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It's only the very fortunate among us who don't feel the need to spend half a week in bed during that time of the month.

Discomfort, tiredness and general malaise mean most of us would happily build a duvet fort and refuse to emerge until we get the all-clear from our ovaries, but what with work, college and, you know, general life responsibilities, it's simply not an option.

You can, however, ensure you get the very best of the eight hours you do spend in the scratcher by following expert advice on the best sleeping position to assume during your period.

According to Glamour, experts in the field of womens' issues unanimously agree that the foetal position is the best option during those particular five days of the month.

Offering an explanation for this, Dr. Jennifer Wider said: "Many women report that the fetal position can help relieve cramps."

Elaborating further, Lisa Lindley, M.D., board-certified gynaecologist with Eisenhower Women's Health added: "Sleeping in the foetal position takes pressure off the abdominal muscles."

In addition to relieving the cramps which keep many of us up at night, the foetal position generally ensures against leaks due to the positioning of the woman's legs – something which cannot be said for the face-down position.

According to the experts, it's best to avoid this position when Aunt Flo is in town simply because lying on your stomach puts pressure on your uterus, results in more leaks and quickly increases your laundry pile.

Just something to keep in mind…



We all know that the media have a habit of pitting women against each other, and while the vast majority of us despise it, still it continues.

And it looks like Stacey Solomon has had enough.

After seeing herself compared to former X Factor contestant, Louisa Johnson in The Sun newspaper, the Loose Women panellist decided to call the publication out on their cruel jibes.

Referring to the writer's decision to play the women off against each other by publishing photos of both in their bikinis before suggesting that Stacey was the less attractive of the pair, Stacey shared the article, and tweeted: "I love my body."

In a post which has been liked thousands of times on Twitter, Stacey added: "My boobs are a result of being pregnant & breastfeeding & I love them. I am just as sexy"

26-year-old Stacey, who is mum to two boys, was inundated with comments from supportive fans and followers, including her supposed 'rival' Louisa.

"I think you look amazing, everybody is beautiful. Girl Power," wrote Louisa in a comment to which Stacey replied: "As do you, gorgeous."

Thanking Twitter users for their support, Stacey shared a snap of herself with her children, writing: "ur comments so much. It Means a lot. currently swinging my saggy maggies around the pool on holiday with these 2." (sic)

"Beautiful girl," wrote one follower in response. "Brilliant answer to that horrible thing. Well done you, fab role model for everyone xx"

We're with her on that one.


It's no secret that Saira Khan and Marnie Simpson didn't exactly see eye to eye while on Celebrity Big Brother, but it doesn't look like Saira is content to leave the ill will in the house if a recent interview is anything to go by.

Appearing on The Wright Stuff, Saira, in no uncertain terms, compared Geordie Shore's Marnie to a prostitute who was fulfilling her fee by having sex on camera.

Recalling her first meeting with 24-year-old Marnie, Saira revealed: "The first thing this young lady said to me was 'Who are you going to have sex with in the house?'

While the audience gave bursts of stunned laughter, Saira questioned Marnie's attitude, saying: "Not 'Who do you fancy?' That conversation normally happens in our country on a corner with a red light… for the red light district."

Admitting that she was stunned by the reality star's intentions, Saira continued: "For me, this young lady had taken the red light, crossed the boundary into TV."

"The red light was the camera and she had got a fee, and she came with the intent of having sex. For me, that is what you call prostitution."

Defending her position, Saira admitted that this Geordie Shore-like approach is not something she understands.

"For me, for mainstream TV to have that content, call me prudish, I don't agree with it. I think it's a generational thing, I don't get it," she said.

We wonder what Marnie will make of those remarks when she gets out.


Anyone who has been watching the latest series of Celebrity Big Brother will have felt for Lillie Lexie Gregg whose boyfriend, Stephen Bear, began an in-house relationship with fellow housemate Chloe Khan.

