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Ever since starring opposite each other in The Wolf of Wall Street in 2013, Leo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill have been fast friends.

And it's always seemed like their friendship stretched far beyond press junkets and red carpet events; these two lads looked like they'd kick it with beer and pizza while watching re-runs of Leo's awkward moment with Lady Gaga at the Golden Globes.

And yet despite knowing – OK fine, assuming – that this was the case, it's always refreshing to see it in action, right?

Thankfully for everyone as enchanted by Leo and Jonah as we are, paps in New York caught the two lads in one of the cutest candid moments we've seen in years.

Spotting his mate waiting on a pal in the West Village this week, Leo took the opportunity to scare the bejaysus out of him by pretending to be a crazed fan only mad for a selfie with lil Jonah.

From Leo's surprisingly goofy run to the lingering hug they share, this has had us falling all over each other at SHEmazing! HQ this morning.

Never change, guys.



The Siddiqui family are used to remarking on other people's public eff-ups from the comfort of their own front room, so it must have come as a shock to realise they were one of the main talking points on social media today.

Grabbing headlines all over the UK and Ireland, the much-loved family from Derby found themselves on the wrong side of public opinion after a family member made reference to ISIS in a Facebook post over the weekend.

Sharing an image of himself and his brothers Umar and Baasit in camouflage gear before a paintballing session, Raza – who has made only brief appearances on the long-running Channel 4 show – joked that the trio were in training to join terrorist group ISIS.

The siblings, who appear alongside their father Sid, were then the subject of a police investigation before being cleared of any wrongdoing, and now that the dust has settled Baasit has addressed the furore on his personal Twitter page.

While known for his dry sense of humour, the dad-of-one erred on the side of caution when acknowledging the issue, writing: "The image on Facebook was meant to be light-hearted but was clearly a joke that was misjudged."

"We are extremely sorry for any offence caused," he added in a post earlier today.

Thankfully for the family, who are widely considered one of the most popular on the show, Baasit's followers were quick to offer their support.


"Instantly knew it was a joke. Some people are too quick to judge! Your family are fantastic," wrote one while another added: "Don't apologise it was bloody hilarious!! Good on you lads for having a laugh like the rest of us!"

"It was funny! I'm appalled that so many are making such a big deal out of it," added another while a fellow Twitter user remarked: "Crazy that anyone would be offended by it. I thought it was funny; you're all the complete antithesis of IS, obvs."

Looks like the lads can rest easy now.


Remember that time you won an award and used the moment to throw some serious shade at someone else? Yeah us neither, but that's because we're not Cameron Dallas.

The 21-year-old internet star, who first rose to prominence through Vine, was accepting an accolade at the Teen Choice Awards on Sunday when he made a remark which has caused uproar on social media this week.

During a game of Would You Rather, Cameron was asked whether he would prefer to use Justin Timberlake or Jessica Alba's toothbrush to which Cameron replied:" Oh man, I would choose, I would honestly choose Justin Timberlake just because I don't know where Jessica's been."

That's right ladies; he doesn't know where she's been.

Stunned by Cameron's total disregard for the Sin City star, social media users took to Twitter in their droves to call Cameron out on his remarks.

"Did Cameron Dallas just make a ridiculously sexist comment about Jessica Alba?" wrote one while another added: "I'm sorry but I'm still pressed over what Cameron Dallas said about Jessica Alba. That was disgusting and uncalled for. Ugly."

Like any savvy social media star, Cameron went into damage control and quickly took to his own page to clarify his comments, writing: "Yo it was literally a joke, I love @jessicaalba and would share a toothbrush with her till I die lol."

Fans of the star, who is the new face of Calvin Klein's jeans campaign, were all over him following his apology, with many insisting they – unlike the rest of us – knew he was only joking. 

"Everyone takes things so seriously nowadays,I knew it was a joke as soon as you said it!" insisted one while another "Your fans always will be here for you, never forget that!"

Yeah Cameron, never forget that, y'hear?


The vast majority of us check if a bar has WiFi before we go trawling through Facebook for the best shot of our latest Tinder date, and if they're a no-go on that front, we simply resort to 3G – no biggie.

Unfortunately for patrons of The Gin Tub in the UK, this is no longer an option as the bar's owner, Steve Tyler, has made the decision to cut off his customers' internet connection in an effort to re-ignite traditional pub culture.

By applying silver foil and copper mesh to the walls his bar in Hove, Steve headed his customers off at the pass by preventing them from using 3G when they realised Wi-Fi wasn't an option.

"I just wanted people to enjoy a night out in my bar, without being interrupted by their phones," he told Sky News. "So rather than asking them not to use their phones, I stopped the phones working."

And while electronic jamming devices are illegal, Steve's approach to reception interference is based on a method by physicist Michael Faraday, and is somewhat of a legal grey area.

