These are the best tips for when you have the office munchies
Do you tend to eat on the go? Indulge in endless amounts of coffee (on an empty stomach), or tuck into treats while you're at your desk in work?
If you're guilty of any of these, it's okay, because most people who work in offices are.
There's a lot of working lunches, pastries and endless coffee runs, which over time can really effect your overall health.
But it's not all doom and glum as there are really easy ways to turn your office snacking into healthy habits!
Many people still don't realise how important it is to have breakfast in the morning.
But if you're always in a rush, (we know how good an extra five minutes in bed can be), then homemade granola is your best option.
Choose your favourite nuts, seeds and grains and store them in an air tight container. This way they will be ready for you each morning.
And if that's still cutting you tight for time, use the granola mix to whip up some granola bars at the weekend (they will keep in the fridge for a week). Perfect for when you're running for the bus with half your coat on and your hair not even brushed yet!
There's no point telling yourself you won't snack during the day, because you will; especially if you're office neighbour is crunching down on some biscuits.
To help curb the unhealthy cravings, hummus is a godsend. When you feel the office munchies coming on, enjoy hummus with a few carrots, celery sticks or toasted pitta bread and your hunger stay at bay until lunch.
And if you really want to step it up a notch, try making your own hummus with this easy recipe.
Fruit is another obvious office munch. It's always handy to keep a back of berries or grapes to snack on during the day. Nuts are great too as they're full of fibre and will help keep your energy levels up in the long run.
We know a salad is the healthiest option to have for lunch, but on some days, it just doesn't cut it. When them days strike, opt for quinoa. Quinoa is great because it's super healthy and it absorbs so much flavour into the meal.
But if you really want to go all out for lunch, try a mason jar meal. Not only will they keep for ages due to their super-tight lid, they are super easy to make up and store; so all you have to do is grab the jar before you run out the door to work!