Bargain: Rent this stained mattress in North Dublin for €350 a month
Another day, another totally ridiculous rental ad.
Taking full advantage of the housing crisis and people's desperation, you can now rent this beautiful mattress* for €350 a month.
Don't worry about a bed, you won't be having one of those.
Oh and cosy up – because you'll also be sharing this space.
You have the choice of two sleeping arrangements and the stained walls, lucky enough for you, are included in the price.
The advert reads that you'll need "350 euro in advance one month rent, plus 350 euro advance deposit, which is refundable in the future with minimum four weeks in advance notice period required by the either side to get returned of yours one month 350 euro advance deposit, if any party have any time any other plan in the future" – is that confusing enough for you?
This bargain property will give you a month's electricity and Internet bills included in the 350 euro per month.
But hang on, it gets even better: if two people want to share the double bed, get ready to pay 500 euro per person…which includes those pesky bills.
You'll be living with two people who are in their 30s and enjoy cooking, cleaning (could have fooled me), cinema, movies and weekend nights out.
This is prime property in Clontarf and the kitchen comes with a "shakes machine" and an "electric cattle" – I'm sure there's a mistranslation here but come on.
And anyone who lists a hob and an oven as an amenity – seriously raises an eyebrow.
But I think in this case, their pictures of the house is case and point.
The government has a lot to answer for when people are subjected to rental conditions like this.
We can't judge the people who put up the ad though – since they are also subjected to the horrendous housing crisis we are all living in.
EDIT: This listing has since been removed.