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If you're a Vodafone user who has been struggling to make or receive calls today, you're not alone.

Taking to Twitter to highlight the issue with the mobile network, members of the public have requested assistance from the company as well as information into the matter.

According to social media, customers have been struggling to properly access the network, with one Twitter user explaining: "Every time I try and call out it says "call failed". Rebooted phone and same is happening. Is there an outage?"

"Phones keep saying call failed. Initially to mobile now landlines too. Is there a #Vodafone outage?" asked another.

According to reports, Vodafone is currently investigating the matter and working to resolve the issue.


When you generally spend Sunday morning huddled beneath your duvet in last night's clothes, the last thing you want to see is a shot of a wholesome brunch.

Unless that a wholesome brunch belonged to a dog, right?

In a move which we are wholeheartedly behind, an Instagram account has been established devoted to our furry friends' love of all things brunch-related.

Dogs Who Brunch allows social media users to salivate over everybody's favourite dish without feel guilty that some people actually manage to leave the house on a Sunday.

Oh, and then there's the dogs.

Looking beyond adorable in every shot, these guys are the new stars of Instagram, and we can't get enough.

From pugs and poodles to spaniels and sheepdogs, these lads know how to brunch in style.

And frankly, we can't cope.



Just five months after being reopened, Alton Towers' Smiler rollercoaster has yet again malfunctioned leaving 16 people trapped earlier today.

The rollercoaster, which crashed in June 2015 and caused serious injury to five young people, was the subject of a high-profile investigation, and subsequently closed to the public for over nine months.

But less than half a year after being reopened, the rollercoaster has again hit the headlines after getting stuck on a vertical part of the track today.

People have taken to social media to highlight the incident, with many questioning whether the rollercoaster will remain open to the public after both occurrences.

According to a spokesperson for the Staffordshire theme park, the ride has now been evacuated and is currently closed to visitors.



People don't like being put on the spot.

And people definitely don't like being put on the spot on national television.

But that generally doesn't stop them giving it their best shot for their big moment… as these poor guys and gals illustrated during a segment of Jimmy Kimmel Live this week.

After being approached by a 'reporter' for Lie Witness News and asked their opinion of Donald Trump's performance on Dancing With the Stars – no, he's not on it – they offered some pretty convincing assessments of a performance which did not take place.

From critiquing his style to mentioning the beef Twitter had with the appearance, these people weren't going to let their moment on the small screen slip through their fingers without saying something…although we really wish they had.

Watch this if you can handle awkwardness at its most extreme.



There are people who spend days, weeks or even months plotting revenge against a cheating partner, before eventually setting their plans aside and simply moving on.

And then there are people who actually carry it out.

In a move which has cheating boyfriends pulling on their (lipstick-stained) collars, one Instagram user decided to use her account to call her ex-boyfriend out on his infidelity.

Unlike the rest of us who might just erase every photo of him from our social media accounts, this girl decided to simply edit her captions to better illustrate the image she now has of him.

And Instagram is all over it.

In a photo which shows her wrapping her arms around the boy who cheated on her, she wrote: "I'm in the perfect position to strangle him, and if I would have known then that he was a cheater, I probably would have."

Sharing a snap of the former couple cosied up by a baseball pitch, she wrote: "He played me better than he plays baseball."

Impressed by her level of commitment to the project, social media users are now lamenting their lack of creativity when it came to calling out the people who cheated on them.

Looks like we might be seeing the start of a trend…


Another day, another Justin Bieber saga.

If he's not stirring it up on social media, he's slamming his own band during live performances, and it doesn't sound like people are too impressed.

During a fairly ropey live set for BBC Radio One's Live Lounge, the singer dropped the F-bomb before calling his guitarist out on mistakes because, you know, he can.

Remarking on the musician's playing during Love Yourself, 22-year-old Justin told listeners: "He's broken his finger, so he's not usually this terrible."

Selena's ex took to Twitter to explain that hs nerves got the better of him during the performance, writing: "I don't usually get nervous but tonight I was thrown off and I was."

"Sorry about that," he added.  "Really wanted to be my best. Hope u all had fun."

Unfortunately for Justin, it doesn't sound like they did.

Taking to Twitter to comment on the set, one social media user wrote: "Justin Bieber sounds awful on live lounge, he's being so rude to the presenter too @BBCR1"

"Justin Bieber has zero crack and not an announce of personality," added another.



A 24-year-old woman, who shed an incredible 14 stone over the course of two years, has Facebook in meltdown this week after uploading a timelapse video documenting her journey.

Simone Anderson, who has gone from 16 stone to just 12, decided to share her story with social media users when she began dropping the lbs, and now more than four million social media users have seen the rewards reaped by Simone's hard work.


Cracking myself up in the hammocks at @glamcampingcastawaysresort because @trentforsyth looks nakey in his

A photo posted by Journey To Health (@simone_anderson) on

Explaining her decision to go public with her personal journey, Simone said: "I have always struggled with my weight and have often resorted to easy fix diets where I would lose a lot of weight but as quickly as I lost it I would gain it back and more."

