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Most of us couldn’t wait for our teenage years when we’d FINALLY get our hands on a few movies with 15-ratings – 18 at a total push – but considering many of us were left traumatised by films actually aimed at children, we don’t actually know what the rush was all about.

From The Witches to Labyrinth, our childhood viewing experience was punctuated by sharp intakes of breaths followed by bloodcurdling screams as we wondered what the hell our parents were thinking popping this one in the VCR for us.

But, it was Friday, it was film night, and we were damned if we were going to bed early just because we couldn’t handle the giant spider Jumanji was throwing at us.

With the night that's in it, here is a brief a run-down of the movies which had SHEmazing staff whimpering into their mam’s crochet throw.

1. The Witches

When the Grand High Witch, played by Anjelica Huston, removed her face and revealed herself for the bald, hook-nosed, hunch-backed creature she truly was, our childhoods came to an official end.

We knew we weren’t in for an easy ride – the clue WAS in the title – but THAT thing? Too much lads, too much.

2. Labyrinth

There are a few amongst us who found David Bowie himself a little creepy, but when it comes to this 1986 flick, it was the Shaft of Hands that scared the beyjasus out of most of us.

They might have said they were helping hands, but their mocking tone of voice and cruel laughter told us all we needed to know about those scaly things.

3. Jumanji

We’ll give them this one – after the success of Mrs. Doubtfire, our parents probably thought they were onto a sure thing with Jumani, but they were wrong….very wrong.

The moment a collect of GINORMOUS spiders – accompanied by the squishiest sound we’ve ever heard – slowing began making their way down a window and across the floor behind Kirsten Dunst’s head, all bets were off.

4. IT the Clown

In fairness, this was one of those movies which we watched when our older cousins – who cared little for our emotional wellbeing – were left in charge for the evening.

And while we may have convinced ourselves we were able to handle Stephen King’s IT, the moment that terrifying circus runaway popped his head through the sewer grate and grinned up at Georgie, we knew we had made a MASSIVE mistake.

4. The Goonies

Regularly – and understandably – touted as one of the greatest kids’ movies of all times, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t find ourselves totally creeped out at various points throughout The Goonies.

From the unremitting drizzle to the lad’s dank surroundings, we were primed for a scare from the get-go, and got it when Sloth and his love of Baby Ruth bars were unveiled.

5. The Princess Bride

This 1987 flick seems to tick all the boxes; romance, fantasy, adventure, comedy… and downright horror.

We are, of course, talking about the moment Westley  – our first movie crush, obvs – fell victim to an enormous swamp rat’s eager jaws.

We can still hear the gnawing at night…



If you – like us – have been following the kids of Beacon Hills since 2011, the news that they have decided to call time on the show at the end of this season will hit you hard today.

Speaking at Teen Wolf's San Diego Comic Con panel last night, executive producer, Jeff Davis, confirmed our deepest, darkest fears, and announced that it's time to say goodbye to Scott, Lydia and Stiles.

According to the good folk behind the incredibly popular MTV series, the sixth season will consist of 20 episodes meaning the Beacon Hill gang will end their run on the show's 100th episode.

Attempting to soften the blow somewhat, MTV released a first look at the final season on Twitter earlier today, but instead of pumping their audience up for what's to come, they were met with countless comments lamenting the producers' decision to pull the plug.


"This can't be the last season! This can't be the last season! This can't be the last season! This can't be the last season!" wrote another whose repeat button clearly jammed.

We knew they were graduating, and we knew the show had to come to an end sometime, but still…



Gigi Hadid or not, you don't land yourself the cover of Vogue – and the Olympic edition, no less – without knowing a thing or two about how to keep yourself in tip-top condition.

While the waif-likes models of the 90s – known for perpetuating the 'Heroin Chic' look – appeared to exist on almost nothing, the new generation of runway models seem keen to showcase their athletic ability and nutritional know-how when possible.

An athlete during her highschool days, Gigi has maintained her interest in fitness – something which her personal trainer, Rob Piela, confirmed while speaking to Vogue.

Having been training Zayn's girlfriend for almost three years, Rob pays tribute to the model's focus and determination, saying: "It’s all about how hard you work and how much you put in – Gigi is a hard worker."

Working-out four times a week, Gigi alternates between cardio exercise like boxing and strenuous floor work – all of which goes a long towards maintaining those enviable abs.

"Staying fit is all about consistency,” Rob warns. “Don’t miss workout days; don’t get lazy in the winter."

In addition to avoiding sugar, Rob encourages Gigi to perform planks for deep muscles, crunches for the classic six-pack and leg raises when focusing on lower abdominals, saying: "The combination of those three moves is golden."

And these, ladies, are the moves you need to make if you want a core like Kendall's BFF.

1. Boxing warm- up (10 minutes)

2. Crunches (Three sets of 40)

3. Boxing (10 minutes)

4. Bicycle crunches (Three sets of 40)

5. Boxing (10 minutes)

6. Plank (60 seconds)

7. Leg raises ( Four sets of 25)

That's cool, we'll start tomorrow….




