5 surprising things that turn him on
You don’t have to have the perfect figure to turn a man on. Luckily, there are certain things that make all men go gaga for a woman.
Here are the top 5 things that will instantly turn him on:
An accent
If you score a lot more when you’re abroad then there’s a chance that your accent has something to do with it.
A sexy voice
Whether it’s husky or not, a sexy voice sends shivers down a man’s spine.
A nice rack
Don’t worry about how small it is. Men appreciate a woman’s feminine parts no matter the size.
Full lips
The sight of beautiful full lips makes him want to kiss you – just remember to keep them soft and moisturised.
Dirty talk
Since men are usually the ones who initiate sex, a woman who likes to talk dirty is always a bonus. Just watch how quickly he jumps after you tell him what you want to do to him.