22 per cent of Irish women NEVER orgasm: What exactly is going on?
Ladies; a mere 15 percent of us orgasm every time we have sex, while 22 per cent of us don't at all.
If you're stunned by these figures, you're not the only one.
Jennifer Zamparelli, who is leading Durex's latest #OrgasmsForAll movement, aims to end bedroom inequality.
While speaking to Jennifer, she told us how women need to initiate a dialogue and communicate their desires when it comes to the bedroom.
"One of the reasons I got involved [with Durex] was because it's all about getting the conversation going, isn't it?
"You need to be able to speak frankly about it, because Irish people aren't great at being frank… Like, I did it on a breakfast show and it didn't go well – it took three years for people to get used to [frank conversation]."
When it comes to men, Jennifer thinks that we can't be too hard on them, because it's not their fault either.
"It's not that men are doing a bad job – they're grand. It's, I suppose, about women not speaking up enough.
"And it always takes a bottle of wine to get the conversation going, right?!"
Hands up how many of us are a tad hesitant talking about what goes on in the bedroom? We'd say a few of you reading this are virtually throwing your hands up.
However, we were surprised at just how few of us actually speak about our sex lives – even with the person we're having sex with.
The Durex survey, which questioned 2,104 men and women in Ireland, found that 16 per cent of Irish women admit they would be too embarrassed to tell their partner how to help them orgasm and 8 per cent say they stay quiet because they want their partner to figure it out for themselves.
The figure we found most astonishing though, was that only 22 per cent of us speak about our sex lives with friends. We're surely more open than that?!
But Jennifer believes that we need to start talking now, because your sex life won't just benefit from it, "everything [will], whether it's emotional, physical, or sexual. It all starts with a conversation.
"It's about getting women talking… because we're all so busy. We try to be brilliant at everything.
"We want to be a great mother, we want to be great in the office, we want to be great at home, we want to be great as a friend… and then we don't have enough balls in the bedroom!"
But when it comes to sexual confidence and age, Jennifer thinks it only gets better, even though the survey might disagree.
"I think everything gets better with age. I'm a lot more comfortable in my own skin now than I was years ago.
"You definitely become more confident in your own skin and that goes for sexual confidence as well.
"But still, the stats are there and that's from women of all ages just not speaking up.
"With women, there's always so much to do, whether you're 21 or 51 – we want to please and we don't want confrontation."
And it doesn't stop there. 23 per cent of us wouldn't expect to orgasm if our partner already had. But guess what? You should be getting a great orgasm every single damn time.
As Jennifer puts it, "we don't want to hurt the other person's feelings or make them feel inadequate – that's actually not the case.
"I don't think we give men enough credit because they probably want us just as happy as well."
If you fancy closing the "pleasure gap" as Jen calls it, Durex has introduced a new range of stimulating and intensifying products such as its new Intense Stimulating Gel, Intense Stimulating Condoms and a Pleasure Ring for your fun only.
All items are available in pharmacies nationwide now.