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If you're a fan of BBC quiz how Eggheads, you may want to sit down before reading on.

A former panellist for the hugely popular programme, which debuted in 2003, has been arrested on suspicion of murder.

According to numerous reports, CJ de Mooi, whose real name is Joseph Connagh, was detained by police at Heathrow airport yesterday after a European Arrest Warrant was issued in the Netherlands.

It has been established that Holland is seeking his extradition in relation to the murder of a mugger in the 1980s.

Mr. Connagh referred to an incident in his autobiography, CJ: The Autobiography of CJ De Mooi: My Journey From the Streets to the Screens, which ultimately raised suspicion among authorities.

Recalling what he described as a moment of self-defence against a mugger, Mr. Connagh wrote: "He caught me on the wrong day and I just snapped."

"I punched him so hard in the face, knocked the knife out of his hand and threw him in the canal. I fully suspect I killed him."

Mr Connagh is scheduled to appear at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday.



While the Celebrity Big Brother house generally brings out the worst in most contestants, Scotty T's stint in the famous building suggested he had a much more sensitive side than his Geordie Shore persona would lead us to believe,

But it looks like the Scotty T we met when he first strutted into the Geordie Shore house is back with a bang if his latest column for the Daily Star online is anything to go by.


How you fucking feeling!!

A photo posted by Scotty T (@scottgshore) on

Weighing in on this week's biggest celebrity news, the 28-year-old professional party boy expressed disbelief that Brad Pitt may have been having an affair with a co-star… but not for the same reasons as the rest of us.

With no mention of the fact he's a married man with children, Scotty instead decided to focus his attention on the woman Brad reportedly 'fooled around with' – Marion Cotillard.

Taking aim at the Oscar-winning actress, Scotty wrote: "All I can say is, if it's true, 1. was he drunk and 2. surely he could have picked someone worthwhile, not a 5 out of 10 who is already married,"


Shoot vibes @asgwear

A photo posted by Scotty T (@scottgshore) on

Scotty then went on to suggest that Angelina and Brad were having trouble in the bedroom and insisted that if a Victoria Secret model had propositioned Brad, he would have the full support of the reality TV star.

Thanks for that Scotty, we're sure Brad appreciates the support.

*Pass the sick bucket*



While Jennifer Aniston may or may not have thrown words like 'karma' around in the aftermath of the Brangelina divorce announcement, the former Friends actress has been dragged into the media storm whether she likes it or not.

From internet memes to the New York Post's front page, it seems Jennifer is as big a player in the unfolding drama as Brad and Ange are.

And it looks like Jen's BFF, Chelsea Handler, doesn't intend to hold back on discussion surrounding the issues which may have led to Brangelina's impending divorce.

Discussing the actor's supposed behaviour, Chelsea said: "There are rumours that part of the problem is that Brad was allegedly drinking and smoking too much weed."

"Maybe he could have been spending the last 12 years at Lake Como hanging out with George Clooney and Matt Damon, instead of being stuck in a house with 85 kids speaking 15 different languages."

Taking aim at Angelina on her Netflix series this week, Chelsea then offered an explanation for Brad's life choices, adding: "Oh yeah, because he married a f***ing lunatic, that’s why."

Seriously Chelsea, don't hold back there.




As news broke of Brad and Angelina's divorce this week, it was inevitable that Jennifer Aniston's name would be dragged into the furore.

And while the wider public has little issue with various memes purporting to know Jennifer's reaction to the news, they are less impressed with a national newspaper's decision to take the same approach.

Using an image of an ecstatic-looking Jen on their front page yesterday, the New York Post captioned it 'Brangelina: 2004-2016.'

Taking issue with their approach to the matter, Twitter users wasted no time calling the paper out on their front page.

"Why insert Aniston into these people's pain?" wrote one disgruntled social media user. "So cruel! Aniston & her husband are busy building a life of their own."

Offering a background into the snap which the newspaper ran, one Twitter user wrote: "Research it and you'll see that pic was from the day she placed her hand prints at Mann's Chinese Theater in 2011."

While many felt fury on Jennifer's part, another reader of the paper reminded the public that the situation is more than a celebrity tit for tat, writing: "Cover is not clever or funny."

"A family is breaking up. There are children involved. Show some compassion."

Hammering home their point, a fellow Twitter user added: "It's disgusting things like this that make journalism questionable."

