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The Shining will go down in history as one of the most frightening films in cinematic history.

From those damn twins to that hideous hall of blood, Stanley Kubrick's 1980 classic is a movie which set Jack Nicholson apart from almost every other actor of his time.

Transitioning from the archetypal family man to a deranged individual intent on ending his wife's life, Jack's performance as Jack Torrance hit its peak when he smashed through the bathroom door growling: "Here's Johnny!"

Axe in hand, Jack epitomised every person's worst nightmare, and it looks like preparing for the scene was as intense as the viewer might expect.

Hitting YouTube yesterday, Jack can be seen talking frantically to himself, jumping up and down, and sprinting on the spot as crew members milled through the set in preparation for the scene's take.

And then it begins…




If you arrived back from lunch looking like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards, you mightn't be surprised to learn that a weather warning has been issued for this evening.

With many parts of the country experiencing seriously strong gales, the good folk at Met Eireann have put a marine status yellow gale warning in place.

For those living on the coast, you guys are set to endure the worst of it, with forecasters drawing specific attention to Belfast Lough, Roches Point and Rossan Point.

"Southwest to west gales or strong gales today on Irish coastal waters from Belfast Lough to Roches Point to Rossan Point and on the Irish Sea," read the warning.

Taking to Twitter, they advised the public that conditions are set to calm as the night progresses with winds moderating and showers becoming isolated overnight.

They may become isolated overnight, but we're not taking any chances tomorrow.

Umbrellas, a go.


There have been more times than we care to admit where we've had to be convinced by loved ones to remove our pyjamas and properly dress ourselves before leaving the house for some much-needed joe.

Whether we're hungover and need a grande Americano to settle our nerves or sideways with exhaustion and need a quick Espresso to sort us out, much of our desire for coffee comes when we're rocking a dressing gown.

And you know where you can wear a dressing gown with very few people seeing you? That's right, the safety of your own car.

So, we are PUMPED that Starbucks has decided to open its first-ever drive-thru store in Ireland, but we're a little less pumped that it might just take a few hours to get there…

Set to open in Belfast at the beginning of next year, you're going to have to decide whether your need for caffeine without being seen is as strong as you have always maintained it is.

"The decision by Starbucks to choose Connswater as its first location in Northern Ireland for a drive-through store demonstrates the confidence that retailers have in the scheme and its strategic location in east Belfast,"  said Laura McCarthy of Killultagh Estates.

Asset manager for the company which has signed a deal with the global coffee chain, Laura added: "With such positive activity taking place we believe that now is the right time to invest in the wider project."

OK, so it's not as close as we'd like, but with a little enthusiasm it'll hit the capital in no time, right?


The vast majority of us have attempted to keep a food diary at one time or another, right?

Whether it was in the aftermath of a two-week sun holiday when you were convinced the plane was tilting on your side or in the run-up to a special occasion, most of us have given it a whirl.

And while there's nothing embarrassing about a list of food – we mean, it's not like we guard our grocery list with our life – it's not exactly something you share with anyone and everyone.

So, we really feel for Jonah Hill who accidentally shared his personal food diary with Drake – a man he had met only once before.

Opening up about the email eff-up while appearing on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Jonah explained that he had been seeing a nutritionist who had advised him to keep track of his daily eats, and send on the deets each day.

"One night I was at home and bored, and was like ‘Oh I didn’t email this guy. I was looking like an hour later through my sent messages. And it must have been ‘D.r.’ because it was doctor, and I had sent it to Drake," he revealed.

And the worst part? Drake didn't even bother responding.

After telling the Hotline Bling singer he had chowed down on yoghurt, salad and chicken that day, Jonah didn't even get a polite 'congrats, man' in reply.

"He didn’t write back, never spoke to him again," Jonah admitted. "Another guy I’ve gotta dump for the rest of my life, a laundry list of people I can never speak to again."

Jeez Drake, manners much?!



When Queen Bey's Lemonade landed earlier this summer, the world had an absolute field day over Becky with the good hair.

Fingers couldn't point fast enough as the public accused various high-profile women of being the one with the lusturious locks and access to a cell phone, but it turns out we were all wasting our time.

 And even Bey's dad was waaaay off the mark – good one, Mathew.

Recently opening up about those infamous lyrics contained within Sorry, Diana Gordon – the track's main writer – scoffed at the notion it was targeting any one female in particular.

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, Diana – who is better known as Wynter – said: "I was like, ''In what day and age from that lyric do you get all of this information? Is it really telling you all that much, accusing people."

Reflecting on the uproar the song caused upon release earlier this year, she remembers being stunning, saying: "I laughed, like this is so silly. Where are we living?"

Acknowledging that the track has grown legs and gained so much more publicity than she anticipated, she added: "The idea started in my mind but it's not mine anymore. It was very funny and amusing to me to watch it spread over the world."

But before you think it was all a storm in a teacup, it sounds like the themes of the album really do reflect Beyoncé's real-life experience, with Wynter admitting: "With Beyoncé, I feel like the songs we worked on were specifically for her."

So, if we're with Wynter on this one, Becky was no one in particular, but technically there WAS a Becky.



