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When you appear on a show entitled Tattoo Fixers, you'd be forgiven for thinking your tattoo would get… well… fixed.

And after your chosen artist works their magic on your original dodgy inking, you wouldn't expect to see any further mistakes, would you?

Well, unfortunately for one member of the public who rocked up on the super-popular E4 show, their replacement tat is in need of a little editing.

Having been tended to by Alice Perrin, Kat now sports a a tattoo of a clock which boasts two elevens and no number nine.

And viewers wasted no time calling Alice out on her error, with one taking to Twitter to write: "#TattooFixers going to have to do another cover up on this one… two 11s and no 9?"

Thankfully for Alice, many Twitter users rushed to her defence, insisting that tat mistakes happen from time to time.

Guys, we think she knows this – the clue is in the name…



Whether you watch Game of Thrones or not, you know it's somewhat of a TV phenomenon.

And when you love the show, you really, really love the show.

So, it's no real surprise that this busker in Town Hall Station in Sydney began absolutely coining it the moment he began playing the theme song from the smash-hit fantasy show.

Violinist Vasiliy Shapkin managed to lift the daily drudgery for these commuters, and by the monetary offerings and round of applause he received at the end, it looks like they were pretty grateful for it.

Prepare yourselves for some serious goosebumps, ladies.




When news broke that the world could kiss goodbye to the 'love story' that was Hiddleswift, sources close to the Shake It Off singer made sure the public knew that it was Taylor who called time on the whirlwind romance.

"She was the one to put the brakes on the relationship," a source told US Weekly, but it sounds like there's more to the story than meets the eye.

While rumours swirl that Taylor couldn't handle Tom's desire to court the media (no, seriously), sources in the British actor's camp are fairly scathing of the accounts.

According to the Daily Mail, Tom was simply adhering to his three-month rule before giving the singer the ol' heave-ho.

"He grew tired of Taylor, it wasn’t the other way round," an insider revealed. "The reports are wide of the mark and come as news to all Tom’s friends."

Apparently, the Thor actor struggles to commit to any one woman and found himself bored of the whole relationship.

"Tom drifted from her and it had nothing to do with her being put off by the publicity," a friend of Tom's revealed.

"It’s more to do with the fact he’s a commitment-phobe who gets bored very easily," they added before admitting Tom's sisters give him grief over his reluctance to give any relationship a real shot.




Let's be honest, nobody wants to wake up to a clown standing at the end of their bed.

And yet there are some people who will more than happily attend a circus, look at a photo of a clown without shuddering and even sit through Stephen King's IT without breaking into a sweat.

And then there are the other people – people who would rather swim shark-infested waters than spend a moment in the presence of a clown, whether in person or on television.

While the fear may sound juvenile, and something we should have grown out of during adolescence, a vast number of adults suffer from coulrophobia, 

But it turns out our phobia is far from irrational and something which psychologists assert affects at least 12 per cent of American adults.

Outlining why we're justified in our fear of those Godforsaken creatures, psychology professor at Temple University, Frank Farley, said: "They’re hiding their natural face."

"It can raise suspicion or fears," he explained. "Are we in danger? Should we be concerned to be in the presence of the individual?”

But if that was the case, we'd all be reduced to sniffling messes in the presence of a motorcyclist, so what gives?

Well, further to the concealment of their natural faces, many of us aren't so keen on their make-up.

"They are still recognisable – two eyes, a nose, a mouth, for example, but these features are exaggerated," he continued. "That's actually the basis for a lot of fear — the uncanny moment, where things look both familiar and unfamiliar."

And then there's that endless, unnerving smile, right?

Clinical psychologist, David Kupfer, explains: "If someone smiles at you all the time, you don’t trust them. I wonder when I see a clown face what is behind that face."

"I probably suspect that there is something not so smiley or something potentially harmful behind that happy, unrealistically happy, face." he added.

Yup, nailed it.


When Calvin Harris and Taylor Swift called it quits earlier this year, the vast majority of us waited for the inevitable fall-out, but for some time, save for a diplomatic tweet on the part of Calvin, there was nothing but radio silence.

Until there wasn't.

As Taylor launched into one of the most talked-about romances of the year with British actor, Tom Hiddleston, the media plagued Calvin for comment on his former girlfriend's new romance.

And, unsurprisingly, as he found himself dragged into the media circus that was the Hiddleswift saga, the Scottish DJ cracked, and called Tay out on Twitter in a move which he says led to all hell breaking loose.