We wonder what Jen would make of that front page.



If you're making a silver screen adaptation of a best-selling novel, you're going to want to impress the author, right?

Well, it looks like the casting agents for The Girl on the Train forgot to factor in Paula Hawkin's thought process when it came to choosing an actress for the role of Rachel Watson.

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Paula admitted that her vision of the character was not quite on par with that of movie execs who plumped for Devil Wears Prada star, Emily.

Explaining that Rachel is an overweight divorcee with an alcohol problem, the author said of Emily: "Oh, she's too beautiful to play Rachel."

"They've done their best," Paula acknowledged. "I mean to sort of make her look a bit sh*t, but you know…"

Despite insisting that Emily's good looks defied her original image of the character, Paula heaped praise upon the actress saying she did 'an extraordinary job' in the highly-anticipated movie.


If you live for regular tea breaks in the office, you may want to consider investing in a crate of plastic cups.

Yes, you’ll look like the office weirdo, but it’s preferable to sipping on a cup contaminated with fecal matter, right?

According to professor of environmental microbiology at the University of Arizona, Charles Gerba, a staggering 90% of office mugs harbour dangerous germs with 20% actually carrying fecal bacteria.

That’s right ladies, according to those in the know one in five of work mugs house bacteria which originated in the office bathroom.

Oh, and if you think you’ve beaten the system by going to town on your mug with the communal kitchen sponge or scrub brush, think again.

With your colleagues doing the same, you’re simply transferring the bacteria from one cup to the next and making the situation worse.

Oh, gooood!



If news of the divorce and alleged affair wasn't enough to contend with this week, reports are now emerging that Brad Pitt is under investigation after becoming verbally and physically abusive with his children.

According to TMZ, Brad's conduct during a flight last Wednesday was the catalyst for Angelina's decision to file for a divorce.

Speaking to the website, a source close to the high-profile family revealed that Brad became intoxicated while on a private jet and began screaming and manhandling his children.

Reports claim that the 53-year-old actor did not calm down upon landing and continued his tirade on the tarmac before attempting to leave in one of the airport's fuel trucks.

It is understood that an individual who witnessed Brad's behaviour contacted the L.A County Department of Children and Family Services who have since interviewed Brad and Angelina in connection with the incident.

Commenting on the reports, a source close to the actor insists Brad understands the severity of the situation.

"He takes the matter very seriously and says he did not commit any abuse of his children," they explained 

Defending the star against media backlash this week, the insider added: "It's unfortunate that people involved are continuing to present him in the worst possible light."



We've long since been told that there are more than a few downsides to fame.

From clamouring paparazzi to insider leaks, the lives of the rich and famous aren't all they're cracked up to be.

But one guy who looks like he takes it all in his stride is Guardians of the Galaxy star, Chris Pratt.

And while widely considered one of the chilliest guys in movies, it looks like the former Parks and Rec actor does indeed have a breaking point which one autograph-hunter met head-on this week.

Chris was leaving LAX airport when he was swarmed by people demanding autographs and while the actor obliged as best he could, it wasn't enough for one fan who reportedly called Chris 'selfish' as he attempted to take his leave of the situation.

Refusing to take the remark lying down, Chris addressed his critic, saying: "You're cussing me out now. I'm talking to you."

"You should be nicer. You got a cross on your chest and you're cussing me out." the actor said.

Referencing the fact the autograph-hunters were likely to make a dollar or two out of Chris's signature, he said: "I've made you guys a bunch of money right now. Come on man, don't be a jerk."

Check it out here.



According to emerging reports, Marion Cotillard is pregnant with her second child.

The news comes amid rumours that the 40-year-old French actress had been having an affair with co-star Brad Pitt on the set of their movie Allied.

Oscar-winning Marion, who shares a five-year-old son with her partner Guillaume Canet, is said to be in a very happy relationship with the French actor and is is reportedly struggling with the fall-out from Brangelina’s break-up this week.

“Marion and Guillaume are blissfully happy, and these kind of claims are not what Marion wants to be hearing” a source close to the Paris-based couple revealed.

"Claims that she's now cheating on Guillaume with Brad will leave her absolutely devastated. This doesn't sound like her at all.”

"Everyone in Paris is reporting that Marion is having another baby, and she looks absolutely blooming right now." the insider added.

