Cara Delevigne just slayed a Game Of Thrones star on Twitter
In July Cara Delevingne had a very awkward moment when she was on the promotional trail for her film Paper Towns. The model-turned-actress was interviewed by anchors for Good Day Sacramento when things took a turn for the worst.
Things got off to a rocky start when one of the anchors introduced her as 'Carla', and then just went downhill for there.
Her signature sarcasm and humour didn't translate to the American hosts and by the end they asked if the star was "exhausted", Her reply: "Perhaps it's just you," led to quite a social media stir. Once the interview ended the hosts continued to slate Cara with comments such as:
"You make $5m for six weeks of work, you can pretend to talk to Good Day Sacramento with some oomph."
Some people just don't understand sarcasm or the British sense of humour
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) July 29, 2015
We thought that everyone had moved on from the incident by now but it seems that at least one celeb still had something to add to the misadventure.
Richard Madden, AKA Robb Stark from Game Of Thrones, made reference to the ordeal when interviewed by Style magazine:
"It made her seem ungrateful. It showed her age. For Cinderella I did 6 weeks of those interviews."
Ouch, don't hold back Richard. He added:
"If you're not capable of doing that gracefully then don't do it."
Cara did not take the criticism lightly and took to social media to sound off:
@_richardmadden I have no idea who you are but I think it's little desperate for a grown man to be bad mouthing someone they don't know
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) September 15, 2015
Fans reacted expertly:
@Caradelevingne @_richardmadden pic.twitter.com/tpKTXcVLPR
— Cara D's Squad (@CaraDSquad) September 15, 2015
Oh and then Richard had to come back and try to diffuse the situation:
Hi @Caradelevingne, nothing but respect for you. Misquoted and blown out of proportion. #SlowNewsWeek
— Richard Madden (@_richardmadden) September 16, 2015
When will they ever learn?