Ricci Guarnaccio (@ricciguarnaccio) on

"It's red panty night!" the 29-year-old excitedly wrote alongside the controversial snap.

And unfortunately for Vicky Pattison's former ex, not everyone was as impressed by the sordid post, with many followers suggesting he rein himself in next time.

"Full on minging," wrote one while another added: "Some things should stay private!"

Unsurprisingly, however, a number of Ricci's online bro contingent wasted no time offering a virtual high five, with one writing: "Love the look you're giving her there Ricci…"

Stay classy guys, y'hear?


If there's anything the US presidential campaign needs right now, it's a short, sharp shot of humour.

Against a backdrop of misogyny and racism, one member of the public decided to divert attention away from the reality of the situation, and instead offer the internet some light comic relief.

And by the looks of things, people are super grateful for it.

In footage, which has been viewed more than 730,000 since its upload last night, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton can be seen putting their differences aside in order to harmonise on one of the greatest love songs of all time.

Channelling their inner Bill Medley and Jennifer Warnes, those two really went for it on I've Had The Time of My Life, and let's be honest, they played an absolute blinder.




Four years ago, the United Nations General Assembly declared October 11th the International Day of the Girl, and did so in order to recognise the unique challenges which 1.1. billion girls around the world face on a daily basis.

From being denied education to enduring forced marriages, girls – from conception through to adulthood – face considerable obstacles, and it is the United Nation's aim to counteract the disadvantages experienced by girls on a global scale.

Commenting on the motivation behind it, they called it an "investment in realising the power of adolescent girls and promises a more equitable and prosperous future,"

From celebrating daughters, sisters and mothers, Twitter is fully behind them on this one.








And the one that really gave us goosebumps? Take a look at this…



If you’re all over all things 1920s-related, then we have the PERFECT Halloween event for you this month.

Taking place at the Irish Museum of Modern Art on Saturday October 29, Prohibition: the Beautiful and the Damned will take you on a journey through the underworld of the 1920s.

From their gothic glamour to their cryptic curiosities, this event, in conjunction with the Bram Stoker Festival, captures the flavour of the decade while paying homage to Halloween.

Inject a little ghoulish sophistication into this year’s festivities by donning a flapper dress, downing a gin punch and dancing your soul out to a mix of vintage and electro swing DJs.

And at just €34 to travel back in time, we’re fully on board with this one.


He may be one of our favourite Geordie Shore cast members, but when his conversation topics generally revolve around bars, booze and birds, it's hard to get a proper insight into the lad behind the party-boy persona.

It looks, however, like his decision to open up about his own personal experience of ADHD and hypomania has given the public a perspective on the Geordie lad they may not have had before now.

In honour of World Mental Health Day, the Celebrity Big Brother winner revealed that growing up with the condition was at times difficult, but insists he feels better able to control the symptoms as an adult.

"It’s a weird thing ADHD, because it is actually good in some ways. But when you’re a kid, it can be really bad, especially for concentration."

As a kid, I would just get side-tracked, I couldn’t sit still, I’d get so worked up and I’d cry and I’d go mad, or I’d lose my temper," he continued.

"But now that I’m an adult, it’s more controlled and it’s really good, because that’s like when you see me on Geordie Shore, running about the place, tidying up and always full of energy."

In spite of this, however, the reality star admits there have been times when he's become upset by the condition and allowed his frustration to get the better of him while filming scenes for the popular MTV show.

"There’s loads of moments on Geordie Shore you wouldn’t have seen where I’ve been upset, especially with ADHD. I’ve got so worked up when I’ve been drunk that I’ve actually started crying because I’ve been that annoyed, and I’ve had to run out the house," he explained.

Congratulating his friend and co-star for opening up about his struggles, Gaz took to Twitter, writing: "Proud of you, bro."

Scotty's followers have been quick to thank the star for helping to remove the stigma associated with the condition, with one writing: "Nice to hear older people speak out about it. My 9yr old son has it and ASD and its hard! People don't understand him."

"It's nice to see you speak openly about this condition. My son has ADHD and there are too many people who label him "naughty"," added another.

Fair play, Scotty.


We'll admit it, there was more than one occasion during childhood when we sent ourselves Valentine's Day cards, but the prospect of faking correspondence from an imaginary partner is not something we would bring into adulthood.

Interestingly however, not everyone feels the same.

According to the Independent, virtual girlfriend businesses are booming, and men who don't feel they have time for a genuine relationship can avail of a service which allows them to experience virtual affection.

The report details the 'love life' of a 28-year-old software engineer from the States who pays his favourite Snapchatter $100 a month to send him photos, texts and general updates on her day.

"In the morning I could get a Snapchat selfie with 'good morning baby' written on it, later in the day she might message me on Kik (a messaging app) about how her day at work has been. It's not crazy stuff," he explains.

"If she's come down with strep (a throat condition) I'll know about it, if she's got a headache she tells me, and if she's out partying I get Snapchats that no-one else sees."

"There's never really any hot stuff … for most of the time it's the sort of thing you'd find in any regular relationship," he insisted while explaining that he shares his own news with the part-time model who has more than 20,000 followers on social media.

So yeah… is it just us, or are you also kind of hoping this pair eventually get together?



When it comes to the Kardashian / Jenner sisters, it's the youngest who seems to get the most attention when it comes to her personal style.

By switching up her hair and wardrobe on a regular basis, Kylie comes in for the most criticism, with many of her followers suggesting she cheapens herself with the looks she opts for.

Kylie, however, appears more than able to deflect criticism and ignore the haters, but it looks like a recent tweet hit a nerve with the cosmetic queen.

