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Not only do Dublin Bus users have to contend with six days of industrial action across the month of September, but they also recently learned that service will grind to a standstill the night before the first official strike day.

And with the Luas strikes still fresh in the minds of the public, commuters are fearing the worst as hundreds of thousands are set to bear the brunt of the upcoming Dublin Bus strike.

Thankfully for us weary commuters, Hailo have decided to come to the rescue and are offering a special deal for commuters at specific points during the first 48 hour stoppage this month.

According to the Irish Mirror, anyone taking a taxi between 6 as well as 7am and 10am and noon this Thursday and Friday can avail of a 50 per cent discount.

Commenting on the generous gesture, Hailo in Ireland's General Manager, Tim Arnold, said: "We’re anticipating a huge surge in demand during the upcoming bus strikes, so are encouraging Hailo users to choose off-peak travel where possible."

"The recent Luas strike days have been very busy for Hailo and in particular for Hailo Prebook," he added. "We’re committed as always to getting our customers to their destinations."

Hailo, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.


We’ve all seen the heartbreaking images of the kids affected by raging wars; Aylan Kurdi’s body washed up on shore and little Omran Dagneesh who sat in an ambulance shocked after his home was bombed.

Sadly, these heartbreaking images are just a teeny insight into the horror that migrant and refugee children face as they travel, some alone, some with their families, across the continent of Europe searching for a better place to live.

Sadly, according to the Daily News, in 2015, more than 100,000 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum in 78 countries – some as young as six

And in January 2016, the Guardian reported that at least 10,000 refugee and migrant children have gone missing since arriving in Europe. Many of these minors are feared to be the victims of child trafficking.

Each day, more and more unaccompanied minors arrive at Europe’s shores, at risk of a similar fate, and Hozier, along with John Connors, Bláthnaid Treacy, Little Green Cars and Wyvern Lingo want the EU to do something.

Working with a small, grassroots organisation called Bray Refugee Solidarity Group, they are calling for the public to sign a petition to  help get the message to The Justice and Home Affairs Council of Europe that Ireland will not abandon or forget about these vulnerable children.

The charity are calling for the public to sign the petition to shine a light on these missing children, and the thousands more that will continue to disappear if we don’t do something now.

"These are children who have fled war and famine, witnessed the bloody murder of family and friends, who have sailed past the floating dead bodies of their fellow country men, women and children and we believe that when they arrive on European shores, they should be guaranteed safety, and the protection of their basic rights."


Look, we’d be lying if we said we saw Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston’s relationship culminating in a trip up the aisle, but we didn’t anticipate it ending quite as suddenly as it did.

Just three months after they began taking romantic walks on the beach, wearing items of clothing professing their love, and generally being the couple you block on Instagram, Hiddleswift have called it quits.

And it sounds like more than a few people have breathed a massive sigh of relief.

Taking to social media to comment on the demise of a relationship which had the world talking this summer, members of the public really haven’t held back in celebrating the news.

No seriously – people are legitimately pumped…. and sarky… and… officially loving it.

1. The girl's been done since day one.

2. This guy has been waiting to say this for MONTHS.

3. Well, he'd know all about it…

4. This girl who doesn't know HOW she feels… not.

5. This guy has no time for Tom.

6. This guy has it all figured out.

7. Three months in, and he finally got to use this one.

8. Just truths, yo.

9. Well now, we didn't say it.


As women with more car-to-bar shoes than any other in our wardrobes, we thought we had heard every high heel hack under the sun.

Apply Vaseline to the edges to soften them up, wear them in with a pair of fluffy socks and never leave the house without at least 30 plasters and an air of gritty determination, but turns out we were wrong.

While we have our ankles sorted and our heels padded, we still struggle with that godforsaken pain in the ball of our foot when we’re attempting to get our strut on.

However, it looks like we can officially kiss goodbye to this all-too-familiar agony with the help of some medical tape or rubber bands.

No, hear us out.

According to those in the know, there’s a nerve situated between our third and fourth toes which causes the discomfort many of us simply accept, but by taping those toes together you immediately alleviate the pressure.

The method helps to keep your muscles aligned, the ball of your foot steady, and the rest of your night pain-free.

Pass the damn tape – we’re going in.


