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In the words of Chandler Bing: It's awkward, oh it's awkward.

If you're the type of person who would rather chew their own arm off than watch anything even remotely awkward unfold, then you may want to sit this one out.

But for the rest of you who like watching celebrities in tricky positions, you may want to feast your eyes on the moment Nicole Scherzinger decided to completely blank a question referring to fellow X Factor judge Cheryl Fernandez-Versini.

Not once, but twice.

While being interviewed at the X Factor launch yesterday, Nicole made it pretty clear  – without saying a word – that she wasn't here to talk about the Geordie gal.

And even after helpfully rattling off Cheryl's full name, the reporter was left with a former popstar who looked like she'd rather be anywhere else at that moment.

Watch through your fingers if you must, ladies.





College parties: the home of dented beer cans, sloppy shifts and deep meaningful conversations with your own reflection.

As anyone who has spent even one semester in university will know, the impromptu college party is like making friends with the weirdo on orientation day – something you simply cannot avoid.

And why would you want to?

They’re a veritable haven after you’ve been booted out of the pub, and can’t imagine going home alone.

And then you get there.

And there’s much less drink than you were promised, a lot more gobshites than you anticipated, and an overpowering smell from the kitchen bin.

And suddenly you regret ever ‘accidentally overhearing’ session-talk from a group who you knew lived a stone’s throw from the local.

"I’ve brought this on myself,” you’ll think as you begin checking kitchen cupboards for booze – not that students actually keep their hooch anywhere as predictable as the kitchen cupboard, but you’re desperate.

If you haven’t spent an awkward hour slugging from a can you liberated from beneath a stained cushion while your friend – who promised she wouldn’t disappear upstairs – disappears upstairs, were you even in college?

They say university is about furthering your prospects and broadening your horizons, but we all know it’s about the experiences that take place outside the lecture hall.

Frantic phonecalls home, furtive stealing of food, and feverish but ultimately disappointing relationships are what the vast majority of us remember about our time as students.

Oh, and the parties.

The late nights we found ourselves with seven random strangers who hid their enthusiasm for Dungeons and Dragons until there was no escape.

The early mornings we spent huddled beneath a coat in the hallway of a student house after realising we lost our purses and didn’t have the money for a taxi home.

The times we thought doing the robot on a kitchen table held up with a Psychology textbook would be gas craic until we ended up in A&E.

A college party wouldn’t be a college party without a dank brown carpet, a pyramid of empty cans, and one randomer in a stolen coat who no one knows.

If teen movies were to be believed, we’d rock up to a student house, be handed a red plastic cup full of vodka, and leave looking as good as we did ten hours earlier when we put the finishing touches on our winged eyeliner.

But college parties in Ireland don’t work like that.

You’re either too drunk to be a functioning member of society or you’re too sober to look past the mould growing on the inside of the fridge.

You attend because you’re mad for the shift, your mate is mad for the jacks and you heard someone came back from holidays with more Bacardi than you could shake a stick at.

You stay because it’s cold outside, someone mentioned grilling a few waffles, and your mate – who disappeared upstairs – inexplicably has your phone.

And you leave looking like you’ve been through a war despite the fact the atmosphere was as much use as Beyoncé in an elevator, and you once got your hands on more alcohol at mass.

And yet the thing that keeps bringing you back to these random gatherings is the memory – the memory of that one heady night when the stars aligned, the drink flowed, and the college party was everything you had dreamed of and more.

You were hilarious, they were hilarious, and nobody hid their booze in the washing machine.

Like an addict, you desperately try to recreate that high, and find yourself wandering deserted housing estates at 2am in search of a gaf party that your man in the chipper said would be chock-full of cans

It wasn’t of course, but there’s always next time.



If it's not butt implants, it's boob implants, and it sounds like Kylie Jenner has had enough… of the rumours, not the procedures, that is.

After social media started rocking with claims that the youngest Jenner sister had gone under the knife in the quest for bigger boobs, she took to Twitter to shut down the rumours.

And her approach to the matter meant that the rumour mill slowed down, but didn't grind to an entire halt.

Responding to someone who asked why exactly her boobs suddenly looked 'so good' yesterday, Kylie replied: "TMI but it's that time of the month lol."

In addition to this, Kylie explained that she was a massive fan of a certain Victoria Secret bra which has unfortunately been discontinued. Sob!

And yet despite her explanations, some of the star's followers continued to question Kylie's curves online until one social media user had had enough.

Chiming in with the reality star and cosmetic queen, they wrote: "Can people just understand that boobs grow during that time of the month?"

Acknowledging that they wouldn't be sticking around, the 19-year-old replied: "They will deflate soon. And it will be a sad sad day."

We hear ya Kyles, we hear ya.


Celebrity Big Brother has been accused of straight-up fakery for years now, but it looks like recently leaked footage seems to prove that this is indeed the case.

And viewers are fuming,

In a live feed which went out last night, the contestants can be seen getting into bed and saying goodnight to each other before Big Brother takes to the Voice of God booth and calls an end to the day's activities.