Deciding to disparage the star with an unsettling comparison this week, one Twitter user wrote: "Kylie Jenner looks like a 14-year-old prostitute."

Making the decision to respond to her critic, Kylie hit back with a tongue-in-cheek response which has gained considerable traction on the site.

"IDK, I feel like I look like a 19-year-old prostitute," she replied in a post which has been liked more than 130,000 times since its upload last night.

Goading the original tweeter, social media users wasted no time telling him he had been 'ended' by the young star while many more were eager to remind others that Kylie had partially agreed with her critic.

"How? By calling herself a prostitute? Lmao," wrote one while another hit back, writing: "Kylie is savage and I like it for once."

"I'm cracking up that she even answered," added another.

We're not sure that there are any real winners in this exchange…



It's been seven years since former Boyzone member, Stephen Gately, passed away from an undiagnosed heart condition in the home he shared with his husband Andrew Cowles in Spain.

And there's no doubt that the void he left in the band he helped to form in the early 90s is as big today as it was back in 2009.

Taking to Instagram last night, Ronan Keating paid tribute to the friend he described as 'his wingman' at his funeral seven years ago.

Sharing a snap of Stephen, Boyzone's lead singer acknowledged the songer's love of all things Disney, writing: "Hey Steo. "A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart." — Zeus (Disney'sHercules)"

Finishing the post which has clocked up more than 6,000 likes so far, Ronan added: "Miss ya bro."

Paying their own tributes, fans of the Dubliner added their own thoughts with one writing: "And Steo was the biggest hero of them all. A ray of sunshine in our lives. RIP, Steo. 7 years on but never ever forgotten."

"How can I miss someone so much who I didn't even know?? He touched my heart and I will never forget him," added another.

Stephen's funeral was celebrated in the Church of St. Laurence O'Toole on October 17 2009.



When news broke that Kim Kardashian had been held at gunpoint in her Paris apartment last week, there was a distinct 'she had it coming' air among many pop culture commentators.

And while late night chat show hosts and stand-up comedians made jokes at Kim's expense, one costume company in the States was busy creating a costume which gave an insight into the horror experienced by the mother of two.

Featuring a white robe, black wig, '$4 million ring', sunglasses, fake gag and rope, the Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume Kit has come under serious fire from members of the public who wasted no time slamming the company for their tasteless creation.

While they don't specifically reference Kim in the website description, there is no doubting who the costume is based on.

"She has devoted her life to promoting American decadence, youth, and hedonism but all that flashy living caught up with her one night in Paris when armed men bound her, stole her jewelry and her peace of mind," the site explained.

"This Halloween have some fun with pop culture and dress just like the Queen of Social media with our sensational "Parisian Heist Robbery Victim Costume" Costume."

Sickened by the company's attempt to cash in on Kim's ordeal (you're looking at a $69.99 price tag, if you're interested) members of the public have voiced their disgust online.

"This costume is not only f**king tasteless but completely disrespectful of a very serious situation that not only Kim Kardashian has experienced but countless other women and men," wrote one.

We're with them on that one.


After taking what seemed like an eternity to finally get together and confirm their relationship, Rihanna and Drake have reportedly gone their separate ways after less than three months together.

With Drake publicly declaring his love for the Work singer at this year's VMAs, fans of the stars saw a real future for the couple, but it looks like we all just jumped the gun a little.

According to an insider, the famous couple have decided to cool things down and are even back on the dating scene.

"Rihanna and Drake are seeing other people at the moment. They are not exclusive anymore." the source revealed.

"They still love each other, but their schedules have gotten in the way." they added.

Offering a kernel of hope to die-hard fans of the couple, the insider told E! that their split doesn't mean they won't give it a go again in the future.

"Anything can change between them though, for better or worse," they explained. "They are still in each other's lives."

But with reports that Drake has been hanging out with India Love and Rihanna throwing shade at her exes online, we're not holding out too much hope on this one.



While we might adore Halloween, we know the spooky season can be a little difficult on our furry friends.

From the sound of bangers to the sight of their human dressed as Harley Quinn from Suicide Squad, it can be a trying time for our buddies.

Thankfully for one little dog from Texas, his owner has done everything in her power to make Halloween as enjoyable as possible for him.

Taking to Twitter to showcase her skills in the design department, Tyson's owner has shared snaps of him getting his chill on in the slickest Halloween house we've ever seen.

"Yes, I decorated Tyson's house for Halloween & he's excited about it!" she wrote in a post which has been liked 20,000 time since its upload in recent days.

Unsurprisingly, Tyson's owner has been inundated with comments since sharing his new gaf with the public.

"I don't know you, but i just made your dog my wallpaper because i simply couldn't resist," wrote one girl who sounds a bit too much like us for our liking.

Countless Twitter users have shared snaps of their own pugs and even suggested that their pet and Tyson hang out and get their chill on together.

"Can our dogs be friends?" wrote one while another added: "I don't know you either but I have a pug and getting a pug puppy Tuesday. Can we be friends?"

Look at Tyson – bringing everyone together!


Hot on the heels of Drake's announcement that he's set to play Dublin's 3Arena next year, our beloved Busted have revealed that they are also heading to the Emerald Isle.

With their comeback album Night Driver set for release next month, the three lads will be touring the new material, and we are beyond excited!

After taking to the stage at Belfast's Waterfront Hall on February 28th, Busted will finish the tour with what's set to be one seriously exciting performance at Dublin's Olympia Theatre on March 1st.

If you're only bloody dying to relive your youth with Charlie, Matt and James, you can get your hands on those tickets this Friday at 9am.

Coming in at just €39.50, there a damn site cheaper than Drake's…