If recent reports were to be believed, Vicky Pattison's past had officially come back to haunt her as she struggled to hold onto her position on Loose Women panel due to excessive partying.

With Vicky set to leave the show, insiders sent the rumourmill into overdrive as they hinted that Vicky just didn't have the work etiquette required to hold down the position on the popular afternoon show.

"She’s a real party animal and seemed much more focused on nights out, which could sometimes impact her commitment to the show." a source told The Sun.

"It’s a full time job and with her diary the way it is, Vicky was finding it increasingly hard to fit it in and devote her full attention to it," they added, and Vicky is not having it.

Taking to Twitter today, the former Geordie Shore star dismissed the allegations and insisted that her contract with the show had simply run its course.

"Regardless of what may have incorrectly reported about me, I would like to set the record straight: I've loved my time on @loosewomen but it was only a summer contract and now I'm having some time off before I start some big & exciting projects this Autumn," she told followers today.

"My relationship with all the @loosewomen, the team and @ITV is still great and we all tried to clarify the truth before this story was printed however we were ignored."

"Anyway, THANK YOU all for the sweet messages- and I'm sure I'll pop back to see the ladies again!" Vicky wrote before promoting a This Morning segment which she'll be appearing in alongside fellow reality star Ferne McCann.

So that's that, then.




Lena Dunham: one part actor, one part writer, and one part social justice warrior.

Known just as much for her stance on feminism as she is her role in the television industry, Lena is generally no stranger to making waves, and doing it well.

But this time, people simply aren't having it.

In a move which has forced her to reconsider her own response to personal insecurities, Lena has apologised to New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. for projecting her own issues on to him.

In a passage for her newsletter, Lena recalled meeting the athlete at the Met Gala, writing: "I was sitting next to Odell Beckham Jr., and it was so amazing because it was like he looked at me and he determined I was not the shape of a woman by his standards."

"He was like, “That’s a marshmallow. That’s a child. That’s a dog.” It wasn’t mean—he just seemed confused. The vibe was very much like, “Do I want to f*ck it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo. I’m going to go back to my cell phone," Lena wrote.

While some lauded Lena for highlighting a supposed phenomenon between women and men who don't find them attractive, others called Lena out on using Odell as a vehicle to push her agenda.

And with the benefit of hindsight, it sounds like Lena is actually with them on this one.

Taking to Instagram to issue apology to the athlete at the weekend, she wrote: "I owe Odell Beckham Jr an apology."


I owe Odell Beckham Jr an apology. Despite my moments of bravado, I struggle at industry events (and in life) with the sense that I don't rep a certain standard of beauty and so when I show up to the Met Ball surrounded by models and swan-like actresses it's hard not to feel like a sack of flaming garbage. This felt especially intense with a handsome athlete as my dinner companion and a bunch of women I was sure he'd rather be seated with. But I went ahead and projected these insecurities and made totally narcissistic assumptions about what he was thinking, then presented those assumptions as facts. I feel terrible about it. Because after listening to lots of valid criticism, I see how unfair it is to ascribe misogynistic thoughts to someone I don't know AT ALL. Like, we have never met, I have no idea the kind of day he's having or what his truth is. But most importantly, I would never intentionally contribute to a long and often violent history of the over-sexualization of black male bodies- as well as false accusations by white women towards black men. I'm so sorry, particularly to OBJ, who has every right to be on his cell phone. The fact is I don't know about his state of mind (I don't know a lot of things) and I shouldn't have acted like I did. Much love and thanks, Lena

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

"Despite my moments of bravado, I struggle at industry events (and in life) with the sense that I don’t rep a certain standard of beauty and so when I show up to the Met Ball surrounded by models and swan-like actresses it’s hard not to feel like a sack of flaming garbage."

"But I went ahead and projected these insecurities and made totally narcissistic assumptions about what he was thinking, then presented those assumptions as facts," she admitted.

Acknowledging accusations levelled at her, she added: "I would never intentionally contribute to a long and often violent history of the over-sexualization of black male bodies—as well as false accusations by white women towards black men."

"The fact is, I don’t know (I don’t know a lot of things) and I shouldn’t have acted like I did," she finished in a post which has been liked over 24,000 times.

Unfortunately for Lena, not everyone is impressed by the post with some suggesting the star didn't even write it herself and others admitting that they're tired of her rhetoric.