When it comes to Instagram, Perrie Edwards has it absolutely nailed.

From sneak peeks into the life of a jet-setting popstar to cute family snaps and make-up mishaps, Perrie balances her page perfectly.

But now it looks like she's hoping to take it up a gear when it comes to the bikini snaps if her most recent uploads are anything to go by.

Unfortunately for Perrie, a number of fans have taken it upon themselves to question the singer's motives for this change of direction.

Suggesting that the British star is attempting to compete with her former fiancé's current girlfriend, one Instagram user wrote: "She has nvr done this when she was still with Zayn. I guess she's trying to compete with Gigi." (sic)

"Why always bikini? You never do this when you with Zayn. Why? Trying like Gigi?" added another.

Responding to the suggestion, another fan of the star wrote: "Compete with Gigi? Are you serious? It's very unlikely that's she's trying to "compete" with Gigi."

"Maybe Zany said she couldn't post any "revealing" pictures of herself. Or she could finally be comfortable in her own skin. Don't always assume because you never know," they added.

"She's just feeling confident in her body and has embraced it fully? Her life does not revolve around Zayn, she had a life before him and has a life after him," argued a fan.

"It's sad that all of you put two women against each other for the sole reason that they dated the same man. That's undermining their success," she added.

Preach girl, preach!


You only have to look at the popularity of Grease and Dirty Dancing to know many of us women are absolute suckers for a man who can move.

Whether it’s ballroom, disco or Irish, any lad who knows his way around a dance floor is a winner in our eyes, so it’s no surprise we were fan-girling all over ourselves when we came across this footage of a recent wedding.

Uploaded to Facebook by Maureen Quinn, this groom and his mates gave Michael Flatley a serious run for his money, and we are uber impressed.

And having clocked up a staggering 35,865 views since its upload this week, it looks like we’re not the only ones.

Check this out!



OK, we all know that tattoos relating to your other half can be the kiss of death in some relationships, but we have a good feeling about the one Scarlett Moffatt's boyfriend had inked in her honour this week.

In a tribute to this girlfriend's favourite show  – 90s sitcom Bottom – Luke Crodden added a small tat to his already large collection of body inkings, and Scarlett is over the moon.

Sharing a snap of the tattoo on Instagram, everybody's favourite Gogglebox cast member began by writing: "His full of surprises…" (sic)

"Might not be conventionally romantic, but we both knew we love each other when we were sat giggling at conspiracy theories watching Bottom, hence the S in Bottom font," she continued.

"I'd never felt so content at the precise moment in all my life. Love you," she gushed in a post which has clocked up thousands of likes since its upload.

Fans of the TV sensation were quick to share in her delight, with one writing: "This is super cute as I'm nearly finished your book and all you talk about is finding someone who you can just be you around."

Scarlett, who has had to deal with her fair share of online trolling, was met with nothing but positivity when she shared Luke's tribute to her this week.

And now, we 're coming over all teary-eyed.




Over the course of just four days, Kim Kardashian has gone from reality television superstar to the woman single-handedly responsible for the possible collapse of the Taylor Swift empire.

And with Taylor refusing to comment publicly – aside from a brief response on Instagram – one could be forgiven for thinking that the Grammy Award-winning star had managed to turn the other cheek, and is simply waiting for the dust to settle.

But it sounds like the mood in the Taylor camp is far from chill right now, with the Blank Space singer admitting she's terrified Kimye have more up their sleeve.

"At this point Taylor does not know what to expect, she feels like they are capable of anything," an insider told HollywoodLife.

"She wouldn’t even be shocked if they pulled some sort of shady editing to make it look like she agreed to stuff that she didn’t," the source continued. "Taylor feels like she’s at war with monsters, it’s very scary."

According to the source, Taylor is feeling particularly conflicted right now and is deliberating between making her voice heard and wanting the whole situation to go away.

"She wants to stand up for herself but she’s also afraid of dragging it on, in some ways suing them is just going to be giving them what they want."

"But she is very clear that she had no idea that the call was being recorded, which means she can go after them in court,” the insider explained.

“Right now Taylor‘s taking the time to decide if she wants to keep the negativity going and sue them or just try to put this behind her. She does really want to clear her name though, so the word is she’s leaning towards suing."

We can only imagine Kimye's response to that.



When it comes to our current weather, many of us don't want to say anything negative in case we scare it away, but there are definite downsides to the increased temperatures we've been experiencing this week.

From round-the-clock upkeep on hairy shins to our barnet's reaction to the humidity, this heatwave isn't all it's cracked up to be, but it looks like the good folk behind Thanko – a Japanese gadget manufacturer – are only dying to lend a helping hand.

According to the Irish Examiner, our friends in Japan have come up with a way to combat sweaty armpits, and all you need is a small, clip-on fan and a desire to looks like a right eejit in public.