Despite entering the house with intentions of marrying Lillie, who he met on Ex on the Beach, Stephen found himself cosying up to Chloe… and then some.

In behaviour which has resulted in countless complaints from viewers and CBB contestants, Stephen and Chloe made their feelings for each other very clear as a devastated Lillie watched from home.

And in classic Celebrity Big Brother fashion, the show's bosses gave Lillie the opportunity to enter the house and confront her boyfriend… which, of course, she did this week.

Taking to Twitter to support Gary Beadle's ex-girlfriend, former Celebrity Big Brother contestant, Megan McKenna admitted that she really felt for the reality TV star after she put herself out there this week.

"Catching up with #cbb and wow. I'm choked," Megan wrote. "Legit just cried at tonight's ep… @LillieGregg you've got guts to do what you did tonight."

Agreeing with the TOWIE star, Megan's followers wasted no time slamming Stephen, with one writing: "These "boys" take no responsibility for their actions!!! No wonder these beautiful young women have issues!"

"She tooootttaaallllyyyy just mugged him off 100% taste of his own medicine. Saw the real him for the first time," added another. (sic)

Stephen echoed the thoughts of the public when he told Big Brother: "Maybe it's her lucky escape from me. God knows what she's gone through."

Hmmm… hard to argue with that one.


Look, there's no denying that Netflix smash-hit, Stranger Things, came totally out of left field and knocked us all for six this summer.

And if you still find yourself marvelling at the cast, the story's arc or the wonder that was Dustin, you're not alone.

In fact, you're in pretty good company as Aaron Paul of Breaking Bad fame is right there with you.

Having been given the opportunity by Elle to interview Millie Bobby Brown who plays Eleven in the sci-fi show, Aaron did what any of us would do – he fangirled all over himself.

According to the magazine, Aaron chatted with Millie over the phone earlier this month, and was unable to keep his chill for even one minute.

"First of all, I love you," he told Millie after thanking her for taking the phone call. "I have to start this off by saying that I'm just such a massive fan of yours."

"I mean, really, from one actor to another, I have such incredible respect for you. I really admire your work," he told the British-born actress.

After Millie revealed that she always felt she wanted to do something creative, Aaron responded:  "I'm so happy that you found this passion inside of you. A group of friends and I have a group chat in which we only discuss Stranger Things and how cool Eleven is."

Sounding genuinely awestruck, Aaron told Millie that her name constantly pops up in discussion in his home.

"I gotta tell you: My wife and I are constantly talking about you," he revealed. "We're constantly saying, 'Her parents must be so proud!' To be honest, we wish that you were our child."

And instead of pretending that the line was suddenly super dodgy before abruptly hanging up, Millie simply laughed, replying: "I wish you were my parents!"

Now, that girl has chill.



Today, two Irish women have made the decision to live-tweet their journey to the UK to seek abortions.

Beginning at 4am this morning, @TwoWomenTravel shared poignant photos of an Aer Lingus airplane, a handwritten note and the interior of a taxi – all of which they directed at Enda Kenny.

As discussion surrounding the Repeal the 8th debate continues to rage, they wrote: "We stand in solidarity with all women exiled by @EndaKennyTD, his predecessors, his apologists. #twowomentravel."

"Pretty ordinary sights, in a place away from home. Can't say it's comforting, though," they added of another shot.

And Twitter users, including The Late Late Show's James Corden, have been coming out in their droves to support them.

"Today, @TwoWomenTravel but you're not on your own in this. So many people are with you," he wrote in response to their decision to document the journey thousands of Irish women are forced to embark upon every single year.

Lending their support to the two women, members of the public have shared the #repealthe8th hashtag online while encouraging others to do the same.





It is understood that the two women will continue to share their journey until their return home to Ireland tomorrow.


A sub-franchise of a well-known chain of American gyms has come under fire recently after suggesting, in no uncertain terms, that women who rock the classic pear shape may want to get their head in the game and start changing it.