And like good little housemates, they all stay in bed… until the lights are turned on moments later and they get up and congratulate each other on a 'good take'.

Big Brother then offers the housemates some advice on their pre-eviction prep and the contestants go out about their business.

And for many viewers, it's like discovering the world is flat.

Take a look.




Long before Mean Girls was given a Dublin makeover, Disney characters were given a Mean Girls makeover, and every now and again we check in on it… you know… for the lols.

Like YouTube sensations, Antoine Dodson and Sweet Brown, Mean Disney Girls has been a source of mirth in the SHEmazing! HQ for years, and today we decided to revisit the little gem.

And it seems we’re not alone.

Despite the fact it was uploaded a staggering six years ago, people continue to view and comment on it  – hello 13,183,102 hits – and their comments are almost as fetch as the vid itself.

“The funny thing is that I've always thought that Aurora looked like a bitch,” wrote one while another quoted the best line in the whole damn film, writing ”I just wanna bake a cake full of rainbows and smiles and we can all just eat it and be happy."

Oh, and then there’s the Disney version of Damien.

I mean, need we say more?



This year's Rose of Tralee was definitely one of the more talked about in recent years.

From the Sydney Rose's impassioned speech to the Fathers4Justice on-stage protest, Twitter was awash with Rose of Tralee mentions, and viewers tuned in in their millions to witness the crowning of the contest's 58th Rose.

And while it seems that this year's contest helped change people's stance of the long-running pageant, a recent Facebook post may do much to reverse public opinion.

Taking to social media, Down Rose, Fainche McCormack, who didn't make it to the live final, shone a light on aspects of the process to which viewers weren't privy, and it doesn't make for easy reading.

In a now deleted post, Fainche wrote: "The Rose of Tralee was honestly the most amazing experience of my life, until Sunday morning."

"I, and my fellow rose sisters, did not sign up for a cheap reality television show in which our emotions would be manipulated for entertainment purposes, nor did we sign up to be treated like animals in the circus and held in a room against our will."

"Cameras intrusively followed us all week and asked inappropriate probing questions; asking one girl what colour underwear she was wearing right before she went on stage, what's acceptable about that?" Fainche asked.

"I could go on for days about the many ways we were manipulated, bullied and mistreated; However, up until a certain point, the Rose of Tralee was the experience of a lifetime, every part of a little girl's dream," she continued.

Calling the organisers out on their disregard for contestants Fainche added: "It's just a shame that television viewing numbers became more important that the truly amazing girls that got hurt and that now have to deal with the emotional trauma of the whole, quite frankly disgusting and cruel, ordeal."

"None of us signed up for a cheat reality television show and now unfortunately the Rose of Tralee is an experience I will never forget, for all the wrong reasons." she finished in a post which has sent social media into overdrive this morning,

Acknowledging Fainche's concerns, CEO of the festival, Anthony O'Gara, suggested that her position in the contest may have acted as a catalyst for the post.

"We been running regional finals for the past 10 years and we always get strong reactions from the Roses that don't get through. We understand people are disappointed and this year wasn't any different."

And yet despite this, Mr. O'Gara accepted that issues had been raised about Sunday morning's filming, saying: "The manner in which the extra TV show, The Road to the Dome, was finished was insensitive and we didn't anticipate that."

"We wouldn't like to see it repeated and we apologised to the Roses and they accepted that." he insisted.


Jellies? We could – and do – eat mountains of the stuff.

Cola bottles, fizzy dummies, gummy bears; the list goes on and on… but we, like millions others who have recently seen what goes into the production of our favourite treat, are now questioning whether we ever want to set eyes on another jelly snake.

In disturbing footage which was uploaded to Facebook, Alina Kneepkens exposed the incredibly grisly nature of gelatin production, and forced most of us to consider what goes on behind the scenes before certain foods are presented to us in perfect packaging.

The video begins with the moment a jelly sweet is placed in someone's mouth and then – in agonising detail – documents every step which took place up until that moment.

From the skinning of pigs to the boiling of their skin, this doesn't make for easy viewing, and social media users have wasted no times expressing their thoughts on the harrowing footage which has clocked up a staggering 7 million views so far.

"Animals do not give us their life, we take it from them," wrote one. "Animals value their life as much as we do and also have a right to coexist on this planet with us."

Reminder: Some users may find this footage distressing.



We all have notions that Blue Ivy might one day follow in her parents’ musical footsteps, but it looks like Beyoncé can’t wait that long.

According to the New York Post, Queen Bey has her sights set on a 17-year-old whose talent in the music department grabbed the attention of an executive from the star’s Parkwood Entertainment company back in 2014.

After spotting Sophie Beem performing in Greenwich Village, the exec placed the teen in front of Beyonce who spent the next two years mentoring the budding young star before deciding that now was the time to unveil her protégée to the wider world.

And everyone is falling all over themselves.

In addition to helping Sophie hone her songwriting skills, Queen Bey taught the young New Yorker how to nail that all-important on-stage feature – singing and dancing at the same time.

