‘Roost, yeah?’ 10 ways to know you definitely went to NUI Maynooth
So, NUI Maynooth may have undergone some structural changes in the past five years, but whether you attended in 2005 or 2015, there's something about that college that stays with you.
From wishing they'd install even ONE extra socket in the Arts Block reading room to wondering if the 66 bus was merely a figment of your imagination on wet and windy winter nights, attending NUI Maynooth brought with it many struggles.
But not one of them overshadowed the craic you had as part of one of the soundest, friendliest colleges in the country, right?
And here are just ten ways you know you won't be forgetting your time there any day soon.
1. Tackling that Godforsaken bridge to the south campus meant you REALLY needed a pass in that module.
"I'll just go on Moodle"
2. No matter how much you squinted, the statue of Pope John Paul always reminded you of a giant beetle.
"Sorry Mam, but you'd wanna see that yoke."
3. The resident cat of the Arts Block brought balm to your soul even when she ignored you.
"She's chilling out by the automatic doors, sure."
4. From the day you started to the day you graduated, you never managed to orientate yourself inside the library.
"How have we ended up back here AGAIN? Try those stairs."
5. The noise of the blender in Juicy Lucy made your fillings rattle and your temples contract.
"My hangover cannot cope with this."
6. The canteen fire of 2008 was the defining moment of your time in NUIM.
"I'll never forget where I was…"
7. Mantra's opening night was your cue to get yourself some hefty notions.
"A round of strawberry daiquiris, Saoirse?"
8. The mile-long queue for O'Briens in the John Hume building made you question your love of carbs, but then you got called 'hun' by the friendliest woman on the planet.
"Worth it, definitely worth it."
9. A bottle of Kinsey vodka from Dunnes signalled a week off lectures.
"It's grand, I'll split it with everyone."
10. Manor Mills was the place to go when you needed a little last minute style.
"It's grand, we'll just grab a few nice tops and meet up in the Roost."