Say hello to Oreo Cookie Spread (and yes, we might be drooling)
In the world of sweet treats, Oreo cookies are definitely on the top ten list.
And now, you can add them to anything.
The creator of the Cronut recently teamed up with the cookie brand to make Oreo Cookie Spread, and it looks totally delish.
Dominique Ansel (who we basically want to marry) created the spread in promotion of the #MyOreoCreation contest, a social media contest that lets Oreo lovers submit their idea for the next cookie flavour.
The spreadable dark chocolate ganache is infused with broken Oreo biscuit, and it even has a layer of milk ganache in the middle.
It's recommended to go on crepes and shortbread cookies, but come on… we're going to lash it on everything.
Unlucky for us though, it's only available in New York at the moment, and you can get it for FREE at Dominique Ansel's Bakery this week.
If you know an Oreo lover heading over to NYC, they need to see this now.