It sounds like Marion is understandably eager to avoid the spotlight right now, with the source revealing: “She's said that all she wants to do is to enjoy some quality time with Guillaume and their boy.”

According to reports this week, Angelina hired a private eye after she suspected Brad's relationship with Marion was more than just professional.


Pitting women in the public eye against each other is a fool’s game.

Not only does it contribute to the well-worn argument that the entertainment industry is an inherently sexist place where a woman’s age, image and relationship history play as big part in her career as her roles, it ultimately creates a culture of mistrust among women.

Back in 2004 however, we hadn’t properly gotten our heads around this concept, and were more than happy to nail our colours to the fence when it came to demise of Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt’s fairytale romance.

She was the beautiful girl next door with the goofy sense of humour and he was the high school football player with the Letterman jacket.

And together they were perfect… until action was called on the set of Mr &Mrs Smith.

In stepped Miss. Jolie with her edgy roles and her vials of blood, and ultimately ‘lured’ Hollywood’s golden boy away from Hollywood’s golden girl.

As sales in TeamJolie and TeamAniston T-shirts increased 12 years ago, it was clear that Angelina and Jennifer played principle roles in the saga while Brad was given carte blanche to hover in the wings.

Buying into the girl Vs. girl culture, the media and public left good ol' Brad to his own devices, and instead debated what Angelina had that Jennifer didn’t.

And yet despite the rumours, reports and rising T-shirt sales, Jennifer didn’t play up to the ‘scorned woman’ role which the media so desperately wanted her to fulfil.

In the eye of a media storm, Jen endured one of the most painful things a person can experience, but as the wider world watched and predicted public breakdowns, she simply weathered the storm.

Jennifer maintained a dignified silence for more than a decade, she progressed in her movie career, and she had relationships of her own.

And one year ago, she married Justin Theroux.

In other words, Jen got on with it.

So, as news broke yesterday that the relationship which had cast a long shadow over Jennifer’s public and private life had come to an end, many of us couldn’t help but feel a sense of triumph on her part.

And with reports swirling that Brad had been having an affair with his co-star Marion Cottillard, the public found themselves suddenly furrowing a brow and casting Jen's ex in a different light.

Being TeamJen today doesn’t mean we’re not TeamJolie. It’s not one or the other, and it never should have been.

It’s simply a nod to the fact that Brad may have just been found out.

Angelina was never better than Jen. Jen was never better than Angelina.

It’s just that Brad thought he was better than both of them.


Social media was awash with scornful remarks and disparaging comments this week after a Sky Sports presenter made the mistake of thinking Dublin and Mayo had faced each other in the All-England final last Sunday.

While reporting on the All-Ireland (Repeat: All-Ireland) game at the weekend, Clare Tomlinson appeared oblivious to the fact the game had taken place in Ireland and involved two Irish counties.

But unlike many figures in British media who make no apologies for claiming us as their own when it suits, Clare has taken to Twitter to hold her hands up.

"Still hiding under a rock after my horrendous gaffe about the All IRELAND GAA final," she tweeted this afternoon.

"Apologies to all – please let me visit still." she added.

Thankfully for Clare, us Irish are a sound bunch and wasted no time offering an olive branch, with one writing: "Relax "it could happen to a bishop " as we used to say …you will always be welcome here."

"It was what they call an epic fail! But we forgive you," tweeted another while someone else assured her: "There's always a fire in the kitchen."

OK Clare, you're forgiven – just don't do it again.



Unless you've been living on another planet for the past year, you'll be all too aware that business tycoon (and all-round toupée lover) Donald Trump is running for the United States president.

In the process, he has managed to incense countless people with his anti-immigration policies and bombastic showmanship, but it's not only Donald himself who stokes the fire.

Supporting his father on Twitter earlier today, Donald Trump Jr. shared an image which encapsulates his father's controversial campaign, and social media users just aren't having it.

Comparing Syrian refugees to poisoned skittles, Donald Jr. wrote: "This image says it all. Let's end the politically correct agenda that doesn't put America first. #trump2016."

While the tweet did, indeed, receive praise (and 11,000 retweets) from some quarters, many, including Ruby Rose and Zach Braff, responded to the post with disbelief.









Responding to the controversy, Wrigley Americas, who own Skittles, said; "Skittles are candy. Refugees are people."

"We don't feel it's an appropriate analogy. We will respectfully refrain from further commentary as anything we say could be misinterpreted as marketing," they finished.