“One thing Beyoncé taught me was to sing and run on the treadmill at the same time,” Sophie told the New York Post.

“Most people don’t realise, but singing and dancing at the same time is something you have to train really hard for – and now I can do it!”

And if you think Sophie’s name sounds a little familiar, it may be because you already came across her on Spotify.

After releasing her self-titled debut EP in March, the teen has already clocked up almost one million plays, and it sounds like her star is definitely on the rise.

All hail, Queen Beem.



Taylor Swift has had a rollercoaster of a year.

From the Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston drama to the leaked Yeezy footage which had the potential to ruin her reputation, 2016 has undoubtedly been the year of the Taylor Swift headline.

And it sounds like she might need some time out of the spotlight.

In comparison to last year's Video Music Awards which saw the singer scoop four Moonmen, this year's are less Tay-oriented and the star isn't in the running for anything which could go a long way towards explaining her decision not to attend on Sunday.

That's right, people. Taylor Swift is not attending the VMAs this year –  a decision which has sent the rumour mill into overdrive today (obvs).

While insiders say the 26-year-old never intended to appear in the first place, media outlets can't help but wonder if this announcement has anything to do with the fact Kanye has been given a whole four minutes on stage to do whatever the hell he wants.

Sorry Swifties, there'll be no shocked faces or dodgy dance moves this Sunday.

What will the squad do without her?



After today learning that they had been voted 'the world's favourite airline', Ryanair decided to mark the news by holding a serious sale.

According to The Mirror, the airline are letting 100,000 seats go for – wait for it, ladies – just €19.99.

The first place position – measured by the number of passengers each airline flew – was awarded by the International Air Transport Association, and Ryanair are understandably thrilled by the announcement.

"IATA has once again confirmed that Ryanair remains the world’s favourite airline as we became the first airline in the world to carry more than 100 million international customers in one year, thanks to our ‘Always Getting Better’ programme and by offering the lowest fares in Europe,"  said Ryanair's Robin Kiely.

"Customers can look forward to more new routes, new digital features, new cabin interiors and even more low fares, as we carry more than 117m customers this year," he added.

But until then? Well, these bargain seats, for travel in October and November, are available for purchase on the Ryanair.com website until midnight Monday 29 August, so get going!


We'd step over our own mothers – sorry, mam – to look like Jessica Alba, so to hear she's not fully content with her appearance comes as a bit of a shock, if we're honest.

The mum-of-two opened up about her body hang-ups while speaking with Allure for their September issue, and it turns out the Sin City would take back her tats if she could.

The 35-year-old actress and businesswoman, who first got inked at 18, admits she regrets taking the plunge.


A photo posted by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

"You’re never going to be in the same place emotionally and mentally at 18 that you are at 20 or 25 or 30," she explained.

"Something that's meaningful to you when you're younger is not going to be meaningful to you five years later," Jessica elaborated.

Jessica, who rocks flower tats on her neck and a Sanskrit inking on her wrist, admits they're simply not as important as they once were, saying: "I have a few tattoos. I'm not into them now the way that I was."


I'm so excited for my @dl1961denim collection to come out this fall #JAxDL #dl1961 #Ad

A photo posted by Jessica Alba (@jessicaalba) on

And while the star can't do much about the tattoos unless she plans a few laser sessions, she has ensured various other mistakes from her past haven't made it into her present.

A massive fake tan fan back in the day, Jessica no longer opts for an artificial glow, saying: "I remember, it was a trend, and we all used to do it. You put the sticker on to see how dark you got."

"I would never do a tanning bed ever now, " she insisted.

Well, that we can get on board with.


Unlike Justin Bieber who feels every selfie with a fan is an affront to his humanity, Gaten Matarazzo of Stranger Things fame loves nothing more than being asked for a snap.

So much so, he has begun devoting his own Instagram account to photographs of fans only delighted to have grabbed a shot with the young actor.

Earlier this week, Gaten, who plays Dustin, announced his good intentions online, writing: "I'm starting a new thing."

"Every fan that stops me and asks me to take a picture with them, I will ask them to take a picture with me because they mean as much to me as I mean to them," he wrote in a post which has everyone at SHEmazing! HQ whimpering into their hands.

"This guy was awesome, I couldn't resist having him be in the start of my new trend," 13-year-old Gaten explained to his 400,000 followers.


This guy was really sweet thank you for stopping me to take a picture.

A photo posted by Gaten Matarazzo (@gatenm123) on

Since sharing the first shot two days, Gaten has added random snaps and accompanies them with sweet descriptions of the people he had just met.

"This was Doris she is super sweet," he wrote alongside one while in another he told followers: "Derek was awesome! He recognized me in the elevator it was pretty funny actually."


This was Doris she is super sweet.

A photo posted by Gaten Matarazzo (@gatenm123) on

Unsurprisingly, Gaten's fans are all over his idea, and are only dying to meet him and make their way on to his Instagram page.

"You are legitimately a gift to this world and you make me super happy," wrote one fan.

And if you need us, we'll be whimpering in the corner.