Responding  to Taylor's decision to reveal she co-wrote Rihanna's This Is What You Came For with him, Calvin hit out at her motives.

"I know you’re off tour and you need someone new to try and bury like Katy ETC but I’m not that guy, sorry. I won’t allow it," he tweeted at the time.

Reflecting on the fall-out from that decision, Calvin recently told GQ: "When it ended, all hell broke loose. Now I see that Twitter thing as a result of me succumbing to pressure."

"It took me a minute to realise that none of that stuff matter. I’m a positive guy,"  he added.

While acknowledging that break-ups happen all the time, Calvin admitted he didn't anticipate the drama that followed their split.

"For both of us it was the wrong situation. It clearly wasn’t right so it ended, but all that stuff that happened afterwards…"

Give it a few months and we'll be hearing Tom's version of the saga…



We knew this was coming, and yet nothing prepared us for the chaos seen in Dublin city and its suburbs today.

With the memory of the recent Luas strikes still fresh in the public’s mind, we squared our shoulders and navigated the Dublin Bus strike as best we could, but Christ it wasn’t easy.

Speaking ahead of the anticipated disruption, AA’s Conor Faughnan said: “I think it will be particularly bad on the N11 corridor coming in to town.”

“We're also likely to see heavy traffic on the Naas Road, the Lucan Road and on the northside, the Swords Road,” he added.

Commenting on this morning’s developments, a spokeswoman for AA Roadwatch said: “Traffic was backed up to Junction 6 Celbridge by 8.15am with long delays reported to the M50 which also saw increased volumes in traffic at a much earlier time than we would usually see.”

With an extra 25,000 cars on the roads, the vast majority of commuters spent hours at a standstill while others were involved in collisions as motorists struggled to contend with the heavier traffic.

Oh, and anyone who thought they had escaped the chaos by hopping on a Luas was in for a rude awakening as tram drivers announced a technical fault between Brides Glen and Carrickmines which ground services between the Green Line stops to a halt.

All in all, the morning's chaos made for some pretty classic tweets… you can't say we don't know how to laugh in the face of adversity.

1. This guy

2. This other guy

3. They know what's up

4. This gal

5. When is Moe not appropriate?



When a gal is content for her boyfriend to go naked paddle boarding in full view of the paparazzi, you imagine she's pretty chill about everything else in the relationship too.

But it sounds like Katy Perry picks and chooses her battles if a recent interview with Women's Wear Daily is anything to go by.

While naked watersports is a go'er, living in Malibu is most definitely not.

Not content with Orlando's decision to set up shop by the beach (is she serious?), Katy vented in a way which has many of us here at SHEmazing! HQ shaking our heads in confusion.

"My boyfriend lives in Malibu and getting used to that drive was, like, ‘Are you kidding me? What kind of life is this?"

"There’s no pop-over and I never really got used to Malibu ‘cause it’s halfway to Santa Barbara, so I’m always just going to Santa Barbara then." she sighed.

While she acknowledged the perks of living by the sea, she insisted that people were less likely to come visit due to the distance.

"I get the whole coming to L.A. and living by the beach thing," she admitted before adding "But it’s really… it’s so far, nobody who lives in town is going to come see you."

Jeez Katy, sounds like your wallet is too big for your fifties as well…



Pinned above the bed of a young woman in the United States is a small drawing of two bicycles.

They act as a daily reminder that despite all she has endured since January 2015, there still exist heroes in her story.

Hers is a story which has, since it came to global attention at the beginning of the summer, acted as a platform for heated debate on rape culture and white male privilege.

Hers is a story of such notoriety it could have – and should have – signalled a considerable turnaround in the judicial system’s approach to rape cases.

Instead, hers became a story which compounded the well-worn argument that when it comes to victims of rape, they serve the life sentence while the perpetrator, if even convicted, is given ample opportunity to twist the facts until a rape is deduced to nothing more than drunken fumblings and crossed wires.


We have been taught to believe that good will always prevail, but as Brock Turner walked free from Santa Clara County jail last Friday, one can’t help but think that that saying holds as much water as ‘they all lived happily ever after’.

Brock Turner’s father described his son’s sexual penetration of an intoxicated person with a foreign object and his intent to commit rape of an intoxicated woman behind a dumpster on an American college campus last year as ‘20 minutes of action’.

And whether we want believe it or not, the American judicial system – and more specifically Superior Court Judge Aaron Persky – was of the same opinion.

Twenty minutes of action which brought the two male cyclists who happened upon it to tears, but hey, maybe they don’t know how this whole rape culture thing works.