And people are, unsurprisingly, raging.

Taking to Instagram to highlight the offensive ad, Little Miss Sunshine star, Abigail Breslin, reminded the gym that women shouldn't feel pressured to work out purely to fit a gym's unrealistic beauty ideal.

"Wow honestly disgusted by this @goldsgym you should be ashamed of yourselves," she began in a post which has been liked thousands of times this week.

"Things like this are the reason 9 year old girls develop eating disorders," Abigail added. "Working out should be something you do for yourself, your health and your mind & body, not cuz a corporation declares your body shape isn't what girls should look like." (sic)

Grateful she didn't become a member of the gym, Abigail finished by writing: "Interesting they had to single out females. Good job for preying on people's insecurities and perpetuating body image issues!"

Like the actress, the public wasted no time sharing their views of the ad online.



Responding to the barrage of criticism they faced at the hands of outraged internet users, Gold's Gym have assured the public they will be taking immediate action against their Egyptian franchise.

Too little, too late?



Yesterday, the good folk at Met Éireann told us that we'd likely be in for a wet and windy weekend, but we're a hopeful bunch and crossed our fingers that it was just a a passing blip.

And then this morning they issued a status yellow weather warning.

In place up until 6pm today, the warning affects Wexford, Clare, Cork, Kerry, and Waterford and comes after violent winds and heavy, thundery rain rocked the country last night.

Hot on the heels of Met Éireann's forecast, the Republic's police force took to Twitter to offer similar advice.

In words which would be music to our ears on a weekday but are much, much less appealing as we kick off the weekend, an Garda Síochána basically advised us to sit this one out.

"It wet and windy out there. Unless like us you have to get up I'd suggest turning over for another snooze. If you have to go out be safe," they wrote. (sic)

"Will do, wouldn't want to get done for refusing to follow the direction of a Garda," responded one Twitter user.

Further to this, forecasters have urged anyone planning trips to the seaside to exercise caution due to high spring tides, aggressive sea conditions, and strong winds.

And if you need us, we'll be back in bed… the Guards told us.


While southern parts of the United States are currently contending with the implications of recent floods, it looks like the carefree attitude of one young boy in Baton Rouge has done much to raise the spirits of countless residents.

Appearing behind a news correspondent reporting on the issue, the youngster can be seen throwing some serious shapes, and social media users have really taken him to their hearts.

In a move not often seen during live broadcasts, neither the correspondent nor the cameraman requested that the child remove himself from the shot, but instead treated viewers to almost two minutes of some pretty slick moves.

Uploading the footage to Facebook, WMC Action News 5 paid tribute to the child and drew on the words of one Baton Rouge resident when captioning the video.

"Perhaps a man in Baton Rouge summed it up best when he posted this clip to his own Facebook page, "Was feeling kind of down, then he popped up on my screen and reminded me that no matter what you're going through to just keep on smiling and dancing," they wrote.

"Something's wrong if you didn't just love this kid. I'm in the midst of this historic flood and I loved him," wrote one Facebook user while another insisted: "I'm sorry but not only is he bringing joy but he's bringing a sense of strength to a bad situation."

"I'm working on getting a tractor trailer of goods to the area to help and this kid brought a smile to push me harder to make that happen," they added.

Watch this, and try not to crack a smile…



Comedy act, Foil Arms and Hog, recently released a video which suggested that when it comes to planning a holiday, us Irish folk have a seriously hard time making a decision.

And, if a recent survey from 123.ie is anything to go by, the lads weren't far off the mark at all.

According to findings, the biggest issues affecting Irish holiday-makers is the importance of risk assessment, the threat of terror,  the fear of missing a flight or losing our luggage and the idea we'd be denied a cup of tea upon arrival. (No, seriously)

With the shocking implications of terrorism never far from the headlines, it's no surprise that 80% of holiday-makers from Ireland will avoid travelling to a region they believe may be vulnerable to terrorist attack.

