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Less than a fortnight after tying the knot, Jamie Heaslip has taken to Instagram to lament the end of his honeymoon, but not before sharing a stunning snap of himself and his new wife, Sheena O Buachalla, at one very familiar spot in the capital city.

Looking beyond happy, the couple held hands and posed in front of the Guinness Brewery in Dublin's St James's Gate on their wedding day earlier this month, and fans are all over it.

"The honeymoon is most def over, 2 days of @irishrugby camp will do that to u!" the Leinster player wrote in a post which has clocked up thousands of likes this afternoon.

"Thanks for all the lovely messages! Cheers @cillianob for snapping this, a great driver and photographer! Who would of thought it!" he joked.

The newlyweds, who married at University Church at Stephen's Green on August 13th, were inundated with comments following Jamie's upload today.

"Congratulations from Canadian fans!" wrote one while another took inspiration from the shot and tagged a friend writing: "Looks like we need to head back to Dubz ASAP to take a pic like this."

Between his breathtaking wedding and the opening of his new bar with teammates Rob Kearney, Dave Kearney, Sean O’Brien, Jamie has had one seriously busy August.



The Cavan Rose got some land when her segment during the first night of the Rose of Tralee pageant was interrupted by a fairly irate-looking priest intent on stealing her spotlight last night.

Clutching a handwritten sign, Matt O'Connor – not a priest but the founder of Fathers4Justice – tried to raise awareness of his organisation, before being escorted off-stage in front of a stunned audience.

Defending his decision to interrupt both the televised event and Lisa Reilly's interview with Dáithí O' Shea, Matt told Radio Kerry: "Lets put it in context – it's a beauty pageant, not somebody's holy communion."

"I was told – and I hope it's the case – that she carried on, the show carried on…and fair play to her," Matt said. "It's disconcerting, but let's remember this was a peaceful protest, it was nothing more dramatic than that, a couple of seconds on television, let's put it in that context."

Revealing that last night's protest only signalled the beginning, Matt continued: "The contest itself – the Rose of Tralee – has widely been panned as being a sexist and outdated beauty pageant; but it's an issue that we thought needed to be aired and it's the first of many protests we're going to be staging across Ireland."

Standing by his approach, Matt added: "That right to protest is actually enshrined in law. We have a right to peaceful protest, this was a peaceful protest."

And while it may be considered peaceful, Matt's decision left the Cavan Rose feeling more than a little rattled.

Commenting on the moment which – along with the Sydney Rose's impassioned speech – has been doing the rounds on Twitter today, Lisa said: "I was very, very close to bursting out crying."

"Dáithí gave me a bit of a squeeze," she continued. "Then everyone started to stand up for an ovation, especially the escorts and the Roses."

"It was the first time in eight years a Cavan Rose was in the Rose of Tralee so I wasn't going to let people down," she insisted.


Whether a Serial fan or not, the vast majority of people will, at this stage, have heard of Adnan Syed and Hae Min Lee.

The latter was found murdered in Baltimore in 1999, and the former – her ex-boyfriend – was convicted of the crime.

But with glaring discrepancies in the trial against Syed, American journalist, Sarah Koenig, set about investigating the case in a move which resulted in one of the most downloaded podcasts of all time.

Listeners were informed that there existed a woman who could offer an alibi for Syed on the day of the murder, but who wasn't questioned during the investigation or asked to testify during trial.

Asia McClain insists that Syed was in the school library at the time police believe the murder was committed, and her claims have helped Syed secure a new trial following a post-conviction hearing.

But according to emerging reports, Asia's claims have been cast in doubt after two former Woodlawn High School students gave sworn statements to the Maryland attorney general's office this summer.

Claiming that Asia had planned to lie for Syed, the former students recalled an argument where they pleaded with Asia to rethink her plan.

"Both my sister and I (more so my sister) argued with Asia about how serious this situation was," recalled one.

"She just said that it wouldn't hurt anything — that if he was truly guilty, then he would be convicted. I'm not sure what can come of this information but I felt I had to let someone know."

Denying the accusations, Asia's attorney, Gary Proctor, said: "Given that the case is now before an appellate court, we question the timing of these bizarre, and wholly factually untrue, allegations.

According to The Baltimore Sun, the siblings sent Facebook messages to Asia and reminded her of the supposed altercation which took place when she suggested defending Syed.

"I've sat back and let you have your 15 minutes of fame on behalf of that poor girl because I didn't think anyone would actually [entertain] you or your fabricated story about seeing him in the library," one of the sisters wrote.

"I remember that day in Ms. Graham's like it was yesterday. I remember getting into a heated argument with you about how serious the situation was and that a girl lost her life and [redacted] actually had to 'break up' our verbal altercation," she added.

Asia denies these accusations and stands by her testimony.


