Oscars SLAMMED for yet another year full of ‘all-white nominees’
As we revel in the success of Irish individuals nominated for Academy Awards this year, the ceremony is once again being criticised for it's lack of diversity in nominations.
The Oscars have notoriously been considered as a conservative operation with many perceiving that predictable films and performers are nominated and take home the awards every year.
This year is no different as industry insiders and critics took to social media to lament the lack of diversity in this year's nominations.
"Why did the Oscars announce all the white nominees first?" said Ricky Gervais sarcastically to his 10.5 million Twitter followers yesterday.
The nominations also prompted the #OscarsSoWhite hashtag to resurface as spectators noted that no black directors or actors appeared in the top categories.
"It's actually worse than last year. Best Documentary and Best Original Screenplay. That's it," tweeted April Reign, the original creator of the popular hashtag.
Perhaps the criticisms facing the ceremony are unsurprising when considering the makeup of the Academy itself whose members vote on who is to take home each award.
A survey conducted in 2012 revealed that of the five thousand members of the prestigious organisation, over ninety per cent were Caucasian and over fifty per cent were over the age of sixty.
Glaring omissions from the nominations this year are considered to be Idris Elba for Beasts of No Nation, Will Smith for his work in the film, Concussion as well as the cast of the boxing film, Creed.
However, most people were enraged by the critically acclaimed biopic Straight Outta Compton only receiving one nomination for Best Original Screenplay.
Many noted that the film, directed by F. Gary Grey, was only nominated for it's white script writers rather than the efforts of the cast, director or crew.
And even Cheryl Isaac, president of the Academy, has picked up on this.
"I really was disappointed. Fabulous movie, fabulous movie," said Cheryl to the Associated Press.
"What is important is that this entire conversation of diversity is here and we are talking about it. It is an industry-wide situation and we need to continue this conversation."