Apparently, optimistic people are the ones who live longer, according to research.

Looking on the bright side has apparently been known to improve your health and wellbeing, and also makes you more fun to be around. So, one writer at the Huffington Post put it to the tst in real life. She decided that for two weeks she would no longer be complaining. About anything.

During her two week fast of all “I’m tired” grumbles and snapping at fellow commuters, there were a few main thoughts which occurred to her:

Lacking sleep is a serious issue:

Some variation of “I’m exhausted” was the most common complaint to be held back over the two week period. After taking stock of just often she was tempted to complain about her tiredness, this writer started to take her sleep patterns and coffee intake into consideration.

There was less arguing:

‘Think before you speak’ became the golden rule over 14 days and taking care to make sure you’re not about to open your mouth with a complaint meant that there is less risk of you snapping at someone, apparently.

Negativity is a state of mind:

According to this test, if you stop yourself from engaging in negative speech, then realise how negative your thought processes can be. This can be just as harmful as negative speech if you’re looking for a sunnier outlook on life, it might be time to start changes those negative phrases to more positive ones.

Sometimes you need to vent:

Two whole weeks of holding back from uttering any and all negativities can be stressful it seems. The verdict: sometimes you just need to vent your frustrations, in a healthy way mind you.