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For anyone who still harboured hopes that Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards might one day reconcile and go through with the wedding they had intended, that hope recently died under a tattoo needle.

A year to the day of the popstar couple's shocking split, a photo of Zayn has emerged which indicates that the former 1D member has has chosen to literally erase Perrie from his life.

Having devoted much of his upper arm to a tat of the Little Mix star back in 2013, Zayn obviously decided that it was time to give it the heave-ho as his relationship with Gigi Hadid goes up a gear.

In one fairly big relationship milestone, Gigi recently handed the keys of her LA pad over to Zayn, and it looks like Zayn de-Perried himself in the process.

Eagle-eyes fans of the star's current girlfriend, Gigi Hadid, noticed the cover-up when the model shared a snap of the Bradford-native preparing dinner last night.

The Pillowtalk singer has gradually increased his collection of tattoos since hitting the big-time in 2011, but the tat of a cartoon Perrie – which he had done with Louis in the Tattooed Heart Studio in Maryland three years ago – definitely took centre-stage on his bicep.

And now, it's no more.

And with Gigi and Zayn's relationship appearing to go through some high-profile ups and down since they began dating earlier this year, die-hard Zerrie fans held out hope that not all was lost between Zayn and the Black Magic singer.

But it looks like the tat needle has spoken…



According to emerging reports, Stephen Bear was removed from the Celebrity Big Brother house last house and forced to spend it in isolation.

It has been established that security were called upon to intervene after the Ex on the Beach star got into a heated row with a fellow housemate in the early house of the morning.

Apparently it all kicked off between Stephen and Heavy D following a game of Truth or Dare which resulted in Stephen kissing Chloe Khan.

After later becoming embroiled in an argument, Heavy D was called to the diary room and Stephen made his way to the smoking area where he threw a cup at a mirror.

After being reprimanded by Big Brother, Stephen was confronted by security who attempted to diffuse the situation 

The reality star was then told he would not be permitted entry back into the house, and was forced instead to spend the night in the spare bedroom.

Stephen was issued with a formal warning, but something tells us it won't be his last one.




What is it about Justin Bieber this week?

He may seem initially reluctant to get involved in celebrity gossip, but when he does, he really sends social media into overdrive.

And while Cheryl Cole and Liam Payne's relationship has been a huge talking point this year, the couple themselves have refused to reveal too much, but it looks like JB is well up for it.

Just weeks after Liam's ex-girlfriend wished her former boyfriend well, good ol' Justin has sent the rumour mill into overdrive by suggesting there may be a wedding on the horizon.

The Sorry singer, who recently threw shade at Taylor Swift, is obviously feeling a little more positive, and took an opportunity to share his thoughts on the Cheryl's relationship with the former 1D member.

Speaking to The Daily Star, Justin insisted that the couple were on the fast track to marriage, saying of Cheryl: "She looks the happiest I have ever seen her. She is beautiful inside and out, so she deserves all the happiness the world."

"Liam is a great guy, all the One Direction guys are," he continued. "They just better make sure I am invited to the wedding."

Justin, who says he saw Cheryl just a couple of weeks back, has obviously gotten over being pie'd by her when he laid on the ol' Canadian charm following an X Factor performance back in 2010.

Walking it off there, J-man.


If we were offered one extra day in 2016, it's fair to say most of us would politely decline.

From the shocking implications of global politics to the passing of much-loved and high-profile figures, the first eight months have been seriously rough.

And with what seems like an ever-increasing threat of terror and senseless violence, many of us have uttered the phrase 'What is the world coming to?' more times than we ever thought possible this year.

And it looks like the lads from comedy act, Foil Arms and Hog, are with us all on that one.

In a Facebook upload which perfectly illustrates a widespread perception of the world right now, the lads can be seen assessing various countries with a view to travel.

And it is (unfortunately) on the money.



A zoo in Georgia has this week welcomed three beautiful white lion cubs, and everyone at SHEmazing! HQ is falling all over themselves for a closer look right now.

Tbilisi Zoo are overjoyed by the new arrivals after losing a huge number of their inhabitants following a flash flood in June 2015.

Releasing a statement on their Facebook page, the zoo wrote: "Currently, the newborn babies are being kept in a closed cage and away from the public so they can adapt to the calm environment."