Their friendship in the Celebrity Big Brother house definitely had its ups and downs, but if Megan McKenna's latest column is anything to go by, she can officially draw the line under any relationship she ever had with Stephanie Davis.

Writing for Reveal magazine, Megan weighed in on the drama surrounding Steph and her ex-boyfriend and former housemate, Jeremy McConnell, in a move which isn't going to win her any fans from Steph's camp.

Acknowledging that she's laying herself bare to criticism, Megan insisted: "There’s always two sides to every story."

"I don’t agree with Jez cheating before he knew Steph was pregnant, but people have forgotten that she cheated first, on her ex-boyfriend with Jez… in front of the entire nation," Megan continued.

The 23-year-old reality star then attempted to highlight Jeremy's perspective on the matter, writing: "Everyone’s feeling sorry for Steph because she’s pregnant and putting on the waterworks, but I don’t agree with bringing up a baby in a toxic relationship, that’s what Jez’s point is."

The former Ex on the Beach star sounded fairly certain that the Dubliner would take responsibility in the long run, continuing: "I fully believe he’ll support that child and be there for it, he just doesn’t want to be in a relationship with her."

"It’s both of their responsibilities, but why dish your dirt out all over the place, like Steph has?" Megan asked.

In a message to her former housemate, Megan, who now stars in TOWIE, suggested Steph change her attitude, finishing: "Instead, focus on yourself and your baby, rather than cashing in from bad-mouthing him."

Well, that's gonna go down like a led balloon in the Steph camp.



Anyone who's a regular to the Liffey Valley Shopping Centre will know that it's been undergoing serious refurbishments over recent months, but that's nothing in comparison to what's to come.

According to emerging reports this afternoon, the centre, which first opened its doors to the public in October 1998, has been granted planning permission for even more shops and  – wait for it – an Olympic-sized rink and arena.

It is understood that the rink will accommodate 2,500 spectators and will be in a position to host international ice skating and ice hockey competitions as well as various performances.

The centre, with an address in Clondalkin, will see a major chance to its civic space, with project organisers saying: "Plans include a transformation of the Centre’s civic spaces with the addition of a major new public space equivalent to a typical European-scale Urban Plaza."

Expansions plans, which included a proposal for a multi-story carpark, were previously met with opposition back in February, so South Dublin Country Council gave developers six months to alter their plans.

The revised plans, which no longer include the carpark, have been given the official go-ahead and will, according to those behind the project, do much for the economy.

"It has the potential to create up to 450 construction employment opportunities during development approximately 1,500 full and part-time jobs upon completion, bringing the total number of people employed within the centre to over 3,700".

We can't wait!


Nude shots with strategically-placed items we can get on board with, but nude shots with strategically-placed teddy bears? No, thanks.

And it looks like Instagram is with us on that one.

After uploading a shot of himself covering his modesty with a soft toy last week, Made in Chelsea's Jamie Laing didn't quite get the response he was expecting.


Teddy Bears Picnic

A photo posted by jamielaing_ (@jamielaing_) on

In response to the image which Jamie captioned 'Teddy Bears Picnic', fans found themselves a little baffled, and wasted no time telling Jamie as much.

"Ew, ew, ew," wrote one while another slammed a friend for drawing her attention to the snap, writing: "Oh god why did you have to tag me in this?"

And his girlfriend, Frankie Gaff, who recently joined the MIC line-up. didn't fare much better when she shared another last night.

A week on from the initial negative response, it looks like Frankie thought she might have a little better luck, but no dice this time around either.


Lols @jamielaing_

A photo posted by Frankie Gaff (@frankiegaff) on

"Not sexy at all!" commented one Instagram user while another ignored Jamie's creepy teddy and asked Frankie: "Is he still cheating on your arse?"

Whether it's Jamie's dazed expression, his perma-tan or the disturbing use of a teddy bear, people just aren't feeling it.

Guys, it may be time to admit defeat with this selection of snaps.


Die-hard X Factor fans were left stunned when Louis Walsh was dropped from the judging panel, but it seems no one was as put out by the show's new set-up than the Mayo-native himself.

According to Simon Cowell, the Irish music mogul took serious issue with the show during his absence, and didn't hold back when telling Simon exactly what he thought.

Setting the scene for the public, Simon explained that once the clock would strike 2am, he knew he'd be in for a world of earache.

"But honest to god, it was a weekly call," Simon admitted. "It would start about two in the morning and I'd be like, 'Oh God, it's Louis again'. I'd put it on speaker, lie down and listen."

"What was so funny was that he used to phone me every week," Simon recently revealed. 

"I'd get an hour where he would scream down the phone and I'd be like, 'Well, stop watching. I can't help it, it's not my fault if you don't like it anymore."

And unlike most of us who might delete the Mayo man from our palm pilot, Simon got a kick out of Louis' reaction and can't wait to have him back on the show.