Of the 771 individuals surveyed, 94% cited France as the country most at risk from terrorism, with Turkey and Tunisia also ranked highly at 91% and 87% respectively.

Head of Marketing with 123.ie, Padraig O’Neill, commented on the results, saying: "People’s views are obviously influenced by recent attacks in Turkey and last year’s attacks in Paris and Sousse and this has been reflected in their responses, which is totally understandable."

Further to this, the survey indicates that the Irish public take health risks into account when planning a vacation, with India and Brazil heading up the list as countries which pose the greatest danger.

"We anticipated that Brazil might feature on the list given the recent outbreak of the  Zika Virus and the ensuing publicity surrounding golfers including Rory McIlroy, Shane Lowry and their decision not to take part in the Rio Olympics," Padraig explained. 

"Despite the fact that pregnant women is the group most at risk from the Zika Virus, the  global publicity may have contributed to heightened concerns that has been borne out in the research."

And while we may relish the devil-may-care attitude attributed to us by the wider world, us Irish are actually a conscientious bunch, with four out of five respondents buying travel insurance in case of medical emergencies.

Remarking on the result, Padraig asserted: "We know that people place a high value on their travel insurance.  It offers great peace of mind and it’s one of those things that you can purchase and not think about again as you never need it, until you need it."

And after factoring in terrorism and travel insurance, us Irish turn our attention to a possible tea shortage while living it up abroad.

So great is the concern, a staggering 57% of holiday-makers from Ireland actually take their preferred brand of tea with them on a foreign trip.

And a further 14% insist that the first thing they do after landing is seek out a cup of the hot stuff.

Yeah, that sounds about right.



Chrissy Teigen gained a whole host of new fans last year when she uploaded a snap of her stretchmarks online and assured the public that her 'stretchies say hi'.

And almost 18 months and one pregnancy later, it looks like Chrissy is even more eager to share photos of her 'real' body with fans and followers.

Snapchatting a close-up video of her thigh last night, the Sports Illustrated model gave fans a tour of her thigh area, and wrote: "lol, my thighs have tributaries."


Hahaha @chrissyteigen showing of her thighs #sheisrealpeople #neverdoubtthat #chrissyteigen

A photo posted by #1 Chrissy Teigen Updates (@chrissylunajohn) on

Thrilled by the star's candid assessment of her post-partum body, social media users have taken to Twitter in their drove to praise Chrissy's attitude.

"Shoutout to @chrissyteigen for being real AF and showing her stretch marks on Snap," wrote one. "YOU ARE A REAL HUMAN."

"Nothing like a Chrissy Teigen stretch mark snap to get me ready to take on the day," gushed another.

Chrissy for President.


A 53-year-old man from the United States has made headlines today following a very unfortunate incident with some homemade brownies.

In something which sounds like a scene from American Pie, the man in question did what anyone would do upon discovering a tray of brownies in their car – he ate a couple… and then some.

But instead of doing what the rest of us do after devouring a tray of baked goods  – faceplant and bemoan our lack of will power, you know the drill – Michael Gollehon began crawling around his home and cursing out his cat.

Yep, this guy's adult children baked themselves a right ol' batch of pot brownies, and forgot to tell their father that he'd be better off sticking to a plate of s'mores.

Alarmed by her husband's conduct, Michael's wife made contact with the police who told BuzzFeed that Michael 'was displaying odd behaviour'.

Elaborating on poor Michael's reaction to his accidental overdose, Omaha police told the press that Michael was "crawling around on the floor, calling their cat a ‘bitch,’ randomly using profanities, and saying he feels like ‘he’s trippin”.”

After paramedics confirmed that Michael's vitals were in a normal range, a very stoned Mr. Gollehon refused transport to hospital and was instead helped to bed by paramedics.

That cat deserves a serious apology.
