Women are describing themselves like male authors, and it’s hilarious
The art of writing fiction is expressed differently by everyone who seeks to pursue the challenge of crafting a novel.
However, some female fiction fans have noticed that female-identifying characters in some male-written novels are rather two-dimensional.
One Twitter user challenged the internet to describe themselves like the trope of a male author would.
While there are undoubtedly hundreds of esteemed male authors, the responses to the call were quite familiar:
Her hair caught the eye first, long and thick, but her full lips kept the gaze, she would've been something to write home about if she had only learned to keep them shut.
— C.J. Southwood (@CJSouthwood_) April 1, 2018
She was a bit too old and bespectacled to be a schoolboy’s fantasy, but her curvy waist still attracted the eye. She had blue eyes, brown hair in pixie cut, and an air of feistiness when she said “stop leering at me or I’ll rip your chest open to remove your beating heart, jerk.”
— Stockholm (@Taltyelemna) April 1, 2018
She had a mane of dark curls and an ass shaped by a loving god, but the faint lines around her eyes and the bourbon in her hand spoke of complication and baggage beyond his abilities. His attention shifted past her to the 25-year-old blonde two seats down.
— yet another Sarah (@solidbee) April 1, 2018
[insert something about being mixed race and how that makes me petite and inherently submissive but juxtapose it with the idea of me being adorably aggressive and will stand up for myself. But make it sound endearing. ]
— Lilly Beth Chung (@LillyBethChungx) April 1, 2018
She caught my eye in a peripheral sort of way; just enough that I noticed her form in the background. Upon inspection, her tight frown and standoffish demeanor invited me to skate my eyes away from her in discomfort. Moments later, she was completely erased from my memory.
— Alicia Mestre (@aliciamestre) April 1, 2018
She caught my eye in a peripheral sort of way; just enough that I noticed her form in the background. Upon inspection, her tight frown and standoffish demeanor invited me to skate my eyes away from her in discomfort. Moments later, she was completely erased from my memory.
— Alicia Mestre (@aliciamestre) April 1, 2018
[Non ironic description characterizing me as “exotic”. The words mahogany and/ ebony are used to describe my skin tone. In fact, the entire passage is strictly dedicated to emphasizing how black I am. Insert unnecessary commentary about how full my lips are.]
— A