"He was passionate, he missed the old show and I liked seeing that side of Louis," Simon explained.

"Sometimes he can get a little bit passive, but this was the Louis I have always known as a manager, he's got a big mouth, he's outspoken and critical, but that's what I love about him," he added.

We wonder how long it will be before he utters the classic "But Westlife, Simon" remark on this year's show.



If you're the kind of woman who can happily hop up on the bathroom scales fully-clothed after a big dinner, then we take our hat off to you.

As gals who feel the need to get butt-naked before even glancing at our scales, your attitude is the type we aspire towards.

But until then, we'll seek comfort in the fact Chrissy Teigen employs the same kind of batsh*t crazy logic many of us do when it comes to that godforsaken sad step.

Taking to Twitter last night, everyone's favourite model offered some practical advice to anyone currently fighting the battle of the bulge, and it's definitely worth considering after a weekend of beer and burritos.

"Just a PSA that if u weigh yourself and take a pic of the scale number you gotta subtract 14 lbs of phone weight that's what I tell myself," she wrote in a post which has been liked more than 20,000 times so far.

Adding to the dialogue, fans of the star suggested her phone may not be as heavy as theirs, with one writing: "Your phone is really light. Mine weighs 20lbs."

"I'm going to need to hold like 4 phones," wrote one while another added: "An extra pound for the phone case too!"

"Don't forget to subtract 3 lbs for your hair and 10 lbs for your brain," reminded another of the model's online followers.

And then there's the weight of your emotions…


It's that time of year again, ladies.

Roses line up, mammies cry, escorts look awkward… and Twitter goes into total meltdown.

Taking to the website in their droves since last night, members of the public shared their thoughts on the long-running pageant, and it is, unsurprisingly, a mixed bag.

From tongue-in-cheek remarks on the appearance of an angry priest to heartfelt tributes to this year's Sydney Rose, when it came to this year's Kerry-based event, we definitely didn't turn a blind eye.

And here are just some of your thoughts.

1. She has a point.

2. Yep, sounds about right.

3. "They all have lovely bottoms"

4. This guy.

5. This gal.

6. Preach.

7. Too true.

8. "She's worth it"

9. And then there was this…




We've all endured the heartache of removing our favourite top from the washing machine only to realise it's now about as useful as Beyoncé in an elevator.

Shrunk beyond all recognition, most of us spend a couple of hours whinging before hiding it at the back of the wardrobe – we're not strong enough to part with it just yet.

But – and you're going to need to brace yourself here, ladies – it doesn't actually have to be this way.

According to the wonderful people behind Good to Know, you can restore your shrunken garments to their former glory simply by soaking them in baby shampoo and warm water.

According to lifestyle blogger, Jill Nystul, by adding a third of a cup of baby shampoo to a bucket of warm water and leaving your clothes to soak for half an hour, you will be relaxing the fibres and preparing for the next stage of the process.

After removing the garment from the bucket, don't wring it out as the mixtures needs to continue its good work, but do roll it up in a towel for approximately 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, stretch the garment out on another clean, dry towel and secure it at its corners with heavy objects.

And voila! Your beloved top no longer looks like something you''d find in the childrens' department.


Remember when Colonel Sanders and the crew decided they knew as much about manicures as they do about chicken, and launched their very own range of nail polishes?

Well, they haven't stopped there.

According to their Twitter page, the uber-famous fast food restaurant have turned their attention to the world of sun protection,  and in a bizarre turn of events, people are actually all OVER it.

Having released 3,000 bottles of Extra Crispy Sunscreen this week – a product which leaves users smelling like a bucket of the fried stuff – the chicken superstars are now fresh out.

They are FRESH OUT of chicken-scented sunscreen, people.

Considering that very few of us seek to smell like a fast-food outlet of our own accord, we can only assume the public was seduced by the chain's snappy tagline.

Tying in the allure of their original product with the importance of their new one, KFC explained: "Because the only skin that should be extra crispy this summer is on your fried chicken."

Oh, you guys!



We'd play Beyoncé all day every day if we could.

From her Bootylicious back catalogue to her current chart-toppers, there's always time for a visit from the queen.

Unless you're Mariah Carey, that is.

According to reports emerging Stateside, Mariah had a mini meltdown when her fiancé, James Packer, decided to use a little Bey to create a romantic atmosphere in their home.

The Fix claims that James was left red-faced whe he realised his fiancée had no intention of being seduced to the sounds of a rival artist.

"Mariah threw the computer that was playing it via speakers out the window," a source told the website this week.

And her 1980s rockstar strop didn't stop there, as The Fix continues: "Seriously, she just trashed it. She ran out of the room screaming."

Mariah's meltdown, unsurprisingly, brought the evening to an end, with the source adding: "So the night was obviously finished for James, and they retreated to separate parts of the house. And she had a few glasses of wine to cool down."

As you would.