"Making this a public journey will aid so much in motivating me and keeping me accountable for my actions," she added at the time.

Commenting on her incredible video, Simon explained: "Looking back and remembering how many tears and emotions came before I pressed "post" I am so proud of myself for every single step I have gone through and having the guts to make my journey a public one."

Simone, who has had skin removal surgery, has been inundated with remarks from Facebook users astounded by her transformation, with one writing: "It takes real guts willpower and determination to do what you have done."

Take a look at this!



He may be one of the more controversial sports stars to emerge from Ireland in recent years, but it looks like Conor McGregor may have gone too far this time.

The UFC fighter, who recently defeated Nate Diaz, has taken a battering on Instagram after uploading a photograph of himself posing with a machine gun.

Dressed in a robe with his finger on the trigger, Conor sparked serious debate among his followers – many of whom insist the picture is in bad taste.

"You have kids that's look up to you dude stop being such an arrogant a**hole bro," wrote one of the Dubliner's followers this morning.


You need people like me.

A photo posted by Conor McGregor Official (@thenotoriousmma) on

Remarking on the upload which 28-year-old Conor captioned 'You need people like me', a fan of the star wrote: "As huge a McGregor fan as I am, holy f*ck does that look unnatural. Also the finger on the trigger makes me cringe."

"Last photo i thought I'd ever see you in..all the sh*t going on with guns and you pose that," added another.

While some Instagram users condemned the star for glorifying gun culture, others took a more lighthearted approach and pulled Conor up on the juvenile nature of the shot.

"I know you are a fighting champion, but why do you look like a 6 year old on Christmas Day in this photo?" asked one.

Something tells us Conor would be more put out by that than anything else…




The entire show may have centred around him, but Will from Stranger Things had a pretty sweet deal when it came to the whole, you know, actually appearing on screen

Indeed, despite the fact we were glued to the Netflix hit all summer, most of us would have trouble picking the young actor out of a line-up, but that hasn't stopped him making serious dollar.

Noah Schnapp, who played the absent Will in the sci-fi show, only appeared fairly briefly in four of the series' eight-episode run and yet those scenes helped the 11-year-old clean up big-time.

According to TMZ, Noah's contract for the show, which was yesterday officially renewed for a second season, states that the actor would collect $10,000 per episode and would be paid for five meaning that Noah walked away with at least $50,000.

Not too shabby.

And now that the show is heading into its second season, young Noah is in for a pretty hefty pay increase, with documents showing he'll be getting double the dollar per episode.

We're in the wrong gig.


We once thought swapping white toast for a bowl of granola was total health goals, but the more we learn about that crunchy golden goodness the more we find ourselves eyeing it suspiciously in the cereal aisle.

And any notions we may have had about switching it back from a weekend brunch to a daily dish – cos treat yourself, you know? – have been officially dashed after dietary experts reminded us that it contains enough sugar to be considered a dessert.

A dessert, ladies.

According to a report in The Independent, the original granola recipe created in 1863 by Dr. James Caleb Jackson bears no resemblance to the sugary concoction we know and love today.

Speaking to the New York Times, registered dietician, Cassie Bjork, highlighted the inconsistency which exists between the perception the public has of the foodstuff and the perception experts have.

"When I think of granola, I think of piles of sugar," she admitted when explaining why she has it listed as one of the main foods to skip on this year.

"It’s advertised as a healthy choice. But the reality is that it’s usually not," she added.

First gin and now granola – Can we have nothing?!


Any regular Gogglebox viewer will know that the show's narrators play as much of a role in the reality programme as its cast of TV addicts.

From the late Caroline Aherne's deadpan delivery to Craig Cash's confused-sounding narrative, the UK show's narrators set the tone for each scene before cast members made it their own with a host of hilarious one-liners and bizarre behaviour.

And if you – like us – have been waiting with bated breath to hear who got the coveted spot for the Irish version of the Channel 4 show, the time has come.

Deciding not to leave us in suspense, TV3, who will be airing the show in September, announced that Deirdre O'Kane and Mrs Brown's Boys star Rory Cowan are set to report on the telly habits of families, couple and friends up and down the country.

Commenting on the highly-anticipated show, TV3 bosses said: "The show promises an eclectic mix of characters that audiences will both love and love to hate."

Hate? But we don't hate ANYONE on the British version….


If you didn't already know how truly loved Gene Wilder was by his peers and public, this week has confirmed it for many of people.

Following his passing at the age of 83 on Monday, millions have taken time to pay tribute to the original Willy Wonka, and it's made for some seriously spine-tingling moments here at SHEmazing! HQ.

From Coldplay adding Pure Imagination to their set-list to Stephen Fry's touching farewell on Twitter, Gene's legacy was almost unparallelled.

Remembering the impact the actor had on him personally and professionally. James Corden recalled a meeting he had with the star, and by the looks of things it's not an occasion the British host will ever forget.

Have a look at this.