While prosecution in the case pushed for a six-year sentence against the Stanford University student, Brock Turner was sentenced to just six months.

And he walked free after just three.

After stripping a young woman of her dignity, after defiling her in countless and unimaginable ways, and after buying her ‘a ticket to a planet where she lives by herself’, Brock Turner is now sleeping in his own bed.

A bed which doesn’t need a drawing of two bicycles above it because in his story, he’s the hero.

I mean, how else would you describe a young man who bravely endured a summer behind bars just because some girl couldn’t handle 20 minutes of action behind a dumpster?


When news broke that his nephew, Brendan Dassey, had had his conviction for the murder of Teresa Halbach overturned last month, hope in the Steven Avery camp intensified.

And as his attorney, Kathleen Zellner, filed the motion for his exoneration, Steven, whose story in Making a Murder gripped millions this year, focussed on his desire to write a personal memoir.

While speaking to In Touch, Steven maintained confidence that he would soon be freed, saying: "I’m comfortable. I know I have a good attorney and that she’ll prove my innocence."

After revealing that he wants the memoir to explore his time in prison and the personal struggles he endured at the hands of the legal system, 54-year-old Steven then admitted he could see the book making its way to the silver screen.

When pressed as to who would play him in the story of his life, Steven replied: "Maybe Brad Pitt,"

Despite sounding certain that Brad was the man for the job, the father-of-four admitted that he hasn't seen the A-lister in too many films as television access was limited during his time behind bars.

"We don’t get too many stations, but we’ve got the news," he explained.

Well, if you're going to opt for anyone, you opt for Brad Pitt, right?



After Giuliana Rancic made a point of saying that former Disney star, Zendaya, smelled like weed and patchouli when walking the red carpet with a head of stunning dreadlocks, we soon learned the 20-year-old star was well able to defend herself.

But it seems like this type of treatment is far from rare in the life of the young actress – something which she highlighted on Snapchat over the weekend.

According to a video she shared with followers in recent days, she and a male friend were subject to racial profiling during a visit to a Vons store.


Carefree…free of care

A photo posted by Zendaya (@zendaya) on

"So, we just got out of Vons," she told the camera. "Now, I am trying to buy a lot of gift cards."

"There are certain limits and some things, which is understandable so I'll take the less amount, whatever." Zendaya continued. "But the lady that was helping us… I don't think she was a huge fan of our skin tone."

The actress then recalled having the assistant throw her wallet after telling her she could not afford the $400 purchase.

"I can't make this up! This is what we deal with," she insisted. "Long story short, there is so much progress to be done in our world."

According to Refinery29, a store manager eventually intervened and allowed Zendaya to make her purchases.



For anyone who thought the Dublin Bus strike may give them free rein over the bus lane during the 48-hour stoppage this week, think again.

Issuing a warning to the public this afternoon, the Gardaí reminded motorists that the same rules apply to the bus lane despite this week's industrial action.

Motorists are not permitted to use the bus lane with Gardaí reiterating that the lanes "will operate as normal during operating times."

"Although Dublin Bus services will not be operating during this time, bus lanes will continue to be used by other public service vehicles, emergency service vehicles and cyclists."

Acknowledging the stress which lies ahead for thousands of people in the city this week, they continued: "An Garda Síochána recognise that the public will face difficulties therefore commuters are encouraged to plan ahead and identify alternatives forms of (public) transport on the day."

With hundreds of thousands of bus users forced to find alternate modes of transport this Thursday and Friday, authorities urged us to exercise caution.

"There will be an increase in the number of vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians on the roads. An Garda Síochána appeal to all road users to take extra care on their journey," they said.

Let's all just stay at home, shall we?



With his long hair, super-skinny jeans, oodles of tats and hoarse voice, Harry Styles definitely had a slightly rockier edge than his band members back in the height of their 1D fame.

And it seems like his Mick Jagger take on boy band style has piqued the interest of iconic rockers Red Hot Chili Peppers.

No, seriously.

Having just signed a pretty big deal with Columbia Records, Harry, who is currently filming Dunkirk, may soon be belting out a track penned by none other than Anthony Kiedis and the lads.

Commenting on their new album The Getaway, Anthony explained that they have a whole host of songs which didn't make the cut, but may suit good ol' Harry down to the ground.

"We've got 20-30 songs that didn't make the album and are on the cutting room floor," Anthony said of their studio time.

"There's one that could be great for young Harry," he added in a move which will have die-hard 1D fans whimpering into their hands and pressing replay on Little Things.

Now this is definitely one to watch.