"Their mother will most likely let them out in the coming days, and everyone will have a chance to come and see them for the first time," they assured their followers.

While the cubs' mother, Cleopatra, is said to have endured a difficult delivery, mother and infants are said to be doing well today.

According to The Telegraph, the cubs, who have yet to be named, are not only beautiful, but also incredibly rare – found in only 70 zoos worldwide.

We are completely and utterly in love.



There are people who, following a well-intentioned trip back to the parents’ homestead, leave feeling drained, mildly irritated, with an acute awareness of their family’s numerous shortcomings.

And then there are liars.

Because even those who step back over the threshold of their childhood home with the best of intentions (and a desire to talk to people who don't take photos of their dinner) ultimately find themselves questioning how they ever lived with these humans for a prolonged period of time.

A trip home is like viewing adulthood through the eyes of a child.

It looks great, it sounds great… and then you get there.

And it’s more stressful, more exhausting and has a lot less ice cream than you were promised.

Returning to the family home for a weekend feels like a balancing act – one where you’re on fire, the tightrope is on fire, and the person holding the extinguisher won’t help because ‘aren’t you doing a grand job looking after yourself’.

Chores you were tasked with as a teen are now apparently beyond your capabilities because things have changed since you flew the nest.

“Don’t give him the purple dish, for Jaysus sake. That cat won’t eat out of the purple dish,” you'll be told as you watch the cat eat happily out the purple dish – zero f*cks given.

And tasks which you’d gladly forego for two days – because you spend half your life doing them now – are heaped upon you at every available opportunity.

“Help your dad with the washing, good woman. He won’t use the dishwasher because it made an extra beep last February and he thinks we’ll be burned in our beds.”

Moving out of the family home also gives your parents the distinct impression that your general interests have drastically changed.

You’ll follow your mother around the garden as she points out every item she’s painted since you last visited and you’ll shadow your father as he guides you through the latest additions to his stash of old-fashioned stationary, and this is because they genuinely think it’s now your thing.

Oh, you were a self-obsessed gobshite when you lived there – cared about nothing but yourself, the WiFi router and the contents of the freezer – but now you’re different.

Now, apparently, you want to talk dado rails, dustbusters, funerals and the fact the neighbour’s house looks the absolute biz with those hanging baskets.

And this is because when your parents try to do it with each other, they may as well be shouting into the abyss.

Whether you tuned their conversations out when you actually lived with them (that’ll be the self-obsessed part) or this bizarre conversational quirk is an entirely new development, a trip home will act as a reminder that most couples – after a certain age – possess the ability to conduct two separate conversations… at the same time.

Refereeing a conversation between your parents the morning after your mother plied you with red wine – something which she refused to do years previously –  is as welcome a notion as a baby at a Donald Trump rally, and yet it's your principle role on your return home.

Oh, you know it’s only couple of days, you know you’re being a bit of a d*ck, but you can’t help yourself.

Progress outside the family home; regress inside the family home.

At best, you berate yourself for your lack of patience and, at worst, you actually begin to care about dado rails.

So you take a deep breath, mentally wipe the slate clean, show some interest in the new curtains, and then give up… until next time, that is.


When it comes to Irish weddings, there's a tried-and-tested formula which most couples tend to stick to.

The ceremony itself is a sweet, but sedate affair generally accompanied by a church organist or soloist while the reception (and the days after) signal unbridled divilment.

Turning the notion that you must stick to a paint-by-numbers routine on its head, one groom decided to forego the standard wedding march, and chose instead to SING his wife-to-be up the aisle.

In a move that has really hit Facebook users in the feels today, Charlene Casey shared footage of her baby brother serenading her new sister-in-law as she made her way up the aisle.

"My little brother sang his beautiful new wife up the aisle yesterday with their friends Ryan on guitar & Jennifer on harmony," Charlene wrote. "It was the perfect start to a memorable day."

The upload has been flooded with comments from people who can't get enough of this couple's first step into married life, with one writing: "Fair play to him. Dunno how she held it together. I'm in floods and don't even know them!!"

Ladies, prepare yourselves for this one.



Stories of people unearthing winning Lottery tickets from beneath piles of laundry or from between the seats of their car aren't exactly a daily occurrence, but they have been known to happen.