Armpit Coolers, which provide wearers with three levels of breezy intensity, can be attached to your clothes with a small clip and are powered by two AAA batteries.

If you fancy ditching your deodorant and cotton tops during this weather, then you can splash out on an Armpit Cooler for – wait for it – €27.

We don't know about you, but something tells us it might not be a go'er in Ireland…



Getting to know your siblings' other halves can be awkward at the best of times, but when you're part of the Kardashian / Jenner family – and the complicated love lives it brings with it – we imagine it might be just that little bit harder.

Opening up about the issue during a recent blog post, Kendall got super candid and admitted she hadn't always been keen on her siblings' new partners, but did her best to keep an open mind.

"I generally greet the new person with an open mind," she wrote in a piece entitled: "LOVE, KENDALL: Meeting My Siblings’ Significant Others Over the Years.’

"But, I do have a strong intuition when I meet people and there have definitely been times that I’ve gotten a bad vibe," she admitted.

While not naming any names, the 20-year-old runway sensation insisted that she always played the diplomat, writing: "When that happens, I don’t say anything right away, because it’s a really sensitive subject for my siblings."

"I just wait it out and see if he or she finds out on their own," she added.

"Eventually, though, I will say something if I feel like one of my brothers or sisters are being taken advantage of, or could be getting hurt."

The model acknowledged that it might not always be easy for the new person to ingratiate themselves with her as she struggles with shyness at times.

"It’s also sometimes tough for me to meet new significant others because even though I’m welcoming, I’m naturally kind of awkward and shy when I don’t know someone," she admitted.

Whether it's Kris Humphries, Tyga or Blac Chyna she's referring to, we don't know, but we have our suspicions..



If you've spent half the morning trying to get a handle on your finances, but haven't gotten very far, you're not alone.

Allied Irish Bank customers have been met with 'connection error' messages when attempting to log in to their account through the bank's official app.

Taking to social media to alert their customers to the issue, Aib Customer Support tweeted: "We're experiencing technical issues on Internet, Tablet & Mobile Banking and are working towards a resolution, appreciate your patience."

As of yet, the customer service department are unable to offer the public a time frame regarding its resolution, telling customers: "I'm afraid we have no update on a time frame as of yet, but we will send an update out once we do."

It is important to note that AIB customers are still able to use their cards and carry out transactions in branch as normal.



With half of Hollywood consumed by the latest instalment in the Kardashian/Swift feud, it was only a matter of time before reality star couple, Heidi and Spencer Pratt, decided to grab a little air-time by weighing in on the discussion.

No stranger to high-profile spats, the couple, who made a name for themselves on MTV's The Hills, offered an analysis of that now infamous phone call, and suggested that Taylor may have felt backed into a corner by the Life of Pablo star.

"I think she played it a little too cool, she was too nice," opined Heidi. "Even if there was more of that phone conversation, it doesn't matter. She wasn't clearly communicating one point."

While Taylor was undoubtedly cool with the lyric which suggests she and Kanye may still hook up but outraged by the use of the word 'b*tch', Heidi admitted she didn't understand Tay's take on that one.

Referring to the line about having sex with Taylor, Heidi said: "That would have disturbed me. Who cares about the B-word? I don't owe you anything."

According to Cosmopolitan, Spencer thinks the leaked footage gave an insight into the real T-Swizzle as opposed to the media-trained Grammy Award-winner we're all used to.

"This is the most I've heard Taylor maybe be the real Taylor, where she's talking about being on the red carpet, how she's gonna talk to the media, spinning her pitch… I think Taylor should've been on the cover of Forbes," he said.

Expressing concern for Taylor's new bae, Spencer suggest that the British star wasn't ready for the unstoppable machine that is the Kardashian dynasty.

"He signed up just to take out Calvin Harris. I don't think he was ready to go against Kim, Kanye, and Khloé Kardashian."

Hmmm, we might be with him on that one…



After acting as the hottest bridesmaid on the planet for her sister during the Royal wedding in April 2011, everyone assumed that Kate Middleton would be returning the favour following her younger sister, Pippa's engagement this week.

But if you – like millions others – had your heart set on another sisterly set-up for the second Middleton wedding, you're about to be sorely disappointed.

According to emerging reports, Kate's global profile means that it's unlikely she will act as maid of honour for her younger sister for fear of upstaging the bride on her big day.

Speaking to People magazine, author and royal correspondent, Judy Wade, suggested that Kate's royal status could cause problems, saying: "Kate would upstage her sister. It's a tricky situation for Pippa."

"She would want her sister by her sister, as who else would she trust to make things go well?" she continued.

And yet, the royal correspondent seemed fairly certain that despite their incredibly close bond, Kate would be determined to shy away from the limelight when her sister ties the knot with hedge fund manager, James Matthews, next year.

"But if your sister is a future Queen, she is going to upstage the bride and draw attention," Judy explained. "Kate would want to be in the background as much as possible."

Aw, this is not the latest instalment we expected of the Middleton / Matthews engagement story.