While we're complete and utter suckers when it comes to romance here at SHEmazing! HQ, we also live in the real world – well, most of the time – and know that relationships are built on so much more than sweet nothings.

And yet when we consider the vows we exchanged – or plan to exchange – on our wedding day, we can't get past the fairytale sentiments and rom-com declarations.

But one woman, with a decade of married life behind her, has decided to re-write her vows in an effort to properly reflect what it means to be in a life-long partnership, and she may just be our new hero.

Bella Ellwood-Clayton, a sex and relationship writer from Melbourne, has ditched her previous flimsy promises for the renewal of her vows this December, and instead opted to share an insight into what it really takes to be part of a marriage.

In addition to promising her husband, she will "not compare our relationship to manufactured Hollywood film ideals", Bella added: "I will forgive you, endlessly. Partnerships of every kind are annoying. And long-term ones, even more so."

In a vow which will resonate with so many in relationships, she also promised: "I will not compete with you about who "works" harder. I accept that we both work hard, even though our roles and responsibilities will change over time."

And while so many of her vows do focus on the practical, Bella acknowledged the importance of encouragement and gratitude in every relationship, married or not.

"I will remember to make you feel attractive and desirable and compliment you" she promised before vowing: "I will forgive you of all the faults that you share with our children. And be forever grateful that someone in the world can put up with mine."

And we're crying.



After Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne announced their separation earlier this year, the rumour mill went into overdrive as the public wondered what had gone on between the high-profile couple.

Surprisingly enough for a celebrity couple split. they didn't have to wait too long as word quickly got out that the ageing rocker had been cheating on Sharon with celebrity colourist Michelle Pugh.

And while Ozzy and Sharon are said to be working on their marriage, that hasn't stopped Michelle from opening up about her affair with the Birmingham-native.

In an exclusive interview with People magazine, Michelle revealed she had been seeing Ozzy for four years, and considered him the love of her life.

"When I say he gave me the greatest love of my life, I mean it," she insisted. "He made me feel like the most beautiful and worshipped woman in the world."

Despite insisting that the rocker wasn't happy in his marriage, Ozzy has refuted the claims and has dismissed the notion that his relationship with Michelle was anything more than an outlet for his sex addiction.


In a statement released to People, a rep for Ozzy said: "He is sorry if Ms. Pugh took their sexual relationship out of context."

"He would like to apologise to the other women he has been having sexual relationships with," they continued. "Since his relationship with Ms. Pugh was exposed, Ozzy has gone into intense therapy."

Remember when Ozzy's only interest was television remotes and dog poo?



We love Queen Bey as much as the next person… unless the next person is the kid whose love letter to the Crazy in Love singer is going viral.

After coming across the note which was penned by his girlfriend's eight-year-old summer school student, Reddit user, Matt Walks, uploaded it, and the internet can't get enough.

From his romantic turn of phrase to his nod to modern-day lingo, this uber-fan is ticking ALL the boxes.

With all the passion you might find in a Shakespearean drama, this eight-year-old made his feelings for the star known, and NAILED it from start to finish.

Deciding to open with a classic flower analogy which then became so much more, he wrote: "You are a rare rose in a garden of blooming flowers, but you’re the only one who shoots out sparkle and lights up the sky."

After hitting Bey with that classic one-liner, the kid then got real when chatting tracks, writing: "My favourite song is Sorry – that song be poppin’, I be turnt up."

She's a rare rose, and he be turnt up? Sounds like a match made in heaven to us.

One of my girlfriend's 8-year-old summer students wrote a letter to "a person you admire" from funny



If you've found yourself questioning how easy it would be to accidentally-on-purpose forget to scan an item or two when using the self-service check-outs in your local supermarket, you're most definitely not alone.

Whether it comes down to sheer fury that you've tried and failed to scan a particular item or you harbour a niggling desire to beat the system, the introduction of self-service tills has reportedly had a profound effect on consumers' moral compasses.

According to research from the University of Leicester, the availability of self-service devices has seen an increase in the level of theft experienced by supermarkets, with figures indicating a 122% increase when items are self-scanned.

The data which harnessed information from a staggering 12 million shopping trips across four countries do much to highlight the inadequacies of the system.

While retailers can invest less in staff and technology, and customers are seduced by the convenience of the service, the downsides are numerous.

Commenting on the results of the study, Professor Adrian Beck of the Department of Criminology explained that the negative implications of supermarket self-service are being acknowledged more and more by retailers.

"Retailers are becoming aware of these problems and introducing ways of 'amplifying' risk in the mobile scan and pay environment, trying to ensure that all that ends up in the basket also makes it onto the receipt."



When I was nine, I was called a ‘slut’ by a boy about a year older than me.

I was making my way past him and his equally gormless friend when he said it.

“Sluh”, he hissed.

I remember pausing momentarily and looking at him in bewilderment before abruptly continuing towards the playing field at the side of the school.

I didn’t tell anyone – for no other reason than I didn’t deem it interesting enough – but I did mull it over for a few days.

And another 20 years.

I remember wondering what it was that made him say it to me.

Did he know what it meant?

Did I even know what it meant?