With that in mind, the good folk behind the National Lottery have urged the public to double-check old tickets and have a quick gander around the gaf to make sure they're not sitting on a gold mine right now.

And what's with the rush?

Well, back on May 6th, a very fortunate member of the public bought a Euromillions ticket which went on to scoop a staggering €381,863… but they have yet to cash that bad boy in.

Whether they're already minted and can spare the cash or they've simply tossed the ticket aside unaware they could be bathing in fifties right now, the powers that be want to remind them that they have only a few HOURS left to claim the prize.

Bought in Tesco, Market Green Shopping Centre, in Middleton, Co Cork on the day of the draw, the winner's Quick Pick ticket snagged the Matching 5 + 1 Lucky Star in the draw, and they have until 5.30pm today to come forward.

Think it might be you?

Well, if 32, 34, 40, 45, 48 (with Lucky Stars 1 and 10)  are your numbers from the Euromillions draw on Friday, May 6, then congrats, you're €381,000 richer.

You can contact the Lottery Claims Team on 01 836 4444.



When Orlando Bloom decided to do a spot of naked paddle boarding while living it up on holidays with girlfriend, Katy Perry, this week, paparazzi (obviously) had an absolute field day.

Wearing just a cap, the Pirates of the Carribean star was more than happy to let it all hang out, and photographers were more than happy to capture the candid display.

Do you know who's NOT happy though? Twitter, that's who.

Disgusted that the only photos available to the public have been censored, social media have taken to Twitter in their droves to express their distress over the injustice.

Swinging between excitement that a naked Orlando Bloom could  – if the New York Daily News would only give up the snaps – be just a click away, and pure anguish over the delay, social media users did what they do best.

They vented like good things, and here are just some of our favourites.

1. This girl

2.  This guy

3. This girl

4. This guy

 5. And finally this conversation




It may have taken him years (and years)  to finally snag that long-awaited Oscar, but there was never any doubting the mad acting skillz possessed by Leonardo DiCaprio.

No matter what role that man has lent his hand to over the last two decades, he's absolutely nailed it.

So, we're not overly surprised to learn that when he channelled his inner demented uber-fan in NYC this week, Jonah Hill believed every moment of his performance.

Commenting on the footage that hit the internet earlier this week, the Superbad actor admitted Leo had indeed managed to pull the wool over his eyes after spotting him on a busy street in the West Village.

Speaking at the screening of his upcoming movie, War Dogs, this week, Jonah told clamouring reporters that Leo's impromptu prank had been a success, saying: "I was scared sh**tless."

Giving props to his former co-star for the wily trick, 32-year-old Jonah added: "It was funny! I was totally taken off guard."

And in fairness, he looked it.

Oh, that long, lingering hug explains so much now…



When it comes to the gym, Lord knows we've made a few dud moves in our time.

Squatting when asked to lunge, sitting when asked to stand – Holla at me, fellow Spinners – and leaving when asked to stay. 

"The class hasn't finished yet…"

But the moment we're free of that Godforsaken sweatbox, we generally pull ourselves together, adhere to social norms, put one foot in front of the other, and walk like a real-life human.

And while normal rules apply to us mere mortals, the same clearly can't be said for Nashville's biggest current export – Taylor Swift.

If recent footage caught by eager paps is anything to go by, poor oul Tay takes some time to adjust to the outside world after a heavy cardio session, and can't quite remember the classic left, right, left, right formula when it comes to the ol' walking.

Side to side in an approach generally favoured by crabs, Tay can be seen quickly making her way to a waiting SUV before sliding inside, and using her pincers to direct her driver.

Good woman yourself, Tay.




A woman in her 60s has been killed and five people have been injured during a knife attack in central London which occurred around 10.30pm last night.

According to The Sun, the woman – who has yet to be identified – is believed to have been a Spanish speaker who was in the area on a hen do.

A 19-year-old man was arrested at the scene after being tasered by armed police who arrived within five minutes.   

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said that terrorism and mental health issues have not yet been ruled out as motives for the attack.

The Guardian has reported that Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley said: “Early indications suggest mental health is a significant factor in this case and that is one major line of inquiry.”

“But of course at this stage we should keep an open mind regarding motive and consequently terrorism as a motivation remains but one line of inquiry for us to explore.”

The condition of the attack’s other victims – two women and three men – is still unknown.







Feat image: London News Pictures
