RTÉ reveal what’s really in chicken fillet rolls and people can’t deal
The humble chicken fillet is something of a college diet staple, and has saved us from too many hangovers to count.
But after watching RTÉ's What Are You Eating last night, we might skip the hot deli next time we're looking for a quick lunch – and it seems we're not the only ones.
The new series, which kicked off last week, aims to lift the lid on processed and convenience foods, many of which are considered healthy by Irish eaters, but are in fact packed with calories, fat, salt and additives.
Myself and #whatareyoueating guest star Florence experienced creative tensions on set
Chicken Kiev at ours tonight pic.twitter.com/HWbHvEAnp0
— Philip Boucher-Hayes (@boucherhayes) March 30, 2016
And for presenter Philip Boucher-Hayes and chef Hilary O'Hagan, the first meal up on the chopping block was, you've guessed it, the chicken fillet roll. Irish people consume around 45,000 chickens every TWO and a half hours, making us one of the top consumers of poultry in Europe.
It was this clip, in which Hilary explained that virtually all the "good" meat (breast, leg etc) is removed from a chicken carcass before the remainder is blended and crushed up into a "chicken fillet," that really had people questioning their choice of lunch.
Chicken is Ireland's favourite meat, but here's a quick insight into the makings of a fillet #whatareyoueating pic.twitter.com/AYIgCDeweC
— RTE ONE (@RTEOne) March 30, 2016
The chicken fillet connoisseurs of Twitter didn't take the bad news too well:
Safe to say I've eaten my last chicken fillet roll #whatareyoueating
— Pete Newman (@talentedmrpete) March 30, 2016
Bob walks in, munching on chicken fillet roll. *What're you watching* says he. Looks at telly. *Have a seat* says I. #whatareyoueating
— Annie West (@anniewestdotcom) March 30, 2016
Thank you @boucherhayes for ensuring that I never EVER consume another chicken fillet roll… #WhatAreYouEating
— Elaine Buckley (@ElaineBucko) March 30, 2016
Things didn't get much nicer then, as Philip visited a chicken processing factory:
Flying chickens #whatareyoueating @RTEOne 8.30 tonight pic.twitter.com/OZnGd4acaJ
— Philip Boucher-Hayes (@boucherhayes) March 30, 2016
Ah Philip Boucher-Hayes @boucherhayes @RTEOne you are killing me #WhatAreYouEating the end of the chicken fillet roll is in sight
— Philip (@philipmcourtney) March 30, 2016
And then of course there were the cold hard facts – between roll and chicken alone, a chicken fillet roll comes in at over 1,000 calories and packs in 5g of salt, more than your RDA of 4g per day.
1000 calories in a chicken fillet roll. I feel so betrayed I trusted you chicken fillet roll
— Fiona Fogarty (@FionaFogartyy) March 30, 2016
The #chickenfilletroll irony is that people think 'fillet' = 'lean meat' = 'healthy choice'.
(Versus 'makeyuppymeat')#whatareyoueating— Aoife Carrigy (@Holymackers) March 30, 2016
Up next week is milk and cheese, so we'd suggest having something other than a toastie and a milky cuppa on your plate while watching it…
Catch What Are You Eating next Wednesday March 6 on RTÉ One.