Whatever about Instagram, we wonder if Odell has accepted Lena's apology…


Hands up who has had to 'save' a friend from an overly eager guy in a pub or nightclub who simply won't take no for an answer.

Yeah, us too.

Some guys are notorious for demanding an explanation from any woman who dares turn down his advances while others inexplicably feel it's their right to wear a woman down until she's forced to lie her way out of a situation.

And one guy who has had enough of seeing these exchanges week in week out has called men out on this particular approach, and the internet is all over it.

London-based comedian Aurie Styla has taken it upon himself to school his peers on the proper way to chat to a woman, and frankly everyone here at SHEmazing! HQ thinks he should be giving seminars.

Commenting on the video which has taken the internet by storm this week, Aurie said: "Looking at its response, there is evidently a problem."

"I’ve received a handful of messages from men who feel that I’m ruining the (chat-up) game for them, but if harassing a woman into liking is your skill, then you need to slap yourself."

"When a women has to pretend her status is unavailable, or her sexuality is not one you can provide for, just for you to understand no means no, then there is something wrong."

Preach Aurie, preach!




YouTube is absolutely flooded with hair tutorials and make-up demos, and yet very few of us manage to keep up with all the latest tips, tricks and hacks on the beauty scene.

We’ve definitely heard of the latest trend and we might have actually seen it on someone in the flesh (the future is now, ladies), but when it comes to our own regime, a lot of us play it safe and stick to the old reliables in our make-up bag.

While it’s cool to find a style that suits and work it to the max, many of us tend to make the same make-up mistakes and skin care slip-ups on a daily basis which is why broadening your horizons on the cosmetic front is always a worthwhile exercise.

Here are just five times (this week) that we've failed on the beauty front.

1. The nitty-gritty

You could have splurged on the most expensive foundation on the market, but if your skin care routine isn’t up to scratch, you’re cheating yourself out of a flawless complexion.

Cleansing and toning are undoubtedly two of the more tedious aspects of our beauty routine, and probably why most of us tend to skimp on it whenever we can.

If you’ve been a face-wipe-and-run kind of girl for as long as you can remember, it’s definitely time to school yourself on your skin type and tone in order to make the best of it.

2. Hair care hassle

For many of us, drying, straightening and curling has become as regular a morning habit as brushing our teeth, but unfortunately this daily routine leaves our locks open to a world of trauma.

A lot of us are unsure how to best heat-style our hair without subjecting it to serious damage which is why many of us spend more time than we’d like to admit seeking and destroying split ends.

Learning how to style your hair without destroying it is the holy grail of hair care and something a lot of us need to learn sooner rather than later.

3. Make up ‘mares

You may have a foundation or blusher which you wouldn’t give up on pain of death, but as our look evolves over time, it’s important to keep on top of the cosmetic game and not rely on the same shades and styles for years.

Choosing the correct products and establishing the most flattering colours for you is what sets you apart from everyone else, and yet some of us still rock a product which should have been left behind years ago.

If you’ve found yourself frantically scrubbing a tidemark out of your jawline at some stage this week, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.

4. Nailing it

Us Irish girls are absolutely MAD for Shellac and Geleration, and while they look fantastic at the time, it’s important to treat your nails well between treatments.

Giving your nails time to breathe, conditioning your cuticles and tending to your talons isn’t exactly something we’re taught in school, but it is something every girl should have a handle on.

Seeing your nails break and flake is about as uplifting as an evening watching The Antiques Roadshow.

5. Sun care slip-up

Read the lifestyle bio of any beauty industry heavy-hitter and they’ll insist that sun cream is one of the most important products in their beauty bag.

While some things that happen on holiday should remain on holiday, protecting your skin from the sun is not one of them, girls.

Yes, there are more wet days than any other in this country, but that doesn’t mean you’re immune from the sun’s rays, so schooling yourself on the damage which can be done when you scrimp on protection is an absolute must.

Thankfully, learning about skin care routines, make-up application, hair styling and nail nourishment has never been easier, so if you're interested in upping your game, why not check out the day and evening courses kicking off at the Beauty Bootcamp's new studios on Dublin's Leeson Street?

Taking place from September to December at just €88 a pop – with €30 off the second place booked –  these one-day courses are your one-stop-shop when it comes to all things beauty-related.

