Fancy a FREE coffee today? All you need to do is Pay With A Poem
Ah, Monday morning. It's the day that you need ALL the coffee in the world to get through – but alas, we'll just settle for a nice latte.
But, what if we told you coffee shops all across the capital are giving away coffee in exchange of a poem? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it's not.
Lovin Dublin and Irish poet Kerrie O'Brien noticed that cafés all over Eurpoe were giving out cups of coffee if you hand over a poem, written or spoken, instead of cash.
And since it's World Poetry Day today, Lovin Dublin wanted to spread the love in our fair city.
Loads of great coffee shops are taking part including Clement and Pekoe, Kaph, BB's and Nick's Coffee Co and many more are expected to join throughout the day.
So if you need a caffeine fix, head to one of these cafés and recite the perfect(ish) poem. Monday isn't so bad after all!