Commenting on The Gin Tub's unique approach to patrons spending the night staring at their phones, a spokesperson for Ofocm said:" Unlike jammers, Faraday cages don’t proactively cause interference, although they do interfere with mobile reception."

According to a report in The Metro, The Gin Tub's experiment is going down a treat with customers, and those who are in dire need for a quick surf on the world wide web simply step outside if necessary.

You go, Gin Club…we think.


If you – like almost everyone else in the country – vowed to leave the excesses of the long weekend behind you and embark on a healthier way of life today, you may have been stunned to see your good intentions fall apart around the 3pm mark.

But before you beat yourself up for not making it through one measly day without a chocolate fix, it's worth remembering that this perceived failure comes down to more than just a lack of willpower.

Researchers from Liverpool University and Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia have discovered that our brain's perception of junk food changes radically as the day progresses leaving us more susceptible to a mid-afternoon binge.

Conducting a psychological experiment on more than 300 women aged between 17 and 25, researchers established that junk food is more often associated with negative experiences at the start of the day – something which gradually changed as the subjects made their way through the day.

According to a report in RedOnline, the groups were shown a variety of images and words – some of which were food-related, some of which were not – and as the day progressed food-related words and images were rated more favourably by participants.

Further to this, it was established that subjects subconsciously associated certain foods with certain times of the day meaning that cravings kicked in due to the body's inclination to associate junk food with particular points in the 24-hour clock.

"Individuals who participated later in the day tended to implicitly evaluate unhealthy snack food as more positive than those who had participated earlier in the day," the study explained.

So, when you find yourself raiding the office biscuit tin halfway through the afternoon, you can just blame that damn body clock of yours.

The study was published in the Food Quality and Preference journal.



It's rare – we'll admit it – but sometimes you come across someone on Tinder who actually looks and sounds too good to be true.

Amid the eejits offering dick pics and the gobsh*tes giving their best Blue Steel, you'll happen upon an individual who ticks all the boxes.

And while most of us would assume we'd swipe right at first glance, a worrying number of us would conclude we're being had before regretfully moving on to the next potential suitor.

And that ladies is why none of us are not dating Zac Efron right now.

Speaking to The Times, the High School Musical actor revealed that he – like millions others – had signed up to Tinder, but failed to pique the interest of a single woman on the app.

"Amazingly, when I signed up for Tinder, nobody swiped me!" he revealed. "They thought it was fake."

And given his lack of success in this regard, it's no real surprise that the star has decided to backtrack a little and has now insisted that dating simply isn't for him.

"Dating is something I'll never be able to do. As in the dictionary definition of dating, because one way or another I've impacted that person's life and they'll soon see it," he explained.

"A date has to be very long to dispel whatever people think about me," he added.

Well, considering that most Tinder dates last the length of one awkward drink before someone gets the classic fake phonecall, it sounds like he made the right decision to bow out gracefully.



It’s no secret that that the renting situation in Ireland – and most specifically Dublin – is a total nightmare right now, but most of us like to think that once we finally secure a place, we’re away in a hack.

Unfortunately, however, that hasn’t been the case for a staggering 60 percent of renters in Ireland.

According to a survey conducted by the Union of Students in Ireland in association with Red C, more than half of tenants surveyed claimed they experienced difficulties when seeking the return of their deposit from respective landlords.

And, unfortunately for third-level students, it appears they are easy targets for landlords who have failed to register with the Private Residential Tenancies Board.

While acknowledging that this isn’t the case across the board, President of the Union of Students of Ireland Annie Hoey did highlight the various way landlords have attempted to manipulate the system.

“I think we find sometimes unscrupulous landlords who don't register with the PRTB, that target students and then … say oh this is broken or did you not know there was a cleaning charge,” she explained.

“Very often students are transient groups and they don't have time to be staying around, waiting for this deposit to be returned, as they go off to work, on J1's.”

Commenting on the results of the survey, Fintan McNamara of the Residential Landlords Association has condemned the behaviour of a small number of landlords, but fears the results of the survey will see the introduction of a ‘custodial deposit scheme’ where a deposit is paid to an independent body.

Insisting that these schemes have failed when implemented in the UK, Mr. McNamara  has instead argued for the imposition of fines for landlords found to be withholding deposits.



When it comes to ageing, we all know a different set of rules applies to the rich and famous in Hollywood.

There are some actors who haven’t aged a day in 20 years – Paul Rudd, we’re looking at you – and there are others whose ‘live fast, die young’ attitude has accelerated the ageing process by decades.

Sharon Stone, an actress who is firmly in Paul Rudd’s camp, has sent the internet into a total tailspin this weekend after sharing a snap of herself appearing to bathe in the fountain of youth.

Bare-faced with her hair slicked back, Sharon rocked a string bikini with all the confidence of a woman 40 years her junior, and her followers have had a field day.