Who was he repeating and wasn’t he scared he’d get in trouble if a teacher heard him?

At the age of nine, I had – unsurprisingly – no experience of boys except in a platonic sense, so eventually I came to the conclusion that his decision to utter that particular word came down to one of two things.

It was either what I was wearing – a pair of navy Umbro shorts and a vest top.

Or how I was walking – I had recently heard Geri Halliwell use the word ‘strut’ so I was attempting – and no doubt failing – to embody my ginger idol.

I spent the rest of the day pulling at the hem of my shorts and berating myself for not choosing longer ones that morning.

At the age of nine and coming to the end of third class, my understanding of the word slut was unsurprisingly limited.

What I had gleaned, however, was that it worked as a way to describe girls who strayed outside the lines.

If we're talking colouring books, these ladies were total Mavericks.

I had, further to this, established that certain clothes were off-limits to me and particular behaviour was off-limits to girls in general.

So, with the benefits of third class Maths and less than a decade on this planet, I put two and two together, and came to the conclusion that I had overstepped the mark in one of these two ways.

Hand-me-downs from girls my age or older – which often found their way into our home in a black bin liner which signalled more excitement than Christmas morning –  were often scrutinised,  and regularly deemed ‘unsuitable’ for me.

Too short. Too grown-up. Too strappy.

And there were things that the boys in my family could do which simply weren’t an option for us girls.

The summer before, I had spent a fortnight abroad with my family, and inspired by both the sickening heat and the boys I was playing with, I decided to bite the bullet and ditch my top.

Positioning my elbows into the hem of my Snoopy T-shirt, I hoisted it upwards only to be told that ‘little girls keep their tops on with their shorts’.

Oh, it’s grand for the boys, but the girls were going to have to spontaneously combust before they could get away with it.

In the grand scheme of things, I was treated the same as my brother and male classmates, but I was aware – on some level – that there was an onus on girls, from a very young age, to consider how they were perceived by the outside world.

Certain clothes and behaviour were indicative of how you might come across to others, but from what I could see – and here is the important part – this only applied if you were female.

I have no memory of my brother’s wardrobe being the subject of debate in my family home, nor do I ever recall him being prevented from doing something because it wasn’t gentlemanly.

He was a young lad, he didn’t need to be gentlemanly; he was just having the craic, sure.

But have too much craic as a girl, and you teeter perilously close to the realm of the unladylike.

At nine, I knew the word ‘slut’ wasn’t a good thing.

I knew it was used as an insult, and I knew there wasn’t a hope of that boy getting the Friday Taz bar if I bothered pulling on a jacket sleeve and spilling all to a teacher.

And yet, despite knowing all of this, I questioned myself instead of questioning him.

My thought process focussed far too much on my culpability and far too little on his.

What had I done to trigger that remark instead of what had he been taught of girls to consider it acceptable.

What had I been thinking opting for those shorts instead of what had he been thinking singling me out to road-test a word reserved solely for girls.

Why had I thought it was OK to ‘spice girl strut’ instead of why had he thought it was OK to single me out?

But sure look, what did I know?

I was nine-years-old with more than a passing resemblance to Meg from Family Guy, and very little life experience from which to mould my perspective.

It was 20 years ago, I was a primary school student, and thankfully we've all moved on so much since then.

Oh, wait.



Numerous videos and images have this morning been flooding social media – all showing the terrifying moment a large Emirates plane hit the runway in Dubai earlier today.

A total of 282 passengers and 18 crew were on the plane at the time and all flights in and out of Dubai International have now been suspended.

Some 24 people on board are from the UK, while four are Irish. The majority are Indian nationals.

Government and air-traffic control officials in the UAE have now confirmed that the Boeing 777-300 jet crash-landed at the airport shortly after 1pm local time – 9am Irish time.

Thankfully, there are no reports of injuries and everyone was evacuated safely without incident.

The three-hour flight took off from Trivandrum International Airport in India at around 6am Irish time. 

The captain is understood to have sent out and emergency signal shortly before the plane was due to land.

Witnesses say the aircraft was billowing smoke shortly upon approach.

Confirming that all on board were accounted for and safe, Emirates said this afternoon in a statement: "We are expecting a 4-hour network wide delay, more information will be available on the Emirates website and social media channels."

It added: "The main priority remains with those involved and offering support to concerned family and friends."

Emirates added that telephone lines are now active for family members: UAE – 8002111 UK – 00442034508853 US – 0018113502081


Hardly a day passes without being confronted by a photo that will have you questioning pretty much everything; your eyesight, your intellect, the lot.

From the phone which blended perfectly into the carpet to the cigar which couldn't have been more obvious sticking out of a brick wall, we love and loathe these photos in equal measure.

While they sometimes makes us feel like we've had a lobotomy, they are without doubt the perfect way to while away an hour when you're, you know, supposed to be working and whatnot.

And the latest one to take the internet by storm is a real doozie.

Uploaded to Reddit by waterhauler, the image contains a stack of logs… and a cat.

But no one can find the cat, and when they do eventually spot it, it's ALL they can see.

Ladies, it's time to clock off for the afternoon…

Find a cat from pics

OK, give up?

We'll put you out of your misery.