Oh, and if you're as interested in fashion as you are foundation, be sure to check out their three-month evening courses in Cert in Fashion Styling and Introduction to Fashion Buying.

You can find out more about the Beauty Bootcamp Studios and their various other courses right here!




After almost two decades in the business, Britney Spears has been targeted from every angle by the media.

And while she defended herself against suggestions that she sexualised school uniforms and tirelessly fought against paparazzi invasion – with the help of a golf umbrella – it sounds like there's one thing Britney won't stand for.

And that's the suggestion she would ever employ a British accent during her comeback round.

According to TMZ, Britney's attorney has made contact with In Touch and advised them against publishing a story which suggests Britney was behaving erratically at the Video Music Awards in August.

Dismissing the claim that Brit was 'talking and laughing to herself and using a British accent', Brit's legal team has pledged to sue the magazine if they run the story.

With Britney doing her utmost to reestablish herself as a pop icon, the star's team have slammed the claim as "utterly false, highly defamatory and completely offensive to Ms. Spears."

But… but.. what's wrong with a British accent?!


If you're a die-hard Corrie fan, you'll have seen some things in your day.

From Sarah Louise's pregnancy at 13 and Richard Hillman's killing spree to that infamous tram crash and hostage situation, Coronation Street viewers are made of stern stuff when it comes to their soap storylines.

Or are they?

While they may be able to handle all of the above, it seems they struggle when it comes to a simple hook-up scene between two of the show's male characters.

"Homosexual scenes in #Corrie tonight were sickening. Most now tolerate this practice but we don’t need it rammed down our throats," wrote one member of the public.

Stunned that producers would give the go-ahead for a kissing scene between Billy Mayhew and Todd Grimshaw, viewers took to Twitter in the droves – and Daniel Brocklebank, who plays Billy, is furious.

Using the same medium as his critics, he tweeted: "Had many angry tweets saying "I'm disgusted my kids saw men kiss on tv"

"I'm disgusted they left it up tv to teach their kids how love works," the actor added in a post which has been liked thousands of times.

Thankfully, it looks like Daniel's outrage hasn't been in vain and he has since returned to Twitter to thank social media users for their support.

"Thanks for ur AMAZING messages! Let's not hate on the homophobes," he wrote before adding: "We're bigger than that. Hate breeds more hate. They need love & education."

Paying tribute to the actor today, one follower replied: "I'm bursting with pride for the way you handle all of that, thank you for being a good egg."


If there's anything more heartwarming than seeing a couple of Gardaí let their hair down for a moment while on duty, we've yet to witness it.

While paroling Electric Picnic on Saturday afternoon, these two Gardaí decided to stall up and make the most of their surroundings.

And after spotting the two officers throwing a few tentative shapes to ABC's The Look of Love, one EP reveller decided to share the magic moment on social media.

And frankly, we plan to watch it any time life gets hard.

"Fair play to the two Ban Gardai! Policing as it should be! Real movers & shakers!" wrote Sean Paul O'Hare on an upload which has been doing the rounds since the weekend.

Would you look at that adorable shuffling?!


If the results of a recent study are to be believed, we seriously regret declaring our love for an icy G&T to anyone who'd listen.

Instead of suggesting that a taste for the bitter stuff implies a more mature palate, researchers from Innsbruck University in Austria have concluded that fans of a chilled gin are more likely to exhibit psychopathic tendencies.

No, seriously.

With the help of 1,000 participants, researchers conducted two separate experiments – one which focussed on food and drink, and one which focussed on a participant's personality.

And in a conclusion that doesn't bode well for the vast majority of us here at SHEmazing! HQ, researchers ascertained that individuals who professed a preference for bitter-tasting food and drink, such as coffee, dark chocolate and gin-and-tonic, were more likely to display psychopathic traits.

Commenting on the study's results, lead author, Christina Sagioglou, said: "Everyday sadism is a construct related to benign Masochism – the enjoyment of painful activities – which was first described and investigated by psychologist Paul Rozin."

"To quote Paul Rozin for an explanation: ‘For the case of innately aversive foods, there may be pleasure from the fact that the body is signalling rejection, but the person knows there is no real threat."

So, not only does it do nothing for our waistline, our love of the clear stuff also marks us out as psychopaths in the local.