It's so hot today! #summer16 #staycool

A photo posted by Sharon Stone (@sharonstone) on

From marriage proposals to declarations of love, the Basic Instinct star – whose star rose immeasurably after THAT infamous scene – was inundated with comments from Instagram users stunned by the star’s youthful appearance.

“Wow amazing, naturally beautiful you hardly see that these days,” wrote one while another gushed: “Omg I wish I look this good when I'm 56. Sharon, you're slayin it!!!”

“Wow Sharon you are amazing, and I hate to say the age word but beyond amazing for your age,” added another of the star’s 136,000 followers.

28 or 58, that woman looks amazing full stop.




When Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth recently rekindled their romance, fans of the former couple primed themselves for an announcement which confirmed that the couple's engagement was back on the cards.

And while they have not yet confirmed that they're heading up the aisle, fans of the stars seem content enough to be given rare snapshots into their new and improved relationship.

Giving the Liley fanbase exactly what they want this week, Miley took to Instagram to share a video of herself and Liam giving it their all to Justin Bieber's Love Yourself.

With their pet pooch, Barbie da Beagle, resting on Miley's lap, the couple can be heard harmonising in an upload which has clocked up a staggering one million views in less than 12 hours.

"Now my fave video in existence TBH", wrote one Instagram user after watching the footage while another gushed: "This is so cute, I'm crying."

But before you think it all seems too good to be true, the couple reminded their followers that they're just like every other couple, and can't go more than 15 seconds in a car together with a few harsh words.



BGVs: @liamhemsworth Starring : Barbie Da Beagle @beaglefreedom

A video posted by Miley Cyrus (@mileycyrus) on



There's little worse than introducing yourself to someone only to be told you've already met, so we're cringing for Britney Spears today after she claimed she has never met Taylor Swift despite the existence of photographic evidence to the contrary.

While being interviewed on the Kyle and Jackie O radio show on Monday, the 34-year-old singer was asked which solo star she would rather fly long-haul with.

"Who would you rather sit next to on a 24-hour flight to Sydney: Taylor Swift or Katy Perry?" the host asked the Toxic singer.

Playing the diplomat, Britney responded: "I don't know. That's hard, They're both so cool. I don't know."

Not content to leave it there, the radio presenters probed a little further, asking: "Do you know or do you have a friendship with either of them?"

And that's when it all got a little stressful for Tay-Swizzle fans.

After confirming she had indeed met Katy Perry – albeit briefly – Britney insisted that she and the Blank Space singer had yet to cross paths.

"I briefly met Katy Perry at the Smurfs movie premiere in 2013 and I met her there really quick," Britney explained. "So maybe because I've met Katy Perry, I would say Taylor Swift because I've never met her before."

Cue the exploding of heads in the T-Swizzle fanbase.

Stunned that the pop icon would forget meeting their idol, Tay's fans trawled the internet and unearthed not one but two snaps of Britney happily posing alongside Tom Hiddleston's new bae.

Turns out Brit and Tay met as far back as 2003 before cosying up for yet another snap in 2008…




Widely considered one of the most popular families in long-running Channel 4 show, Gogglebox, the Siddiquis came under fire this weekend after an ill-advised Facebook upload brought them to the attention of the police.

Preparing for a day of paintballing, Baasit, Umar and their brother Raza – who has only appeared briefly on the popular show – shared a photo of themselves in camouflage gear before making a tongue-in-cheek reference to terrorist group ISIS.

"ISIS training day, look how happy we look," Raza wrote in a post which was initially received in the tone it was intended before the post was brought to the attention of anti-terror police.

Confirming they had investigated the controversial post, Derbyshire Police assured the public that no terrorist link had been established, but acknowledge the concern born of the upload.

Speaking to the Mirror Celeb, the force said: "A member of the public contacted us after a photo of three men at a paintball centre was uploaded to Facebook, mentioning the so-called Islamic State."

"We have examined the photograph and are satisfied that the caption was not intended to be taken seriously, and there was no link to terrorism whatsoever," the statement continued.

"We will be offering suitable words of advice to those who uploaded it; however, no offences have been committed and there will be no further police action," they added.

Friends of the Siddiqui family have also acknowledged the questionable nature of the Facebook post, with one saying: "When you are in the media, you have a responsibility. His friends were liking and loving it."

Neither Baasit nor Umar have made any reference to the controversy on social media.



This is an emerging news story…

At least one person is believed to have died and “multiple victims” have been reported in separate shooting incidents in Austin, Texas this morning.

Austin Police Department raised the alarm with a series of tweets warning locals to “stay away from downtown” because an “active shooter incident” was underway.

They reported that “separate shootings within the same area” were occurring.

According to ABC News, the location of the shooter or shooters is still unknown.

The Sun has reported that a woman in her thirties has died as a result of the incident which occurred around 3am local time in the Sixth Street entertainment district.

Reports suggest that two other women and one man were also injured in the attack.

Both scenes have now been described by police as “secure”.









